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Messages - Kill3R

Quote from: Jancis71 on April 26, 2011, 06:09:36 AM
What are the limits for vehicles/objects/pickups/players?

Max Vehicle limit : 500
Max Model limit : 200

about Players & Pickups i have no idea, may be max will reply for it  :)
Support / Re: How to kick
April 25, 2011, 02:08:11 PM
Quote from: asad3man on April 25, 2011, 01:40:36 PM
when i kick  like this /kick 1 lolz then it just kick dont give reason and give me fulll COmmands of VC-MP server

You need to script if you want reason and other stuffs to be displayed, you have a choice of using Pawno / mIRC (which is obsolete atm).

/kick command is a RCON cmd, so it just kicks the player based on the given plr id, you can't display reason or any other statements over there.
Quote from: Morphine on April 24, 2011, 07:20:12 PM
Quote from: tato on April 24, 2011, 07:06:28 PM
the remote grenade will work?
That's definitely a useful hand-held weapon. Will it? :D

nope, they aren't synced atm  :-X
  :) incase you want some random shots of 0.4 beta testing, feel free to catch them up @ http://www.xfire.com/profile/dskill3r/screenshots/gtavc/
the chat lines limit for the console is 1000 lines  :)
nicely planned and well done  :)
Script Showroom / Re: WSV v0.3 by Windlord and VRocker
December 19, 2010, 10:52:34 PM
Quote from: Skirmant on December 19, 2010, 08:06:01 AM
Quote from: Terminatorupgrade 2 on December 15, 2010, 11:18:19 AM
Can you make WSV for R2 servers :-\

Why are you so fascinated with WSV?

WSV is a good script, so why not?
mIRC/pawn Scripting / Re: reset weapons for fbs
December 18, 2010, 08:56:48 AM
 hmm try this

elseif ($3 == lms) {
    if (%lms == on) vcmp.say $1 ** LastManStanding already in progress!
    else {
      set %lms on
      vcmp.say $1 ** LastManStanding has started! Type !join within 20 seconds.
      .timer 1 20 set %lms off

  elseif ($3 == join) {
  var %id = $2
    if (%lms == off) vcmp.say 1 **  $vcmp.name($1, %id) LastManStanding is not active!
    else {
    vcmp.say $1 ** $vcmp.name($1, %id) has joined LastManStanding!
    vcmp.setlocation $1 %id -754.187866 -1602.638916 23.734970
    vcmp.setarmour $1 %id 0
    vcmp.sethealth $1 %id 100
vcmp.setweapon $1 %id 0 0
    vcmp.setweapon $1 %id 21 500
    vcmp.msg $1 %id Taking you to LastManStanding. Enjoy!
      timer 1 1 vcmp.setcontrols $1 %id 0
      timer 1 2 vcmp.say $1 LastManStanding starting in:
      timer 1 5 vcmp.say $1 ---- 1 ----
      timer 1 6 vcmp.say $1 ---- 2 ----
      timer 1 7 vcmp.say $1 ---- 3 ----
      timer 1 8 vcmp.say $1 ---- GO! ----
      timer 1 8 vcmp.setcontrols $1 %id 1

mIRC/pawn Scripting / Re: reset weapons for fbs
December 17, 2010, 02:26:13 PM
exactly what Devian said, just use some vars to define the player id


var %id = $2

and use the vcmp.setweapon first before setting the weapons, as it will disarm all the current weps that the plr holds :)
Quote from: Terminatorupgrade 2 on December 16, 2010, 09:08:22 AM
FBS=Fail Basic scripts ;)  :o

it happens to me also but i leave FBS and i made BBS now ..:)

so you fail aswell, then stop blaming the scripts :P

P.S: 2 official servers ie. VCHA and BFVC are running on FBS  8)
Quote from: Terminatorupgrade 2 on December 15, 2010, 12:48:28 PM
O_o o_O OMG sure FBS IS GOOD Grrr

it is  ;), if you know how to use it  ;D

VCHA is running on FBS v0.2
Hunting-Arena Server / Re: Thanks for unban our subnets
October 13, 2010, 04:09:54 PM
np and subnet ban removed from echo and discussion channel
Unbanned!  :(