Do you know anyway to make a auto restarter for the Squirrel/pawn server when the server has been attacked and taken down?
@Echo Off
Start /W "" VCMPServer.exe
Goto _Start
This is a correct Windows batch (.bat) script for an auto-restarter. If you are running on Linux (.sh):
RC = 1
while [ $RC -ne 0 ]; do
, or know some firewall or software to configure the income packets and prevent the server would be OFF?[/size]
If you are on Windows, sorry, I have no idea how you can protect yourself from these packets. If you are on Linux, you could
probably use
iptables to filter packets by content, and drop any packets that match a malformed packet. However, that would require disclosing the malformed packets' data, which could be a security hazard to everyone else.
If you are using a Squirrel server, it's protected against all known crashes and exploits, including those that were posted (and removed) on the forum earlier as of
April 1st. If your server is older than that,
download the newest version.