Heres a shiney new script and DLL for you all to use!
Decided to recreate the VC-MP mIRC dll due to the hacky method that had to be used to retrieve data from the server and keep it connected.
The dll handles all the network connections, incoming data etc and parse the data. so no more if ($1 == [join]) :)
The script has been designed to give the user the minimum needed. A dialog and the signals that the DLL calls when data is retrieved.
The dialog has been designed to be similar to MTA:MA and features kick, ban, pm, slap and kill buttons.
It also has the ability to connect to multiple servers at the same time :)
Some benefits of using this include:
- Faster data execution
- More features
- Easier to use
- Nice dialog to monitor chat and manage the server
1) Place the 'vcmp.mrc' and the 'vcmp.dll' in your mIRC directory
2) Open up mIRC and load the script by typing /load -rs vcmp.mrc
3) The main dialog will then be displayed. Fill in your server IP, Port and Password in the appropriate fields and click 'Connect'
4) Your done! The script is now connected and you are ready to create your own scripts.
Functions and callbacks are in the ReadMe. Theres too many to list here.
Anyway, Grab it HERE (
Please post any suggestions and any bugs encountered :)
excellent work! ;D
Nice work, Is there any events like 'on join/quit' ?
I looked at the end of the script and i saw some :-X.
Ye. Good job;). Tests was good too. Now im making commands based on your admin:)
wow this looks sweet, great work :)
As i said before Vrocker nice work 8) however i have found a bug :-X /c command:
--> AdTec_224 joined the game.
AdTec_224: /c moo test <--- correct
--> [KFJ]Anya joined the game.
AdTec_224: /c moo tesht <--- Anya typed that command but its returning my name ???
btw would it be possible to make it so it echos the IP in the .part signal? because $vcmp.getip doesnt work on that signal im guessing because the dll delete's the data when it sees a player leaving the server.
Fixed bug :D
- AdTec_224
I am speechless... great job! <3
Updated the DLL again. Seems there was a wierd crash which caused mirc to exit unexpectantly.
Also there was a DLL unload bug which sometimes caused mIRC to error on exit or die on dll unload
Both of these have been fixed :) Also eliminated the need to call Startup before using the dll
Another Update:
Fixed a problem with pickups. Accidently defined them as a byte which caused the types to mess up :P
Made the Interior option in SetLocation optional. It'll default to 0 if its not set now :)
Big thanks to AdTec_224 for finding all the problems!
excellent work lol :o
I decided to release my half made scripts that utilise this better. I currently use them on my server but are not finished.
It features a basic admin system, aliases for things that were going to be implimented in the future, an IRC echo aswell as custom areas, cash, bank and a few other things.
This would be great for somebody who wants the basics. and it would be great if anybody wanted to build ontop of these to finish them off :)
On a small note, they are a bit messy and some parts are a bit complicated cuz i kept forgetting parts i had already coded :P
Anyway, heres the scripts: Clicky (
Just load all the files into mirc and change the channel name in IRC.mrc. It also needs a config file being created under VCMP/INIs named vcmp.config.ini with the following entries:
Without this confi file everything will be turned off
I've been busy with this DLL today! :D Fixed a lot of bugs and added a few more things :)
Heres a list of changes:
- Added the SetPlayerMarker and RemoveMarker functions which i forgot about when i made the DLL
- Added some new functions for getting spectators and setting the maximum players
- Fixed a LOT of crashes. Mainly ones due to disconnecting/reconnecting and closing the dialog
- Fixed a major memory leak which ate RAM and caused crashes (Whoops!)
- (old)Added AddPickup and AddVehicle to manually insert Pickups and Vehicles into the internal pools. This does NOT create pickups and vehicles. Check the included script on how they are used.
- Redone vehicle/weapon names as some were missing (Thanks Murdock and Windlord)
There may be some more which i've forgotten about. Main things are the crash fixes and the Marker functions :)
P.S. Download from the first post or Here (
Nice! Very nice :D
It's much better than the previous one xD
Quote from: VRocker on August 21, 2008, 05:57:48 PM
- Redone vehicle/weapon names as some were missing (Thanks Murdock and Windlord)
No problem ;)
do i just replace the old one with this one ?
wooooooooooooooooooooooot Very Nice Job VRocker
Nice Work Vrocker :D
Nice work and i tell u that u r great and good scripter... 8) 8)
Note to anybody using the DLL in a large server...
