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Thanks for unban our subnets

Started by johnx, October 07, 2010, 10:18:43 AM

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what is this strike its not a joke we not belongs to bloody (Amir,Asif and Salman butt)..
its not a cricket its a game so unbanned us..
think think think seriously man its not a matter of any 1 or 2 players but its a problem of many players,
what about those players which are banned without a reason.
I always lessen about u. U never do injustices with honest players .
So why u do that now its opposite to your personalty STRIKE...
think about your design STRIKE and do justices with us thankxxxxx.. :)


what the hell is this unban us >:( plz i hv started crying  :'( missing hunting arena  :(


unbaned us,,,,,,don is right because we not playing cricket match here lol shifter don come rpg they unbaned us  i m waiting  :-\


why u r not giving reply strike or kill3r bcs of those hackers why we r banned why ??
unbanned our subnets strike we want to play unbanned us 
reply us why we r still banned what is our fault  ???  >:(


Tell your Cheating friends to stop evading then i will think about it

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why u r not fairing with us this is unfair now on irc we cant join why this is too much



Quote from: king_[ARSALAN] on October 08, 2010, 03:40:34 PM
lol what we do withu

answre me strike of my this question we do any wrong thing with u ?


yea tell us why u banned our subnnet we r not hackes >:( :-[ :-[


strike u banned our subnnet from two days but we do nothing wrong we r not hackers i know there is some hacker but not all there r also the honest persons like me and others so plz unbanned our subnnet strike plz we r not hackers u know as well i know but bcz of some hackers u banned our subbnet but there r alote of players who r not hackers like me and u  and we r honest players so unabanned our subnnet????????????????????? :'( :'(




i would like to do thank you for unabn our subnets strike

but the little thing i want to say that plz  unban our irc channel  i  promiss we never spawm there too much never tease u or any admins


np and subnet ban removed from echo and discussion channel
