Which OS are you using/have used for hosting a VCMP server?
Option 1: Windows
votes: 14
Option 2: Linux
votes: 14
Option 3: I host games only over LAN/Hamachi/for short time/etc.
votes: 2
Option 4: Haven't hosted servers yet
votes: 0
The question is simple. There are so many servers on the "Internet" tab, many more are no longer online, but the question is, which Operating System was used to host them?
This poll is for everyone who hosted or bought a server! If you don't know which OS was used for hosting your server, please ask the server admin. EVERY VOTE is important!
Windows the server was 24/7 online and hosted on a Windows machine
Linux 24/7 online on a Linux system
I host games only over LAN/Hamachi/for short time/etc. if you hosted servers, but not 24/7, only for a short time, select this
Haven't hosted servers yet no experience with hosting
Please vote right now or ask the server hoster about the OS. The poll won't expire and you can change your vote.
Awesome NC
/me votes Linux because he has 3-4 times a server and every was hosted on a Linux
Feel free to comment.
Windows obviously.
I really wanna know which server does not have memory leak issue.
Windows with mIRC
Windows with pawn
Windows with Squirrel
Linux with mIRC
Linux with pawn
Linux with Squirrel
Windows with PAWN does have memory leak issue, im not sure about others...
Im curious to know if anyone runs a server with no mem leak (XE?), what are they using??
PS: I cant compare windows from linux due to limited knowledge....so i wont vote.
Neither OS nor supported scripting language matter - they all use the same version of raкnet, meaning they all have the memory leak.
Linux "Ubuntu" ;D linux are faster and Take less memory
Windows, never used linux
Try it its much Better to Host Servers :- :P
My service is based on Windows Server 2008 R2.
All the servers i host are on Linux. Some are on Debian, some are on Gentoo.
As for the memory leak, i think it affects all builds on linux, unsure about windows.
Currently XE and a few other servers don't suffer from the memory leak on my Gentoo server, but i am unsure why and the same binaries have a memory leak on the Debian system. The only problem with that server is it wont run Pawn based servers, so its stuck on the old mirc ones and squirrel.
QuoteAll the servers i host are on Linux. Some are on Debian, some are on Gentoo.
As for the memory leak, i think it affects all builds on linux, unsure about windows.
Currently XE and a few other servers don't suffer from the memory leak on my Gentoo server, but i am unsure why and the same binaries have a memory leak on the Debian system. The only problem with that server is it wont run Pawn based servers, so its stuck on the old mirc ones and squirrel.
Yeah That's what i wana say Linux is Best to Host servers 8) :P
Quote from: [AoD]NC on February 20, 2011, 07:51:48 PM
Why exactly is it so important? Are the devs thinking of dropping either one of the servers?
Quote from: Charleyutton on February 22, 2011, 12:11:41 PM
Quote from: [AoD]NC on February 20, 2011, 07:51:48 PM
Why exactly is it so important? Are the devs thinking of dropping either one of the servers?
Lol ofc not, He's just trying to get attention...
Well it is important, if not, why would I do that? But HOW will it be important, we will see in the next days.
As I see it's almost 50:50 windows vs linux. Thought there are more linux servers anyway :O.
Linux of course.
Quote from: [AoD]NC on February 23, 2011, 12:35:53 AM
But HOW will it be important, we will see in the next days.
If you say so, Mr Mysterious.
No brainer, linux, duh.
Quote from: BIG[H] on February 21, 2011, 08:37:11 AM
Linux "Ubuntu" ;D linux are faster and Take less memory
^^ but I run the windows version via wine.
Wine HQ would slow server Use original Linux Server R2
Sorry...Windows ....
I am hosting it into windows.I am monitorizing the losses and the bad things on my IP Monitorizing batch file (made by me for the VC-MP server). So everytime I see a loss...I'm just looking over server log and trying to identify and fix the problem. Sometimes it works :D
Does the VCMP server works with Wine? I heard that there are some troubles, especially with hosting-stuff. Anyway how many memory does it use on Wine?
Quote from: [AoD]NC on February 23, 2011, 12:35:53 AM
Well it is important, if not, why would I do that? But HOW will it be important, we will see in the next days.
/me is still waiting.