Tonight i have (hopefully) fixed a crash bug which occurs in large servers with lots of players.
Redownload the zip and copy the new dll across. Let me know if the issue still exists :)
Small Update:
- Added 2 new signals. vcmp.player.move and vcmp.vehicle.healthchange
- Fixed the GetSpeed function inside the dll. Now updates every second
vcmp.player.move outputs these values:
ServerID, PlayerID, OldX, OldY, OldZ, NewX, NewY, NewZ
vcmp.vehicle.healthchange outputs these:
ServerID, VehicleID, OldHealth, NewHealth
Another Update (29/10/08):
- Fixed some crash bugs that occured on highly populated servers (Exapnds on an older fix)
- Added GetVehicleDriver to the list of functions
- Fixed a bug with the internal pools in multi-server environments
Sweet ;D
Thank you very much VRocker.
Thanks alot VRocker ;D ;D
nice work vrocker :o
Fixed a small bug in the dll which was brought to my attention recently.
The bug was that if 2 people had similar names (Like VRocker and VRock) then vcmp.getid would return the ID of the player who joined first everytime it was queried for either of these players.
This has now been fixed and the zip has been updated :)
Thanks to everyone who reported this, and sorry it took so long to fix
Thanx Vrocker :D
Excellent, thanks VRocker :)
it doesnt work for me, when i enter the /load cmd and enter the IP. Rport, and password
and click connect it says connecting.. and after half hour stil same, help
Is the rcon port open on your server?
If it is to a server hosted on the same computer, have you tried as an IP?
Is the rcon password correct?
These are just a few things that i can think of for why it wont connect. Also check your mirc status window to see if theres any script errors
- Another Update -
Fixed the RemoveMarker bug and SetPlayerMarker bug. Thanks to Tamas for pointing this out and helping me resolve it :)
Sorry for not resolving this earlier, i was told it was a vcmp bug ::)
Site if off :'(
Quote from: thijn on February 01, 2009, 12:11:02 PM
Site if off :'(
Yeah, payments for VRocker's site stopped so they closed it. VR has hired some very large men with baseball bats to go convince the guy to start making the payments again.
found copy of the 2nd latest version
here uploaded it for you:
this should be the lastest version:
Thank you once again VRocker for making this much needed dll.
Thanks Adtec ;)
Small update:
- Improved efficiency a bit
- Reduced file size
- Hopefully fixed the rcon not timing out from server if mirc dies
- Fixed something in AddClass where only weapon 1 was added to the pools
- Fixed a small issue in ******* where packets were getting corrupted occasionally
- Fixed some buffer errors
- Invalid IPs now return instead of random data
As always, updated dll is in the zip
much appreciated, vrocker, thnkx for updating ;)
Thanks VRocker!!
Quote from: VRocker on March 15, 2009, 10:48:20 PM
Hehe from 202 KB to 197 KB :).
Great work, thanks :D.
Any plans for the future for this DLL [new functionality or something]?
So what link need to download? :P
So mach -.-"
Quote from: [AoD]NC on March 16, 2009, 06:24:05 PM
Any plans for the future for this DLL [new functionality or something]?
Cant really add many more things to the dll (other than some processing stuff) due to limitations by VCMP, or nothing that i can think of anyway. I'm open to suggestions though.
Quote from: Daniel95 on March 16, 2009, 06:45:58 PM
So what link need to download? :P
So mach -.-"
Use the link in the first post. or here (
Thanks :D ;)
Quote from: VRocker on March 16, 2009, 06:55:47 PM
Cant really add many more things to the dll (other than some processing stuff) due to limitations by VCMP, or nothing that i can think of anyway. I'm open to suggestions though.
Mmm... Maybe if the VCMP team releases the 0.3z r2 [?] version, there could be added new functionality ;).
