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Messages - [DGC]Doomer

mIRC/pawn Scripting / Problems in my server (again)
January 04, 2010, 07:52:28 PM
Well when i spawn cars , they will gain extreme speed and perfect handling.
And when i want to spawn pickups , they dont appear.
a newer version of the Rcon dll? well i will try then.

EDIT:   yeah it worked, thanks!
i just changed some script code and now it works!
but , umm whats new in r2? I never found a changelog or something.
mIRC/pawn Scripting / Scripts dont connect since r2!
January 02, 2010, 04:01:09 AM
like the title says , my FBS isnt connectin to my server anymore it just says:

$dll: no such routine 'connect'


how do i fix that?

if you need to see my script , well then just pm me
you not a hero anymore....
because you are...
The hero! :D
is there a way to create pickups via command?
i am still usin fbs
the pickups are still not shown (i made even new cood's)
and at the skin selector some skins "stuck"
Script Showroom / Re: Weed Growing [FBS Add-On]
March 23, 2009, 04:28:39 PM
an example please i dont understand what you mean :-\
Class = -1 098 -871.9905 -683.0166 11.2303 322.1590 1 1 17 250 24 500 ; from me!
Class = -1 097 -874.5610 -681.3728 11.2195 321.5323 1 1 17 250 24 500 ; from me!
Class = -1 000 -272.5746 -492.0367 11.0417 1.3260 1 1 17 250 27 500 ; from me!
Class = -1 084 -1168.7358 -627.7281 11.8277 5.0861 6 1 17 250 22 500 ; from me!
Class = -1 126 -833.5983 -902.6993 11.1034 272.0997 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; from me!
Class = -1 001 392.2294 -477.8773 12.3432 320.2274 1 1 17 250 22 500 ; from me!
Class = -1 137 222.0415 -1293.3761 12.0744 30.0546 8 1 17 250 25 500 ; from me!

; -----------------------------------------------
; <<<<< START OF PICKUPS >>>>>
; Pickup = #Pickup_id #spawn_x #spawn_y #spawn_z

Pickup = 368 -855.5118 -631.2861 11.3756 ; 24-7armor
Pickup = 368 407.7466 -483.1101 12.3432 ;copshoparmor
;Pickup = 280 335.0001 -234.9047 29.6466 ;conssiteTest m4
;Pickup = 289 336.0001 -234.9047 29.6466 ;conssiteTest m60
Pickup = 288 311.0720 -238.6959 38.3752 ;conssite flamethrower
Pickup = 368 266.4264 -249.8750 36.1315 ;conssite armour
Pickup = 366 373.7430 -255.7513 46.0797 ;conssite health
Pickup = 368 341.0047 -230.0483 38.3752 ;conssite armour
Pickup = 288 -990.6908 263.9287 8.8123 ;printunderground flamethrower
Pickup = 278 -988.6908 263.9287 8.8123 ;printunderground stubby
Pickup = 280 -986.6908 263.9287 8.8123 ;printunderground m4
Pickup = 368 -1034.1990 41.1718 11.3544 ; nearpizzagrave armour
Pickup = 368 -1472.9331 -866.6178 20.8979 ; airportarmour
Pickup = 277 -672.05 749.44 10.90
Pickup = 368 -671.05 749.44 10.90
Pickup = 278 -670.05 749.44 10.90
Pickup = 366 -113.2 -975.7 10.4
Pickup = 366 -225.1 -1158.1 9.1
Pickup = 366 456.2 -471.4 16.6
Pickup = 366 377.4 467.7 11.6
Pickup = 366 469.6 697.4 11.7
Pickup = 366 385.3 1210.9 19.4
Pickup = 366 384.3 756.6 11.7
Pickup = 366 10.7 1099.0 16.6
Pickup = 366 85.3 402.7 19.8
Pickup = 366 -711.7 -501.7 11.3
Pickup = 366 -404 -588.0 11.6
Pickup = 366 -406.2503 -566.4947 19.5804
Pickup = 366 -478.1  1438.5 16.1
Pickup = 366 -67  1263.3 25.1
Pickup = 366 -821.8 1144.8 26.1
Pickup = 366 -1139.4 55.4 11.2
Pickup = 366 -1290.9 91.9 26.9
Pickup = 366 -885.4 -483.4  13.1
Pickup = 366 -925.1 -638.3 16.0
Pickup = 366 -692.4 -1283.8 11.1
Pickup = 366 -655.1 -1506.3 8.1
Pickup = 366 -1399.4 -865.9 20.9
Pickup = 366 -822.6 1137.3 12.4
Pickup = 366 -851.4 -78.8 11.5
Pickup = 366 -834.2 740.6 11.3
Pickup = 368 499.328, 82.659, 9.866 ; from me!
Pickup = 268 476.624, -64.498, 9.003 ; from me!
Pickup = 288 452.858, -364.224, 9.037 ; from me!
Pickup = 368 452.859, -364.224, 9.037 ; from me!
Pickup = 368 322.317, -742.436, 8.670 ; from me!
Pickup = 288 322.318, -742.436, 8.670 ; from me!
Pickup = 366 176.138, -1204.099, 8.921 ; from me!
Pickup = 366 -506.032, -931.528, 24.622 ; from me!
Pickup = 366 -844.234, -962.686, 9.757 ; from me!
Pickup = 368 -844.235, -962.686, 9.757 ; from me!
Pickup = 298 -844.236, -962.686, 9.757 ; from me!
Pickup = 366 -915.486, -341.060, 12.399 ; from me!
Pickup = 298 -915.485, -341.060, 12.399 ; from me!
Pickup = 290 -915.484, -341.060, 12.399 ; from me!
[AoD]NC you are still a hero  ;D Thank to both of ya  :D
here is the pickup script with signals. is there some usable?
cuz i dont know how to delete pickups  :-\

on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.pickup.hit:{
  ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = PlayerID, $3 = PickupID, $4 = PickupType

  if ($4 == 407) {
    FBS.PropInfo $3 $2
    timer.spawnpickup 1 3 vcmp.respawnpickup $1 $3
  if ($4 == 337)  {
    FBS.IncCash $1 $2 $rand(1,10000)
    vcmp.msg $1 $2 picked up some money fresh from fight
  ;-------------------------------------/|\ Money pickup /|\------------------------------------------------------
  !.signal vcmp.pickuphit $1-

on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.pickup.new:{
  ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = PickupID, $3 = PickupType, $4 = X, $5 = Y, $6 = Z

  !.signal vcmp.pickupnew $1-

on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.pickup.delete:{
  ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = PickupID

  !.signal vcmp.pickupdelete $1-
2 days and no answer oh come on guys please help me what i do wrong?
i meant which command to delete pickup?
ah ok thanks ^^
but the money respawns .... what i must do?

i use FBS !
mIRC/pawn Scripting / Re: Scripts needed!!!
March 22, 2009, 07:07:31 PM
well np i made an crime , Suspect and wanted script right now ^^
all what i need is an Sellweed command now!
mIRC/pawn Scripting / Re: Scripts needed!!!
March 22, 2009, 05:33:04 PM
no answers?