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Messages - Vayan

Here is my own reworked version of General Use Scripts 9.0. May contain some bugs, because I don't have much time to test it. Try !info commands, !info buycar, !info garage and !info property.
mIRC/pawn Scripting / Re: How To !cmd to /c <cmd> ?
February 07, 2009, 07:52:25 AM
The simpliest way for one command - is just put to it in checking of vcmp.command2 signals. Just add before the string
else vcmp.msg %id Error - Invalid System Command $+ , Type "!commands" for a list of commands!
The code for checking say command:
  elseif ($2 == say) {
    if ($vcmp.cmdcheck(!say,%id) == fail) !halt
    elseif (!$3) vcmp.msg %id Error - Missing Information, $2 <text>
    else {
      var %a = 0
      while (%a <=  50) {
        if ($vcmp.name(%a) != Unknown) {
          vcmp.announce  %a  $3-
        !inc %a

Good luck!
I've just changed the number in the alias and now !setarmour command works perfectlly. I've reworked nearly the whole GUS and now I'm working on the new commands and abilities. For experienced SCM scripter this is just the rest. =) When I'll buy ADSL - everybody's welcome to my Cubans vs Haitians + Cops server.
I've found the serious bug.
alias vcmp.setarmour dll rcondll.dll RconCommand set 16 $1-
16 must be replaced with 12, because set 16 is the icon creation command. That's why !setarmour doesn't work and weird icons appear on the map sometimes.