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Bugs that should be fixed in 0.4

Started by Destroya01, November 11, 2008, 08:15:03 AM

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Ok, i just played vc-mp, tried to play vc-lc and noticed a few bugs...
(I'm new here, so if some bugs are already reported please don't get mad)
1. The raindrops just come in the sun when not raining.
2. When i try to aim with an aimable gun that when in original game i press R1 on my controller (i use a gamepad) it doesn't aim, and the guy just freezes. When i later press the shoot button it shoots in a straight line, and extremely faster then it's supposed to. I can't move my aimer, when i press R1 on my gamepad, and also cannot move my player.
3. VC-LC just closes on loader.... no crash reports or anything... really weird...
4. Sometimes when i connect to a server all i see is the soda machine, and i am disconnected from the server. Sometimes it works and i connect...
5. When you start and you are going to choose your person, you can move the guy that  you are choosing around. (Maybe this one happens only with the gamepad not sure)


eeeeh destroyer. the 0.4 is still in progress. and its not released yet..
the bugs what u see is from the version 0.3z and not 0.4..


I know that, read the title again I said bugs that should be fixed in 0.4 (should be means future tense) in other words 0.3z has the bugs, and they should be fixed in 0.4 ... Anyway... will they be fixed is my question.



so... these gonna be fixed 4 sure next version?


1. never had that problem
2. never had that problem
3. never had that problem
4. happened about a couple of times not often though. It might be a crash and u can press ESC to get out of it
5. has happened a couple of times, but idk how to fix it.


1. The 'raindrops' arn't usually due to rain, its because somebody has fell in the water and since the game is only configured for one player, the water shows on your camera.

2. I assume your on about the auto aim feature in the game. Can you not see why this doesn't work? i'm guessing it was purposely disabled to stop people with controllers having an aiming advantage/disadvantage.

3. Sorry, i do not know about LC-MP since i can never get it working either

4. This would occur if your trying to connect to a laggy server, or if your laggy yourself. I'm guessing this would occur if your on a bad wireless and have a lot of packet loss

5. This sometimes happens with the keyboard too. should be easy for the devs to fix this :)


Woops frgot the worst bug of all... the one where out of no where u just start flying into the air, and cannot get down... you have to reconnect.

Btw it's not the auto-aim feature, that works perfectly fine... it's the aim feature if you do classic controls right, and some guns that a special aim feature that when u press R1 (on the game pad) you can aim all around wherever you want with a O and a . inside the O. When i try to aim with those types of guns the aimer doesn't show up and player freezes. When i press the circle button (on the game pad) it bullets out of the guys head, and shoots extremely fast.


I fixed #3 by removing vc-mp.flt from my lc-mp file folder ... the rest is bugs... in game...


So.... any word from maker of Vc-mp on what i should add any bugs to list remove any ones that you already fixed?