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Messages - aXXo

General Discussion / Re: Breaking New's :*(
April 26, 2011, 05:56:58 PM
You got bullied by some internet trolls and decided to leave VCMP forever?

Bye Small[H] jkjk :D
Squirrel also misses ResetPlayerWeapons :(
Current BUG
OnPlayerEnterVehicle does not get called when entering boats.
Is it possible to have the feature in 0.4 that let scripts cancel an Event/Callback??

Example: If we put 'return 0;' in 'OnPlayerChat'
Then, the chat wont be displayed in console. That is, the the callback will be cancelled.

Or if we put 'return 0;' in OnPlayerSpawn' the player will not be able to spawn.

But if the callback returns '1' (or bool true), then the event is called like it normally does.

More examples:
Returning '0' in OnPlayerDeath wont take the player to spawn screen, it will stop on the dead body and "Wasted" screen.
Return 0 in OnRconCommand will not execute the rcon command.
Return 0 in OnPlayerSwitchWeapon(*exists in squirrel) wont switch player wep.

etc etc. for all Callbacks.
General Discussion / Re: Suggestions for Version 0.4
April 10, 2011, 08:45:32 PM
Callback request :)

OnPlayerShoot(playerid, targetid, oldammo, oldhp)
playerid-player who shoots
targetid-player who gets hit, is null if bullet missed
oldammo-The ammo in hand of player before he started shooting in automatic mode (like if player fires 5 bullets of M4, old ammo=5+newammo OR 1+newammo in case of shotguns/python)
oldhp-the HP of target before he got hit, null if the bullet missed.

The new ammo(*) and new HP can be determined by users themselves

Functions request :)

GetPlayerCurrentWeapon(playerid, &weaponid, &ammo)

GetPlayerWeapons(playerid, &weaponid_slot1, &slot1_ammo, &weaponid_slot2, &slot2ammo,....&weapon_slot7, &slot7ammo)

I hope these are possible
I hope the vehicle's coordinates sync gets fixed.
Currently Vehicles X,Y,Z doesnt get updated when you drive vehicles....it only changes when you SetVehiclePos.

If possible, update the coordinates when vehicles are pushed around on foot. :)
1. It has a chaotic gameplay.
2. You get to pwn 999 noobs
3. You get FFA DM, but you can also gather with your clan and have some TDM
4. It doesnt restrict you from anything, If you are a roofer...you are welcome, DBer......welcome, Pro Noob Heli killer....welcome. Gltcher....welcome.
5. If you wanna 1v1 do gotolocs, nogoto on and invite your opponent. You can easily stay away from noobs.

So in short, it doesnt discriminate between players of different skills or styles.
mIRC/pawn Scripting / Re: Any RPG mods?
March 03, 2011, 10:17:25 PM
I never release my scripts in public, so you cant copy it....
Copying a feature is different...there is nothing wrong with it, as long you created it on your own.

Also if you release your scripts in public, dont moan about copy-cats....
If you have a problem with people copying your scripts and not giving you credit...then dont release your scripts.
ShowRoom (pawn) / Re: Location code for pawn
February 26, 2011, 04:06:44 PM
I think the same location code is present in GUPS script.
You can extract it from GUPS.

Oh btw, i see some year old posts on previous page.
You have to set grav and speed onPlayerConnect because theres a bug in VCMP, that resets normal grav/speed whenever a new player joins the server.
Videos and Screenshots / Re: Custom sounds in VCMP
February 21, 2011, 06:15:59 PM
* aXXo raises his hand
I know this one!!
Its uhmm.....video editing!

trolololol. :D
I really wanna know which server does not have memory leak issue.

Windows with mIRC
Windows with pawn
Windows with Squirrel
Linux with mIRC
Linux with pawn
Linux with Squirrel

Windows with PAWN does have memory leak issue, im not sure about others...
Im curious to know if anyone runs a server with no mem leak (XE?), what are they using??

PS: I cant compare windows from linux due to limited knowledge....so i wont vote.
ShowRoom (pawn) / Re: [RPG] Gamemode
February 19, 2011, 08:40:22 AM
You also need to lock the car after plantbomb, or the player will easily exit the car and run...
mIRC/pawn Scripting / Re: [help]Money bug.
February 15, 2011, 05:00:00 PM
This is a bug in Ammunations in mIRC config file.
You cant fix it.

The best way is to make a /c buywep command
ShowRoom (pawn) / Re: Some usefull functions
February 11, 2011, 02:30:30 PM

//Function to get a Subnet from IP

public GetSubnet(IP[])
new IP1[76],IP2[76],counter=0;
new Subnet[72];
return Subnet;

public FindPlayerIDFromString(string[])
{// for determining player id from a string  -bakasan
// fixed version by aXXo
new player = INACTIVE_PLAYER_ID;
new p = 0;
if ((strlen(string) <= 2) && (isnumeric(string) == 1)) {
if (IsPlayerConnected(strval(string))) return strval(string);
while (p < MAX_PLAYERS) { if (strfind(gPlayers[p],string,true) != -1) { player=p;break; } p++; }
if (player == INACTIVE_PLAYER_ID) {// string didnt match so check if it can be an id
if ((strlen(string) > 2) || (isnumeric(string) == 0)) { return INACTIVE_PLAYER_ID; }
player = strval(string);// string is numeric and not more than 2 digits
if (!IsPlayerConnected(player)) { return INACTIVE_PLAYER_ID; }
return player;// valid id found
mIRC/pawn Scripting / Re: help about cars
February 10, 2011, 11:10:54 AM
It is not possible. Cars get desynced when you leave server.
It will appear at the spawn loc. Unless some other player sits in it while you were away.