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Messages - Gamer

Script Showroom / Re: Basic RPG System & Commands
April 16, 2011, 11:07:37 PM
Quote from: Skirmant on January 06, 2010, 05:04:31 PM
Since R2 came out I decided to show some scripting begginers how to make basic and somewhat popular RPG commands.
The scripts is GUS based, but I'm sure its not hard to reconvert it to any other.

Add this simple script in the spawn signal.

elseif (Police Depot (Washington-Beach) isin $vcmp.area($1)) {
!writeini -n vcmp.skin.ini SKINS $1 Cop
vcmp.msg $1 You spawned as a Cop.
vcmp.setarmour $1 100
else {
!writeini -n vcmp.skin.ini SKINS $1 Citizen
vcmp.msg $1 You spawned as a Citizen.

(The location depends where your cop skin spawns at)

 elseif (!sus iswm $2) {
   if ($vcmp.cmdcheck(!copcmd,%id) == fail) !halt
   elseif ($readini(vcmp.skin.ini,SKINS,%b) == Citizen) vcmp.msg %id You need to be the law to suspect!
   elseif (!$4-) vcmp.msg %id $2 <name> <reason>
   elseif (%a == -1) vcmp.msg %id No such player online!
   elseif (%a == $vcmp.getid(%name)) vcmp.msg %id You can't suspect yourself.
   elseif ($readini(vcmp.skin.ini,SKINS,%a) != Citizen) vcmp.msg %id You can't suspect a cop!
   elseif ($readini(vcmp.wanted.ini,WANTED,$vcmp.name(%a)) == yes) vcmp.msg %id This player is already wanted!
   else {
     vcmp.say $vcmp.name(%b) suspected $vcmp.name(%a) for $4-
     !writeini -n vcmp.wanted.ini WANTED $vcmp.name(%a) yes

 elseif (!wanted iswm $2) {
   if ($vcmp.cmdcheck(!copcmd,%id) == fail) !halt
   else {
     var %aa = 0,%bb,%cc,%dd
     while (%aa <= 50) {
       if ($readini(vcmp.wanted.ini,WANTED,$vcmp.name(%aa)) == yes) {
         if (!%bb) %bb = $vcmp.name(%aa) $+
         elseif ($numtok(%bb,32) <= 7) %bb = %bb  $vcmp.name(%aa)
         elseif (!%cc) %cc = $vcmp.name(%aa) $+
         elseif ($numtok(%cc,32) <= 7) %cc = %cc  $vcmp.name(%aa)
         elseif (!%dd) %dd = $vcmp.name(%aa) $+
         elseif ($numtok(%dd,32) <= 7) %dd = %dd  $vcmp.name(%aa)
       !inc %aa
     if (%bb) {
       vcmp.say Wanted players: %bb
       if (%cc) vcmp.say %cc
       if (%dd) vcmp.say %dd
     else vcmp.say Wanted players: none

Replace the content of the kill signal with this final script.

 if ($vcmp.name(%killer) == Unknown) !remini vcmp.wanted.ini WANTED $vcmp.name(%victim)
 elseif (($vcmp.name(%victim) != Unknown) && ($vcmp.name(%killer) != Unknown)) {
   if ($readini(vcmp.skin.ini,SKINS,%killer) != Citizen) {
     if ($readini(vcmp.wanted.ini,WANTED,$vcmp.name(%victim)) == yes) {
       vcmp.msg %killer You killed a suspect and got $ $+ 500 as a reward!
       vcmp.cash+ %killer 500    
       !remini vcmp.wanted.ini WANTED $vcmp.name(%victim)
     else vcmp.warn %killer Autowarn Killing an Innocent Civilian
   else {
     !writeini -n vcmp.wanted.ini WANTED $vcmp.name(%killer) yes
     !remini vcmp.wanted.ini WANTED $vcmp.name(%victim)

Looks like were done here. Happy role playing  :)