Hmm, but what about on SIGNAL vehicle move? I know there is player move and u can add a line, that it only works if the player is sitting in a car, but a vehicle move would be better i think ;).
And would it be possible to restart the server? In the last time i saw some crashers for vcmp servers [pfffff....] and if a script would be working with the server and in a moment have lost the connection [cause someone crashed the server] the scripts will restart the server :). This would be great, but is this possible?
edit: nvm, didnt realise this was a topic in the script showroom
Yeh i am hoping that when R2 comes i'll be able to add new things to the dll.
Added the vcmp.vehicle.move signal for you. It fires when a player is in a vehicle instead of vcmp.player.move. It sends: ServerID, PlayerID, VehicleID, OldX, OldY, OldZ, X, Y, Z
Also updated the DLL for the updated server which was release yesterday to prevent people crashing it. The new update adds a TeamID to the end of the spawn packet. This has enabled me to add GetTeam.
Obviously this will only work if connected to an updated server. Heres an alias for it:
alias !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), GetTeam, $1-2 )
New dll can be found at the usual place
Thanks! this is very nice!,
Also does the vehicle move signal also works for passengers?
Quote from: VRocker on March 22, 2009, 12:31:21 PM
Added the vcmp.vehicle.move signal for you.
Cool :D.
Quote from: VRocker on March 22, 2009, 12:31:21 PM
This has enabled me to add GetTeam.
GetTeam means GetTeamColorID :P [white, brown, blue, etc.]?
Edit: 2 bugs!
1. TeamId: at first time testing it returned 0 [probably good], but few hours later it returns 255 ;x.
Log from IRC exho
[14:57] <@_AoD-NC> ** [0] [AoD]NC: !team
[14:57] <@_AoD-NC> ** Team: 0
And after few hours, nothing changed in script or server...
[19:59] <@_AoD-NC> ** [1][AoD]NC: !team
[19:59] <@_AoD-NC> ** Team: 255
[19:59] <@_AoD-NC> ** [1] [AoD]NC: ;o
2. If i'm an invisible driver [i'm in a vehicle but my skin isn't there] and i try get someone, teleport to me, this person gets crashed.
Maybe my server is stupid and it has bugs :P?
Quote from: VRocker on March 22, 2009, 12:31:21 PM
Also updated the DLL for the updated server which was release yesterday to prevent people crashing it.
Maybe i'm dumb but were can we download that new server? (
#vc-mp @ GTANet ;p
Ye i got it from Strike allready, thanks anyways
I have a problem. The on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.pickup.hit: signal doesn't seem to work!
I just can't make it detect that I picked up a pickup. I tried everything :(
Skirmant: o rly? I have scripted in mirc months ago but it worked for me. Do u used if ($3 == ThePickupModelLike365) or smthing similar? Cause for me, this worked every time ;o.
I tried everything!
Detecting by id, detecting by type... Nothing works -.-
Hya Skirmant,
Im sat infront of a ULTRA slow computer, doing nothing... Paste me your Pickup signal and lets see whats going on
Kind Regards
Luke Rudge
Or maybe this...
Are the pickups in the config file?
I have tried to add pickups to the config, run server and then running the scripts. And it wasnt working. I think the dll fails to recognize pickups that are ALREADY CREATED. Anyway, if i spawned the pickup via script [sample pickup spawner for FBS i gave months ago on this forum], the dll recognized the pickup and everything worked.
I think you could possibly be on the right tracks there, prehaps the pickups are not being added with "vcmp.AddPickup"
Ah, yes you're right! Thank you for the advice :P
Done some work on the dll to make it work with R2 since so many of you use the dll for scripts.
NOTE: There may be some bugs and there are many missing R2 features since not much time has been put into making this work. It was simply a case ofmodifying the netcode to make it connect and send/receive commands.
Have added a couple of small functions like gravity, gamespeed, framelimiter and spike strips but thats it.
Can be found Here (
Let me know of anything thats broken and i'll fix it when i have some time :)
Nice work and up-to-date :).
A btw. questions are u guys going to update teh Squirrel server too for r2?
