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what do i need to connect a mirc script to the new server

Started by Obito, February 10, 2010, 10:19:56 PM

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i have an old script that is made for the r1 version
and i wanted to connect it to a r2 server
but that didn't work
it says connecting ... and it fails
do i need some special dll or a new dll file or something
or i need something else


Script name?
Yes u need a new dll but say script name.

Hai Obi btw :p


my own script
i was working on it before i left vcmp
and hi NC xD
btw i get some message saying
RCON : unable to connect to remote console server
and maxusers = 0
on the ms-dos window
is that normal ?



what dll was the script using on r1? VRockers DLL or the original DLL? also make sure you have RconMaxUsers = 1 in your server.ini.




Boss : thanks i added that line and it worked well
Adtec : vrocker's dll
the script connected but now im having a little problem with the server
i updated the file called mode.pwn but the changes i made didn't take effect
i mean that i changed cars and changed the name of the mode and stuff
but none of that toke effect
don't know why


Quote from: Obito on February 15, 2010, 05:38:40 PM
i updated the file called mode.pwn but the changes i made didn't take effect
i mean that i changed cars and changed the name of the mode and stuff
but none of that toke effect
don't know why
There are many reasons for that:
1) You could have specified the other mode on server.cfg.
2) You can be compiling the mode of the other name.
3) Your compiling have failed (though in that case the server would simply not start up).
4) You have made the changes wrongly. :x
5) You haven't noticed the changes (though unlikely with mode name).

Also ensure that you use r2 upd2 server, because non-updated server had an issue where it was impossible to change mode name.


i'm not sure if i understand what you said
anyway this is my server.cfg file if it could help
echo Executing Server Config...
friendlyfire 1
lanmode 0
maxplayers 50
port 5192
hostname Test Server
gamemode0 mode 1
rcon_password ******
rcon_max_users 2

i personally don't think that something is wrong with what i edited
cause all i edited was changing the name of the "szGameModeName"
and cars
what i really don't understand is , if the mode.pwn file is changed where the server is getting those cars coords from
i even delete the mode.pwn file for test and the server worked fine


Quote from: Obito on February 15, 2010, 07:31:10 PM
what i really don't understand is , if the mode.pwn file is changed where the server is getting those cars coords from
i even delete the mode.pwn file for test and the server worked fine
Server is getting data from the compiled script (.amx). In order for your .pwn script to work, you need to compile it first. You can compile the script by pressing F5.


thanks dude for your replies and sorry for tiring you with me
but where do i push F5
do i open the .pwn file with blocnote and push F5 or push F5 when i open the folder or  ???


Quote from: Obito on February 15, 2010, 09:09:27 PM
do i open the .pwn file with blocnote and push F5 or push F5 when i open the folder or  ???
You should be using Pawno IDE for compiling your scripts. You can get it here: http://vicecitymultiplayer.com/dl.php?f=8
Just open your pawn script in pawno.exe, edit whatever you like and compile it by pressing F5 while Pawno is active or by selecting Build/Compile from the menu.