[Error] -This scripts is  mySQLite(mIRC)
ShowRoom (pawn) / Script WarDeath By Gamer
April 12, 2011, 04:43:18 AM
ESPAÑOL: Hola amigos les dejo mi script ( WarDeath) para que lo disfruten por que es muy probable que me vaya de pawno para comenzar con squirrel. Espero  que lo cuiden,Yo Gamer

ENGLISH: Friends I leave my script (WarDeath) for enjoyment because it is very likely that I go to start Pawn squirrel. I hope you care, I Gamer

/c registrar, /c logear, /c deslogear, /c datos, /c noseguir, /c noloc, /c goto,
!foro, !reglas

!hp, !armadura, !dar, !arma, !invisible, !datos, !nivel, !dinero, !ping, !vida, !salud !loc, !admins, !miskin, !sobrio, !armasEK, !depositar, !contar, !reportar, !dm, !fight, !base, !aeropuerto, !malibu, !mansion, !banco, !borracho, !seguir,
!chaleco, !peli-no, !peli-si, !desarmar, !id

!comprarprop, !sellprop, !shareprop, !delshareprop, !pvida
!infoauto, !comprarauto, !sellcar, !sharecar, !delsharecar, !auto, !lockcar, !unlockcar, !misautos
!pinchar, !explotar, !expulsar, !getoncar, !luces

!noob, !lagg, !tonto, !estupido, !gay, !perdedor, !buenserver, !malserver

!policia, !911, !ladron, !bombero, !100, !medico, !107

/c luip, curartodos, say, getip, setpassword, velocidad, jumpswitch, fastswitch, stuntbike, autoflotador, getcmdlevel,
autovol, luces, delveh, aguanivel, taxiboost, driveby, romperauto, invisible, dararma, cmdsnivel, score, antihack,
miniparatodos, animar, dueloenaire, matartodos, ctodos, dtodos, autos, chauautos, dinero, pinchar, antiping

/c banear, saberip, subirnivel, mensajote, ann2, goto, traer, auto, gravedad, ahogar, skin, hechar,
desarmar, mensajotepm, pmann2, reiniciarstats, congelar, descongelar, advertir, desadvertir,
vida, saveloc, gotoloc, chaleco, heal, salud, pinchar, expulsar, encarcelar, descarcelar, helikill-si, helikill-no

Link:  http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0HLI6WGJ

ESPAÑOL: Mil gracias a mis amigos: Tato, Alexis y Madara  ;)

ENGLISH: Thanks to my friends: Tato, Alexis and Madara

e-mail: [email protected]
By Gamer

                                  Proximamente GAME OVER en squirrel !!!!
General Discussion / [EK] | **.::GAME OVER::.**
April 05, 2011, 09:01:37 PM
 ESPAÑOL: [EK] | **.::GAME OVER::.**   es un servidor con scripts pawno que tiene poco lagg y nada de bug,Tiene capacidad para 20 personas y es en español. Tiene mas comandos que los demas servers y dentro de poso estara hosteado.

Server creado por: Gamer, Con ayuda de Madara,Alexis y Tato, les doy las gracias amigos!!

ENGLISH: [EK] | **.::GAME OVER::.**   is a server that has little pawno scripts lagg and no bug, has capacity for 20 people and is in Spanish. Has more commands than the other servers and will be hosted in sediment.

Server created by: Gamer, with the help of Madara, Alexis and Tato, thank you friends!
Quote from: Tamas on January 22, 2010, 06:03:50 PM
Current Version: 1.15

A lot of bugs has been fixed and added some new admin & public commands (check the commands.ini for more informations)

From now the missing function (getplayerskin) available  :)
The new server call (PlayerVersion) also added.

