Servers / Vice City At War [VCAW]
« on: June 07, 2013, 06:06:29 am »Vice City
The concept of this server is all out war. Every man for himself. No holds barred(except minigun atm). Currently only developed by me.
- Main Server: kshadow.us:5192
- Rewrite(Beta) Server: kshadow.us:5190
Current script on the main server is a bit buggy and only good for one thing...killing one another
Rewrite server(will be made main server when ban system and spree system is done) has the following:
- Car System - getcar, buycar, sellcar, sharecar, delsharecar, mycars, sharedcars, and car commands.
- Bank System - cash, withdraw, deposit, and givecash commands.
- Prop System - buyprop, sellprop, shareprop, delshareprops, myprops, and sharedprops commands.
- Ignore features - ignore and unignore commands(Useful for when certain people annoy you[still wanna figure out how to make it persistant, someday]( Output for these were modeled after the only other server I know of to have these commands, VCCNR )
Both servers have categorized help commands. Main server has both !commands and /c commands. Rewrite(Beta) server only has /c commands to cut back on spam.
Credits - Without these people, I'd probably be bored out of my skull trying to figure it out on my own
- Force - FBS scripts for a somewhat basic understanding of how the server is ran
- hellboy_vkk - Helping get the random tip/news messages going and for inspiring me to add the ignore/unignore features
- Fuzzie - His sqlite account system helped me get my rewrite of VCAW's scripts going
- stormeus - storm256 encryption that was included in Fuzzie's account system
- Thomas - For providing me with his multi-wep command(even though he didn't need to but did anyways)
- MaDKiLlEr (However it's capitalized) - For his help with the prop system in VCAW's first script
- Users on VCCNR - For dealing with me give play by plays on what I've added/improved
Will try my best to keep this updated as development continues.