Linux is obviously a much more officiant choice (unless you're using mIRC). It's also more popular among 24/7 servers. The only reason the same amount of people vote for Windows is because almost every amateur server is hosted on windows by newbie server devs that can't afford a host yet.
Quote from: [AoD]NC on March 05, 2011, 05:13:21 PM
Does the VCMP server works with Wine? I heard that there are some troubles, especially with hosting-stuff. Anyway how many memory does it use on Wine?
It runs fine with wine. I actually like it better because it doesn't use terminal. Stability seems fine. Memory usage seems to be quite low. On my vps I'm running VNC, LXDE (lightweight desktop), two irc vcmp servers with wine, the windows gamecreate client with wine (http://gamecreate.com/downloads.php) - The linux version would run but wouldnt connect to the master server properly, apache and a few other things. This is my current memory usage:
234.48 MB of 768 MB used / 533.52 MB free
Quote from: gta5 on March 20, 2011, 09:56:50 PM
234.48 MB of 768 MB used / 533.52 MB free
Only for those 2 servers? If only that's quite much I think.
Quote from: Charleyutton on March 20, 2011, 09:29:46 PM
/me is still waiting.
Well. :P
We have been prepared for some "not nice" things, but fortunately, everything went well. No, the 0.4 version will still be included with linux and windows server, but max is now just playing with them, so no one knows how they will work, maybe they will destroy your PC!
Hah kidding :P. But there are some big changes in the server's. I don't know if I am able to say more, so I better shut up know :).
And how does the R2 servers work on 64 bits computers?
QuoteOnly for those 2 servers? If only that's quite much I think.
nope that's for everything I have running
Quote from: yazeen on March 22, 2011, 01:07:39 PM
Win is perfect
Quote from: BIG[H] on March 21, 2011, 06:47:33 PM
Linux SUX
lol linux sux?
tell us why do you think it.
you probably never used linux in your life,or never read something about.
Linux is awesome!
Quotelol linux sux?
tell us why do you think it.
you probably never used linux in your life,or never read something about.
Linux is awesome!
yes Man you didn't even know about linux and never tried it :D i suggest Ubuntu a basic linux that releases a free CD for PC send request to them they will send free CD and install it:
Quote from: BIG[H] on March 22, 2011, 06:01:20 PM
Quotelol linux sux?
tell us why do you think it.
you probably never used linux in your life,or never read something about.
Linux is awesome!
yes Man you didn't even know about linux and never tried it :D i suggest Ubuntu a basic linux that releases a free CD for PC send request to them they will send free CD and install it:
How do you know that? You can't even afford professional server hosting
Windows With Pawn :D
Never used Linux !
Well Windows wins it has More Votes
I bet half the windows host are home hosted
Quote from: Aldo on March 23, 2011, 11:57:45 AM
I bet half the windows host are home hosted
"I host games only over LAN/Hamachi/for short time/etc"
Repeat: someone tried to run server on 64 bits?
Quote from: [AoD]NC on March 23, 2011, 02:40:37 PM
Repeat: someone tried to run server on 64 bits?
When i've ran Windows servers at home for testing, it has always been on 64bit. My home server currently runs Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 and my main PC runs Windows 7 Home x64.
There are no problems running 32bit applications on a 64bit windows powered machine since it has a 32bit emulation layer which works really well.
Linux on the other hand... you need to install something to run 32bit binaries on a 64bit linux operating system. Some may already have this installed, like Ubuntu. Personally i havn't tried it on a 64bit linux system.
Thank you very much VR :* !
If someone has something else to add, feel free to do it :)
You can't say Windows is better then Linux or Linux is better then Windows if you haven't used both
I used both and both for web hosting and server hosting
My opinion
-Linux is better for web hosting
-Linux and Windows are about the same for server hosting, but I like windows better for this
I've used both, and imo Linux is better for both web-hosting and server hosting.
QuoteRepeat: someone tried to run server on 64 bits?
I use 32 bit on Linux
Quote from: gta5 on April 02, 2011, 01:11:22 AM
I've used both, and imo Linux is better for both web-hosting and server hosting.
QuoteRepeat: someone tried to run server on 64 bits?
I use 32 bit on Linux
You Host server if yes Tell me!! 8)