If you want to enable/disable the basic r2 functions check the serverconfig file where you can do this. Use boolean values (0=disabled,1=enabled)

Nice !!
ShowRoom (pawn) / Re: Kick to Invalid Nick by Madara
March 27, 2011, 04:31:37 AM
Quote from: tato on March 26, 2011, 10:32:49 PM
XD diria tu abuela

Quote from: tato on March 25, 2011, 05:02:09 AM

despues arreglo bien el Hunt , no lo descargen porque no anda bien..lo estoy terminando para que ande bien
Quote from: tato on March 25, 2011, 05:03:26 AM
santiii...te falto definir el settimer en el ongamemodeonit
eso no necesitaba tato
igual tenia fallas y las arreglamos con alexis ahora funcion re bien, hazta se apaga
Quote from: Skirmant on March 25, 2011, 09:20:14 AM
Quote from: yazeen on March 25, 2011, 09:09:38 AM
Hey Kid Uploading Hax here will get u in serous ban. Remove this topic before admin remove u

These are not hax. This is a newbie script that sets your HP to 100 every 0.1 secs. I would call it god mode instead.

ENGLISH: Friends forgive the faults, arrange the command and the link and now it works of marvel
ESPAÑOL: disculpen las fallas amigos, arregle el comando y el link y ahora funciona de maravilla
Quote from: tato on March 25, 2011, 02:03:36 AM

Estos scripts fueron creados por heekz.shadow traducidos por tato agregue unos comandos i mas tarde en la nueva version le pondre comandos de administradores... espero que les guste

Scripts Created By heekz.shadow Translated and added new commands By Me Tato well i will put admincmds and more comands later on i hope you like it

buena tato

Link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1ZBQ57VW

PD: Español

Si necesitan ayuda en pawno yo les puedo ayudar en mucho mi msn es [email protected] y si no tienen hotmail tengo gmail aca esta [email protected] y tanbien tengo yahoo por si no tienen ninguno de esos dos [email protected]

PD: English

If you need help in pawn y can help you in a lot of things my msn  is [email protected] if you dont have hotmail i have gmail [email protected] if you dont have gmail or hotmail i have yahoo my yahoo is [email protected] ;D

ShowRoom (pawn) / Hunt By Gamer
March 25, 2011, 04:07:47 AM
                                        THE ORIGINAL HUNT OF PAWNO

Hello friends here I leave them a hunt created by my (Gamer), it is of scripts pawno. DO NOT REMOVE CREDITS PLEASE

LINK: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TOGBCK3M



ENGLISH: Hello friends here I leave commands them hacks of scripts pawno created by my (Gamer).I have mas commands hacks that another day I am going to put here.Enjoy it !!

ESPAÑOL: Hola amigos aquí les dejo comandos hacks de scripts pawno creados por mi (Gamer). Tengo mas comandos hacks que otro dia voy a poner aquí. Disfrutenlo !!

created by my (Gamer)

LINK:  http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IX2XZVUZ
ENGLISH: Hello friends here I leave commands them hacks of scripts pawno created by my (Gamer).I have mas commands hacks that another day I am going to put here.Enjoy it !!

ESPAÑOL: Hola amigos aquí les dejo comandos hacks de scripts pawno creados por mi (Gamer). Tengo mas comandos hacks que otro dia voy a poner aquí. Disfrutenlo !!

created by my (Gamer)

LINK:  http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IX2XZVUZ

Quote from: Madara on March 25, 2011, 01:58:14 AM
Thank you madara equally the king of pawno are your................Thank you for what you taught me !!!!!! ;)
Quote from: [GCK]KoFFe on February 05, 2011, 08:57:27 AM
What Ever i heard that BIG[H] is Making LMS in pawno hope he will help

LMS is created By Madara.!!
mIRC/pawn Scripting / Hunt of scripts pawno By Gamer
March 24, 2011, 07:05:10 AM
                                                THE ORIGINAL HUNT OF PAWNO

Hello friends here I leave them a hunt created by my (Gamer), it is of scripts pawno. DO NOT REMOVE CREDITS PLEASE

LINK: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TOGBCK3M