I was using this, found some problems.
Is it just me?
When I connect to the server it displays "Connecting to server(IP:PORT)......".
But nothing after that. It actually gets connected, but doesnt say that im connected.
When i type some message from outgame, like "hello"
It displays fine, but says "hello", instead of "aXXo: hello".
The Userlist does not shows my name when i enter the server. So i cant use any button because it says "No player highlighted".
the !speed command should work ingame? nothing happens when i tried it.
Quote from: [AoD]NC on December 26, 2009, 11:17:35 AM
Nice work and up-to-date :).
A btw. questions are u guys going to update teh Squirrel server too for r2?
VRocker told me Juppi should do that.
I guess hes to lazy :]
Quote from: [AoD]NC on December 26, 2009, 11:17:35 AM
A btw. questions are u guys going to update teh Squirrel server too for r2?
Juppi's work
Nice work. But there's a small problem. I have no idea how spikes or framelimiter should function :-\
I tried
vcmp.setspikes $1 $2 on
vcmp.setframelimiter $1 FrameLimiter on
But nothing appears to happen and vcmp.getspikes allways returns zero, so I guess I haven't spawned any spikes :P
Everything else works just fine. Hope you finish the dll soon, so I could get my hands on the set wanted level and drunken driver features ;D
my script PsySQLite 1 any news on a complete dll ?
@Skirmant: instead of on/off use 0, 1, 2 or smthing, look at the DLL Aliases there should be a small description what to use.
@ricardo: copy the "R2 stuff" from these DLL mrc file to your Psy mrc script.
@Thijn and Forze: K lets wait for Squirrel ;p.
Quote from: [AoD]NC on December 27, 2009, 11:43:14 AM
@Skirmant: instead of on/off use 0, 1, 2 or smthing, look at the DLL Aliases there should be a small description what to use.
alias vcmp.setspikes { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), SetSpikes, $1-3 ) } ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = Player, $3 = Spikes on/off
I tried every possibility I could come up with, but It still dosn't seem to work :-\
this should work:
alias vcmp.setspikes { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), SetSpikes, $1- ) } ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = Player, $3 = Spikes on/off
and then something like:
elseif ($3 == spikes) {
vcmp.setspikes $1 $2 1
not tested though
Also, to use the spikes use /spike ingame (not /c)
Doesn't word dude :-\
So lets wait for VR maybe he coded it wrong :].
My Findings:
A default alias (replace "GetFunction" and "Function_Name" with each DLL Function)
alias GetFunction !return $dll( " $+ $scriptdirvcmp.dll $+ ", Function_Name, $1- )
I think these are all the new ones:
GetClassModel - cant get to work (crashes if contains missing parameters)
GetClassName - cant get to work (crashes if contains missing parameters)
GetFrameLimiter - works (crashes if contains missing parameters)
$1 = serverID
GetGamespeed - returns 1 or 0 (crashes if contains missing parameters)
$1 = serverID
GetGravity - works (crashes if contains missing parameters)
$1 = serverID
GetSpikes - cant get to work (crashes if contains missing parameters)
SetClassModel - cant get to work
SetClassName - cant get to work
SetFrameLimiter - works
$1 = serverID, $2 = 1/0
SetGamespeed - works
$1 = serverID, $2 = Speed
SetGravity - works
$1 = serverID, $2 = Gravity
SetSpikes - cant get to work (crashes if contains missing parameters)
Just fixed a stupid tab error in the included script which stopped it from saying connected.
Regarding the squirrel server, i'm no longer developing it since i'm focussing on my own mod. Whether or not anyone else who has the source makes one or not, i dont know.
the DLL i downloaded today doesn't work.
i replaced the one i downloaded yesterday. now it doesn't connect.
my script FBS.
Quote from: olvin122 on December 29, 2009, 11:38:40 AM
the DLL i downloaded today doesn't work.
i replaced the one i downloaded yesterday. now it doesn't connect.
my script FBS.
Quote from: VRocker on December 29, 2009, 02:35:07 AM
Regarding the squirrel server, i'm no longer developing it since i'm focussing on my own mod. Whether or not anyone else who has the source makes one or not, i dont know.
