Snippet Showroom / Sending Formatted Messages, Easiest Way.
« on: May 14, 2014, 01:55:17 am »
A way to send formatted messages without making long codes, just 1 line and its done. I came from sa-mp coding PAWN and just sharing my knowledge.
static stock
fmat[ 144 + 1 ];
//MsgF( playerid, colour, string[], arguments );
#define MsgF(%0,%1,%2,%3) \
format(fmat, sizeof(fmat), %2, %3); SendClientMessage(%0,%1,fmat)
//MsgAllF( colour, string[], arguments );
#define MsgAllF(%0,%1,%2) \
format(fmat, sizeof(fmat), %1, %2); SendClientMessage(%0,%1,fmat)
static stock
fmat[ 144 + 1 ];
//MsgF( playerid, colour, string[], arguments );
#define MsgF(%0,%1,%2,%3) \
format(fmat, sizeof(fmat), %2, %3); SendClientMessage(%0,%1,fmat)
//MsgAllF( colour, string[], arguments );
#define MsgAllF(%0,%1,%2) \
format(fmat, sizeof(fmat), %1, %2); SendClientMessage(%0,%1,fmat)