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Messages - Special

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General Discussion / Re: Which is good script for vcmp server?...
« on: August 15, 2014, 06:48:05 am »
Asking about which is better is probably a personal question :P

 I feel better using squirrel due to the syntax overall. Squirrel servers have been improved/updated and exclusive scripting features included, so you can expect a better platform using squirrel language. But note that both languages are also limited by R2 version as well. If i had to pick one, i'd directly start learning squirrel since it is more "easier" to read, and it has a similar syntax with C++/java/etc.

This forum has exclusive PAWN scripting and general VC:MP support. I suggest you (in case you pick squirrel), submit an account in the unofficial forums which is full squirrel scripting support.

u mean squirrel is better then pawn right? btw thanks for ur reply

General Discussion / Re: Which is good script for vcmp server?...
« on: August 15, 2014, 01:12:26 am »
Hi Special,

Well, let me try to explain them as short, as possible:

  • PAWN: Like the others above already mentioned, it is a scripting language, which allows you to create your own gamemode for games, like VC:MP, or SA-MP. Unfortunatelly, it won't be supported in the upcoming release of VC:MP (0.4) at all (which btw. i myself highly disagree for several reasons, but this is another story), so basically it doesn't worth to learn, if you plan to script only and specifically for VC:MP. Related materials are available below:

  • Pawno: First and foremost, you'd know, that PAWN scripts cannot be used in their "raw", human readable format (.pwn files), so they have to be compiled to binary format (.amx), which can be done with a compiler (pawncc.exe in this case). This way, Pawno is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), basically, a GUI (Graphical User Interface) for the compiler and an editor in one. In order to get it, just follow the instructions, described in my earlier post.
  • GUPS: The name is an acronym and covers the following: General Use Pawn Scripts. It's a script, written in Pawn language by Tamas, however, the original version (GUS) - for mIRC based servers - was released by Tommis.
  • Squirrel: It's also a scripting language, just like Pawn, but it's a completely different one of course, with different philosophy, structure, syntax, etc.. Another significant difference is, that these scripts can be precompiled (.cnut files), but it isn't necessary at all (.nut files). Anyways, Squirrel compiler isn't available as a binary, but you have to compile it yourself from sources. Related materials:

That's all for now :) , but please, let me know, if you need any further help.

Kind regards,


thanks alot T800 u gave me whole information I need u r the best :)..
but i have some questions..

which is better squirrel or pawn?
which script i should learn first?
can i write and compile these scripts in notepad ++?

General Discussion / Re: Which is good script for vcmp server?...
« on: August 14, 2014, 12:19:22 am »
Pawno Gups Pawn Squirrel .......... can any one explain them at length?
& where i can download them..

and i need squirrel script basics...

General Discussion / Re: Hello Every One...
« on: August 13, 2014, 08:05:02 pm »
GUPS is a Script Or Software Like Notepad ++?
GUPS is a scripts. The software to use is PAWN. I might upload a video about pawn if you want.

Yes i want plz upload... and 1 more question Gups is script and pawn is software right.!
then what is Squirrel???

General Discussion / Re: Hello Every One...
« on: August 13, 2014, 02:42:48 am »
GUPS is a Script Or Software Like Notepad ++?

General Discussion / Re: Hello Every One...
« on: August 12, 2014, 09:56:26 pm »
what is gups?

General Discussion / Which is good script for vcmp server?...
« on: August 12, 2014, 06:29:29 am »
i dnt know about vcmp server scripts
i need to know which is best for beginners;!

can we make vcmp server with any one of them?
C , PHP , JavaScript , SQL , Python , Ruby Or Perl...

Please guys tell me i want to make my own server...

waiting for ur replies...

Pages: [1]