Oh k, but who has now the source code? Only Juppi or someone else too?
Well u are now focusing on LU, but will you still update this DLL? Or you give the source code to someone other too :P?
Ok another update. Just got the dll working with the latest build.
Download in the same place ( (
Quote from: VRocker on December 30, 2009, 03:16:05 AM
Ok another update. Just got the dll working with the latest build.
Download in the same place ( (
Yay now FBS works !!!!!!!
What have you added in this latest update?
Thanks btw :D
Nothing added, just made it work with the latest server.
May get around to adding new funcs at one stage but dunno when that'll be
So, are .nut files working with R2?
Squirrel isn't working for R2 no, he has simply updated the mIRC DLL.
Just added a few of the new features in R2.
Added These:
- Get/Set Jump Switch
- Get/Set Fast Switch
- Get/Set Taxi Boost
- Get/Set Flying Cars
- Get/Set Drive On Water
- Get Player Ping
Also done a few optimisations to the code :)
thnkx VR :)
We love you VR :D.
Now its time for adding CCTV and other haxes :p. Btw. is score setting possible in r2 now?
it was (if im right) in 0.3z too, so why not now :)
Quote from: thijn on January 08, 2010, 10:29:59 PM
it was (if im right) in 0.3z too, so why not now :)
AFAIK only in teh Squirrel, The "Classic" doesnt allowed it in 0.3z, but i remember some r2 beta tests, there were players with uber-score :).
ah ok, I guess its fixed now
Another Update:
Added some other R2 things like wanted level, perfect handling, stuntbike mod etc.
Also done some work on optimising the packet parsing. Should be a lot more efficient and be less cpu intence :) Shame its still hooked up to mirc, an app which doesn't know the meaning of efficiency :(
Quote from: VRocker on January 19, 2010, 03:35:39 AM
Added some other R2 things like wanted level, perfect handling, stuntbike mod etc.
ty VRocker ;)
can we please have the alias for the new functions?
coz its not included in the vcmp.mrc file
Woops! Sorry about that, was doing 10 things at once so must've forgot to add the mrc to the zip.
Added the aliases to the mrc, but heres all the R2 ones for reference:
; R2 Stuff
alias vcmp.getgravity { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), GetGravity, $1 ) } ; $1 = ServerID
alias vcmp.setgravity { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), SetGravity, $1-2 ) } ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = Gravity
alias vcmp.getgamespeed { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), GetGamespeed, $1 ) } ; $1 = ServerID
alias vcmp.setgamespeed { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), SetGamespeed, $1-2 ) } ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = GameSpeed
alias vcmp.getframelimiter { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), GetFrameLimiter, $1 ) } ; $1 = ServerID
alias vcmp.setframelimiter { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), SetFrameLimiter, $1-2 ) } ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = FrameLimiter on/off (1,0)
alias vcmp.getjumpswitch { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), GetJumpSwitch, $1 ) } ; $1 = ServerID
alias vcmp.setjumpswitch { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), SetJumpSwitch, $1-2 ) } ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = Jumpswitch on/off (1,0)
alias vcmp.getfastswitch { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), GetFastSwitch, $1 ) } ; $1 = ServerID
alias vcmp.setfastswitch { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), SetFastSwitch, $1-2 ) } ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = FastSwitch on/off (1,0)
alias vcmp.gettaxiboost { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), GetTaxiBoost, $1 ) } ; $1 = ServerID
alias vcmp.settaxiboost { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), SetTaxiBoost, $1-2 ) } ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = TaxiBoost on/off (1,0)
alias vcmp.getflyingcars { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), GetFlyingCars, $1 ) } ; $1 = ServerID
alias vcmp.setflyingcars { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), SetFlyingCars, $1-2 ) } ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = FlyingCars on/off (1,0)
alias vcmp.getdriveonwater { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), GetDriveOnWater, $1 ) } ; $1 = ServerID
alias vcmp.setdriveonwater { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), SetDriveOnWater, $1-2 ) } ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = DriveOnWater on/off (1,0)
alias vcmp.getperfecthandling { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), GetPerfectHandling, $1 ) } ; $1 = ServerID
