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Class Question?

Started by edenane, November 01, 2007, 06:37:39 PM

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Hi everyone!
I'm having trouble setting teams on my server. I've tried a few configurations but I'm just not sure how to work it out. Is this the way to do it?

CamLook = -446.6460 -355.2578 6.9947 ; Where the camera is looking for class selection

WorldBounds = 5000.0 -5000.0 5000.0 -5000.0 ; Confine the world to these boundries

Teams = 3 ; Number of teams (use -1 for deathmatch)

; -----------------------------------------------
; <<<<< START OF CLASSES >>>>>
; Class =
; #team (0 = team / -1 = independant) #model_id #spawn_x #spawn_y #spawn_z
; #z_angle #weapon_1 #weapon_1_ammo #weapon_2 #weapon_2_ammo #weapon_3 #weapon_3_ammo
; (use -1 to keep the weapon assignment empty)
; ClassDescription = <name>
; Note Class teams must start at 1 and first ClassDescription must always be Independant
; If Team is Indepenant must not have ClassDescription Defined

ClassDescription = Working_Class

Class = -1 0 141.8224 -1363.517 13.1827 180.8481 1 1 17 250 21 500 ; Tommy

ClassDescription = bikers

Class = 0 93 -598.2451 631.1955 11.6765 325.6360 1 1 11 1 18 50 ; bikers chainsaw python
Class = 0 94 -594.2421 644.8071 11.6765 95.9839 1 1 11 1 18 50
Class = 0 147 -590.3691 652.8325 11.2823 10.9141 1 1 22 200 21 100 ; bikers tec9 stubby
Class = 0 51 -581.2189 671.4324 11.0818 101.3993 1 1 22 200 21 100

ClassDescription = military

class = 0 4 -1717.1504 -270.4354 14.8683 180.1261 1 1 12 10 26 500 ; military grenade m4
Class = 0 4 -1727.0422 -270.8510 14.8683 180.1261 1 1 12 10 26 500
Class = 0 4 -1727.1138 -240.8518 14.8683 180.1261 1 1 12 10 26 500
Class = 0 4 -1716.2279 -241.2174 14.8683 180.1261 1 1 12 10 26 500

ClassDescription = police

Class = 0 1 393.0970 -477.0361 12.3432 321.1478 1 1 17 300 20 100 ; police colt45 spaz12
Class = 0 1 385.3560 -507.4276 9.3988 323.0045 1 1 17 300 20 100
Class = 0 1 367.7666 -492.9901 13.8172 213.6734 1 1 17 300 20 100
Class = 0 1 356.6492 -484.2942 13.8172 286.3908 1 1 17 300 20 100

; -----------------------------------------------
; <<<<< START OF PICKUPS >>>>>

I just wonder what changes I can to make to get teams working and if i can get rid of the first class at the start.

Thanks very much if you can help!


You can use Class = <number> to set the teams. So for example, set Class = 1 to all bikers, Class = 2 to military etc. Different number to a different team. To remove the first class (not actually a team, its independent class), set other number instead of Class = -1.