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Messages - Falcon

Support / Re: R2 bug?
January 11, 2010, 08:00:56 PM
Quote from: AdTec_224 on January 11, 2010, 07:34:49 PM
Linux Server at http://vicecitymultiplayer.com/dl.php?f=12 doesnt work link fails "File not found."

Support / Re: server.cfg values (Pawno release)
January 11, 2010, 10:13:44 AM
No plugin available on current pawn server sorry.

Valves for server config listed below.

friendlyfire 0/1 // defines friendly fire
lanmode 0/1 // defines lan or web server
maxplayers 50 // define max players
port 5999 // defines port
hostname VCMP // defines server name
gamemode0 mode 1 // sets gamemode (only one available in this version so far)
rcon_password none // defines rcon password
password none // defines server password
filterscripts script// defines filter scripts for pawn
bind // defines server to bind to this ip
rcon_max_users 9 // defines rcon max users
Support / Re: R2 bug?
January 11, 2010, 09:59:30 AM
Updated server so now admins can decide if they allowed unpatched client to stay.

News / 0.3zr2 Server release
January 11, 2010, 09:44:19 AM
Due to some people wanting there server to have current patch i've made another server

LinuxServer: http://vicecitymultiplayer.com/dl.php?f=12
WinServer: http://vicecitymultiplayer.com/dl.php?f=10

new rcon outputs

[joinpatch] playerid version

So you can decide if you want to make players update or adjust your scripts arround unpatched clients.
News / Pawn Server released for 0.3zr2
January 10, 2010, 11:34:27 AM
Pawn Server released for 0.3zr2

Client(patched): http://vicecitymultiplayer.com/dl.php?f=5
LinuxServer: http://vicecitymultiplayer.com/dl.php?f=6
WinServer: http://vicecitymultiplayer.com/dl.php?f=7
Pawno: http://vicecitymultiplayer.com/dl.php?f=8

Patched client is not required for pawn server but is recommended so all features are available.

LinuxServer: http://vicecitymultiplayer.com/dl.php?f=9
WinServer: http://vicecitymultiplayer.com/dl.php?f=11

Updated server with new call


Now server owners and admin can decide if they want people to update to lastest patch to allow them to play or not.

Support / Re: R2 bug?
January 10, 2010, 12:42:31 AM
Quote from: thijn on January 09, 2010, 10:26:28 PM
Quote from: Falcon on January 09, 2010, 01:37:27 PM
Small Update with some fixes.

Client: http://vicecitymultiplayer.com/dl.php?f=5

Fixed fast car bug
Fixed passenger godmode

added new rcon

set 32 <vehicleid> <bool> (sets vehicle alarm state)
set 33 <vehicleid> <bool> (sets vehicle lights state)

Test alarms in action at
Very nice updates.
Also, Could you please add Set Team to the rcon.
I really need it for LMS and that sort of scripting things.

set 31 <playerid> <team>

Was already in there ..
Support / Re: R2 bug?
January 09, 2010, 01:37:27 PM
Small Update with some fixes.

Client: http://vicecitymultiplayer.com/dl.php?f=5

Fixed fast car bug
Fixed passenger godmode

added new rcon

set 32 <vehicleid> <bool> (sets vehicle alarm state)
set 33 <vehicleid> <bool> (sets vehicle lights state)

Test alarms in action at
Support / Re: R2 bug?
January 05, 2010, 09:45:27 AM
Sniper warp bug was known about and was created by us.. it far from easy to fix considering gtavc was never meant to have players in fp aim while a player is created.
Support / Re: R2 bug?
January 03, 2010, 01:09:40 AM

Great your guys are putting a list of bugs for us to work on.

Fixed the fast vehicle bug already ...

Can anybody tell us more about the kill on entry of vehicle bug .. maybe create a vid showing us. :)
If you must know was a bug in netcode ..

Plus added in ip binding and fix a few other bugs.

News / Latest Update: 0.3z R2 Server and Client
December 29, 2009, 06:24:02 AM
Critical Update: New 0.3z Server And Client are required.

Client:Click here
WinServer: Click here
LinuxServer: Click here
Linux server now has bind feature also.

Links Updated
General Discussion / Re: 03.z r2
December 29, 2009, 06:22:38 AM
Major Update all Server Owners and Players Must GET...

Client: http://vicecitymultiplayer.com/dl.php?f=1
WinServer: http://vicecitymultiplayer.com/dl.php?f=2
LinuxServer: http://vicecitymultiplayer.com/dl.php?f=3

Add in bind feature (yes for you WOET!)

iJust add the following to your config.ini

bind = "ip"
bind = ""
General Discussion / Re: VC-MP IRC Channel Moved
December 26, 2009, 10:46:39 AM
Well main reason is to be on same channel as sa-mp.