alias vcmp.setperfecthandling { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), SetPerfectHandling, $1-2 ) } ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = PerfectHandling on/off (1,0)
alias vcmp.getshootinairmod { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), GetShootInAirMod, $1 ) } ; $1 = ServerID
alias vcmp.setshootinairmod { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), SetShootInAirMod, $1-2 ) } ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = ShootInAirMod on/off (1,0)
alias vcmp.getstuntbikemod { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), GetStuntbikeMod, $1 ) } ; $1 = ServerID
alias vcmp.setstuntbikemod { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), SetStuntbikeMod, $1-2 ) } ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = StuntbikeMod on/off (1,0)
alias vcmp.getwaterlevel { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), GetWaterLevel, $1 ) } ; $1 = ServerID
alias vcmp.setwaterlevel { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), SetWaterLevel, $1-2 ) } ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = Water Level
alias vcmp.getspikes { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), GetSpikes, $1-2 ) } ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = Player
alias vcmp.setspikes { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), SetSpikes, $1-3 ) } ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = Player, $3 = Spikes on/off (1,0)
alias vcmp.getdisabledriveby { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), GetDisableDriveby, $1-2 ) } ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = Player
alias vcmp.setdisabledriveby { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), SetDisableDriveby, $1-3 ) } ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = Player, $3 = Disable Driveby yes/no (1,0)
alias vcmp.getwantedlevel { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), GetWantedLevel, $1-2 ) } ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = Player
alias vcmp.setwantedlevel { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), SetWantedLevel, $1-3 ) } ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = Player, $3 = Level
alias vcmp.getping { !return $dll( $qt( $scriptdirvcmp.dll ), GetPing, $1-2 ) } ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = Player
Quote from: VRocker on January 20, 2010, 01:59:53 PM
Woops! Sorry about that, was doing 10 things at once so must've forgot to add the mrc to the zip.
heh np i get it , much appreciated ty :)
Quote from: VRocker on January 19, 2010, 03:35:39 AM
Another Update:
Added some other R2 things like wanted level, perfect handling, stuntbike mod etc.
Also done some work on optimising the packet parsing. Should be a lot more efficient and be less cpu intence :) Shame its still hooked up to mirc, an app which doesn't know the meaning of efficiency :(
Awesome work! Can't wait to try out set wanted level :p
Ah... Unfortunately I found a bug. Every time i use vcmp.setdisabledriveby Mirc crashes. Everything else works fine though.
Hmm just looked into this. Someone told me that when disabledriveby <player> <0/1> is sent, the server will reply with [disabledriveby] <player> <0/1>.
Instead its replying with [disabledriveby] <player>. It was crashing due to it was expecting the extra argument. I have disabled parsing the callback for the moment so it wont crash but will still work.
/me prods a dev to look into the callback
Vrocker what do u mean by $scriptdirvcmp.dll
the $scriptdir returns the full path the the folder where your script is located.
and $scriptdirvcmp.dll (read $scriptdir and vcmp.dll) will return the full path to the vcmp.DLL in your scripts' folder;)
Is it just me or doesn't work? It returns 255 every time.
Any chances on making it work, because it would be extremely useful.
not sure but it might only work when getting killed for at least one time
anyone tried shootinairmod ?
everything else i tried seemed to be working fine :S
I can't seem to get it working.
It downloads fine but freezes when I click "Connect"
It stays on "Connecting to server". I have left it for a long period of time. Nothing happens.
I would like to mention I am using Windows Vista. Has anyone got this working using Vista?
Works for me fine, are you putting the rcon port number in the port box and not the listen port?
This might be your problem.
works fine for me using vista.
Can Write How to Worked My Server In mIRC ??
Quote from: Kingston on March 21, 2010, 06:12:45 PM
Can Write How to Worked My Server In mIRC ??
you know why a readme.txt is called a read-me?
Because you have to READ IT.
