Author Topic: [BUG] Shotgun animations getting stuck / shots not firing  (Read 1907 times)

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Offline Hanney

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[BUG] Shotgun animations getting stuck / shots not firing
« on: August 08, 2013, 12:09:48 am »
After firing a shotgun and running into a fast switch and firing again briefly afterwards the shot does not sync up on the other players screen.

Most of the time

What you were doing when the bug happened
Not sure if it happened previously or just haven't noticed it. Was running up to players knocking them down with stubby then fast switch sprinting towards them and trying to shoot them on the ground when the shot wasn't syncing.

What you think caused the bug

The animation isn't being played fully.

Video taken on beta team test server:

<@AdTec_224> so where is this 0.4 source code?
<@AdTec_224> and that is just a picture of the 0.4 chatbox ><
<SFi7z> yes
<@AdTec_224> which can be taken from anywhere
<SFi7z> haha