Doesn't have to be any other reason.
General Discussion / Re: VC-MP IRC Channel Moved
December 26, 2009, 03:52:40 AM
No fail... where no asking you to follow just telling you where we are ;)
mIRC/pawn Scripting / Re: rcon irc dll documentation?
December 26, 2009, 03:44:36 AM
kick <id> (explains itself)
ban <id> (explains itself)
banip <ip> (explains itself)
unban <ip> (explains itself)
password <newpassword> (sets password)
maxplayers <newmaxplayers> (sets max player limit)
gethp <id> (outputs players health to [gethp] <id> <health>)
getarmour <id> (outputs players armour to [getarmour] <id> <armour>)
getmoney <id> (outputs players money to [getmoney] <id> <money>)
getloc <id> (outputs players health to [getloc] <id> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z>)
gethr (outputs current hr to [gethr] <currenthour>)
getmin (outputs current minute to [getmin] <currentminute>)
getweather (outputs current weather to [getweather] <currentweathervalve>)
getspectators (outputs current amount of people in spectator mode to [getspectators] <amount>)
adminchat <text> (Display text in server)
adminmsg <id> <text> (Sends text to id only)
sethr <newhour> (explains itself)
setmin <newminute> (explains itself)
setweather <valve> (Changes weather to new valve)
settimerate <rate> (changes rate time counts)
set 1 <id> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z> <interourid> (sets players position and interour)
set 2 <carid> <health> (sets vehicle health)
set 3 <carid> <status> (sets car door status etc 4 = locked)
set 4 <id> <money> (sets players money)
set 5 <id> <weaponid> (sets players weapons .. note 0 will remove all weapons)
set 6 <id> <state> (sets players control state)
set 7 <id> (removes marker from player)
set 8 <carid> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z> (sets car location)
set 9 <id> <carid> (put player into car)
set 10 <id> <health> (sets player health)
set 11 <id> <colour> (show player marker and change colour)
set 12 <id> <armour> (set players armour)
set 13 <playerid> <text> (display text centre .. note this uses std gxt)
set 14 <playerid> (set text bottom for player)
set 15 <playerid> <level>  (set wanted level)
set 16 <marker> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z> (Create Icon Marker With Sphere)
set 17 <marker> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z> (Create IconMarker WithOut Sphere)
set 18 <carid> (kils car engine)
set 19 <carid> <bool> (inflate/deflate tyres)
set 20 <card> (set car to respawn)
set 21 <playerid> <visuals> <handling> (boozer setting)
set 22 <playerid> <bool> (disable/enable driveby Ability)
set 23 <playerid> <bool> (toggle widescreen)
set 24 <playerid> <bool> (toggle green scanlines)
set 25 <playerid> <bool> (toggle white scanlines)
set 26 <carid> <rotation> (set vehicle rotation float)
set 27 <playerid> <bool> (reset game settings)
set 28 <playerid> <skin> (set players skin)
set 29 <bool> (enable/disable stuntbike mod)
set 30 <bool> <enable/diable shoot in air mod)
newpickup <type> <pos.x> <pos.x> <pos.y> (creates pickup at position and outputs too [newpickup] <pickupid> <type> <pos.x> <pos.y> <pos.z>)
deletepickup <pickupid> (explains itself)
spawnpickup <pickupid> (respawns pickup)
spickupplayer <playerid> <pickupid> (spawns pickup for player only)
do <playerid> <anim> (set players animation)
perfecthandling <bool> (enable/disable Perfect Handling cheat)
disabledriveby <playerid> <bool> (disable/enable driveby Ability)
gravity <byte> (set global gravity)
gamespeed <byte> (set global gamespeed)
framelimiter <bool> (set global framelimter)
setspikes <playerid> <bool> (enable/disable spikes)
setwepdamage <wepid> <damage> (set weapon damage)
jumpswitch <bool> (enable/disable jump switch glitch)
fastswitch <bool> (enable/disable fastswitch glitch)
syncframelimiter <bool> (enable/disable framelinter sync)
taxiboostjump <bool> (enable/disable taxiboost cheat)
flyingcars <bool> (enable/diable taxiboost cheat)
driveonwater <bool> (enable/disable drive on water cheat)
setwaterlevel <level> (set global water level)
getweather returns(([getweather] byte)
players returns (this info in order - id,playername,ip,port,playerhealth,playerarmour,coord-x,coord-y,coord-y,carid,currentweapon,currentcarhp,players,currentmoney)
ping <player> returns([ping] playerid ping)
getplayercar returns ([getplayercar] playerid vehicleid State VehicleModel CarHealth)