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Messages - xoskullxo13

Okay, I haven't been on VC:MP for a while. And I noticed that a new version is coming out. So I was wondering when the 0.4 beta testing will be? And if I could help test it? :P
Well I think he was working on it, because now its unlocked.. But every time i try to connect to that server for LC-MP, it goes to the LC start screen.. Then it just quits on me.. Any help on this problem?
Support / Re: VC:MP don't work
March 08, 2008, 11:35:02 PM
try re-installing the VC:MP, if that dont work, try re-installing the whole Vice City....?
Tell me when it works =D
Support / Re: Help!!!
March 08, 2008, 11:33:00 PM
Quote from: bakasan on March 08, 2008, 11:13:27 PM
servers in the legacy tab are probably version 0.3x
I already tried and it dont work, but the legacy server aint there atm
Support / Help!!!
March 08, 2008, 09:20:26 PM
Hey, I noticed a server in the Legacy section, the race server, and i tried to connect (v0.3z) and it said im using the wrong version, and i just downloaded every version and it dont work... anyone know how to connect?
LC:MP / Can anyone tell me some of the cool servers?
March 04, 2008, 10:59:20 PM
Hey, Uum I have just dowloaded the patch or what ever for vice city, and i would like to know What some of the LC:MP servers are, I have heard about the Ultra Mega server, but I need a password for that... Any help?