Quote from: thijn on March 22, 2010, 01:32:21 PM
Quote from: Kingston on March 21, 2010, 06:12:45 PM
Can Write How to Worked My Server In mIRC ??
you know why a readme.txt is called a read-me?
Because you have to READ IT.
Quote from: Kingston on March 21, 2010, 06:12:45 PM
Can Write How to Worked My Server In mIRC ??
Start vcmp.mrc in mIRC then input your server IP, RCON port and Password in the correct boxes then click connect and it'll connect. If it doesn't check and make sure your server is actually online and the information your inputed is correct.
Quote from: Klaus_Meine on March 13, 2010, 07:17:39 PM
I can't seem to get it working.
It downloads fine but freezes when I click "Connect"
It stays on "Connecting to server". I have left it for a long period of time. Nothing happens.
I would like to mention I am using Windows Vista. Has anyone got this working using Vista?
The same problem
I just want to suggest a simple feature which I hope doesn't take much time. It would fix the gaping hole of other features that aren't added in this dll. The feature would use /set.
Example: vcmp.set 28 1 1 would call /set 28 1 1 which would change the 1st id's skin to 1.
Just sayin'
Hi Vrockers, good i wanted if stud more dlls, as many appreciate your work, like me
and many use scripts in mIRC Scripting they do not want to miss =)
please if you could create a dll with body part(Right Leg, Torso, Left Leg, HeAD, Right Leg, Left Arm, Right Arm)
Good Bye! :D
Thanks for your attention!! =)
I'm not sure it's possible to detect a shot body part in VCMP.
Quote from: Skirmant on August 27, 2010, 09:00:39 AM
I'm not sure it's possible to detect a shot body part in VCMP.
[Sun - 02:03:16] <@iPawnz> ** [RV]DON killed BLACKTIGER (Spaz) (Head Shot)
[Sun - 02:03:07] <@iRockz> ** Baldachyn killed [G] (M4) (Head Shot)
[Sun - 02:03:20] <@iLovez> ** BLACKTIGER killed [RV]DON (m60) (Left Arm)
[Sun - 02:03:23] <@iHatez> ** Baldachyn killed Alex.The.Great (M4) (Right Arm)
Quote from: Kill3R on August 28, 2010, 09:34:46 PM
Quote from: Skirmant on August 27, 2010, 09:00:39 AM
I'm not sure it's possible to detect a shot body part in VCMP.
*coughs* [Sun - 02:03:16] <@iPawnz> ** [RV]DON killed BLACKTIGER (Spaz) (Head Shot)
[Sun - 02:03:07] <@iRockz> ** Baldachyn killed [G] (M4) (Head Shot)
[Sun - 02:03:20] <@iLovez> ** BLACKTIGER killed [RV]DON (m60) (Left Arm)
[Sun - 02:03:23] <@iHatez> ** Baldachyn killed Alex.The.Great (M4) (Right Arm)
Well... Not by a mirc dll or pawno. So I think you're talkin' about squirrel.
Skirmant for me you're a fuck stats count in the forum ( count post )
anyways Hunting-Arena server is Squirrel. and scripts FBS ( but implemented new features )
Quote from: Devian on August 29, 2010, 12:52:27 PM
Skirmant for me you're a fuck stats count in the forum ( count post )
anyways Hunting-Arena server is Squirrel. and scripts FBS ( but implemented new features )
Excuse me? I didn't know that Squirrel had such a feature, so I was corrected. I don't see a reason why you should insult me.
And what does "fuck stats count" mean anyways?
here isn't the appropriate place but ok.
you always answer topics that are already solved the problem.
for me it's all!
Quote from: Devian on August 29, 2010, 04:33:24 PM
here isn't the appropriate place but ok.
you always answer topics that are already solved the problem.
for me it's all!
Most of the topics I post on problems aren't solved and in which that are, I post a more efficient way to solve it, or just a small notice about the topic.
Not sure if many people find it a bad thing to do, I'm just being active on the forum. It's not like I'm spamming or anything.
XE European, use mirc scripting and Vrocker give the source code of the dll to SGB, and SGB add the bodypart in the XE server from echo :(, but not did the dll publish :(