mIRC/pawn Scripting / Re: Gametext Script?
« on: July 23, 2008, 07:39:46 pm »
Thx its work. I rewrited a bit now its look like this:
elseif ($2 == !announce) {
if ($hget(vcmp,loggedin. $+ %id) < 10) { vcmp.adminmsg %id You must be Admin Level 10 or higher to attempt this command. }
else {
vcmp.gametext.all Ad $3
And how can i send message from IRC to ingame?
I tryed this but thats didnt work:
elseif (($1 == !announce) || ($1 == !ann)) vcmp.gametext.all < $+ $nick $+ > $2-
elseif ($2 == !announce) {
if ($hget(vcmp,loggedin. $+ %id) < 10) { vcmp.adminmsg %id You must be Admin Level 10 or higher to attempt this command. }
else {
vcmp.gametext.all Ad $3
And how can i send message from IRC to ingame?
I tryed this but thats didnt work:
elseif (($1 == !announce) || ($1 == !ann)) vcmp.gametext.all < $+ $nick $+ > $2-