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Messages - ULK.HeAD

VC:MP Clans / Re: ArS - Anti roofing Anti-spazzing
February 07, 2009, 06:42:17 PM
nice idea, I hope you guys stick with it. VCMP is lacking heli pilots skilled enough to put an end to the roof campers. good luck

edit: I also want to see what you will do about the spas, outside of the chat box...  ;) :D
VC:MP Clans / Re: ULK - United Legion of Killers
January 30, 2009, 12:37:18 AM
lol... thanks for reminding me, I knew I would forget to do it  :)
Quote from: TLK.akiharu on January 27, 2009, 05:38:20 AM
I think I can safely assume that you're either new to Vice City or new to the multiplayer version of this game. Well, since this is not a lag-less game, simply aiming straight and shooting at a person will not kill him/her, unless your target isn't moving at all. You have to, thus, lead your shots, or in other words, aim your shots ahead of where you think the person will be moving towards, in order to beat the lag. This is especially the case for long range shots with weapons such as the m60. Some people may lag more than others, and you just have to simply decide how much you want to "lead" when you're shooting.

yep, thats the best advice to follow.... or you might end up like certain players that compensate for lacking in skill to lead a target by waiting for you to fire first before attacking, in order to take a shot at a stationary target. others will compensate with a spas
VC:MP Clans / Re: ULK - United Legion of Killers
January 23, 2009, 12:26:32 AM
new TLK recruits 75X and aeo have been added to the roster.

btw, TLK stands for Training Legion of Killers...
...and crack has been with us much longer than 2 years... lol
VC:MP Clans / Re: ULK - United Legion of Killers
January 22, 2009, 04:44:29 AM
alright, I got my PC running again, and I'm glad to see everything didn't fall apart while I was gone... it will take me a few days to get back into things, for now I'll respond to some posts  :P

Quote from: borosky on December 23, 2008, 02:29:05 PM
FU HEADBITCH you forgot to put ME on the roster >:(

FU ... what's your name again???   ;D

Quote from: Charleyutton on December 23, 2008, 02:47:07 PM
Have you got a forum? I tried getting on it through the link you posted but nothing seems to work on there.

ULK currently has no forum or site, we keep in contact with eachother using IRC or MSN messenger, or in-game chat. Someday we may decide to put something up, you never know....

Quote from: Mr.Sosa on December 25, 2008, 09:47:47 AM
-Edwin leave TLK he applied to join SkT and was accepted as SkTj = Junior

TLK members are free to quit whenever they want to, he has been removed from the roster.
VC:MP Clans / Re: ULK - United Legion of Killers
January 16, 2009, 03:44:57 AM
alright, if anyone noticed I was missing... I am going to be back soon  ;D

I came back after a vacation to find my watercooling setup gone bad, and I've had to replace a couple things, the last of which should be shipping in the next couple of days :)  ...I was going to keep quiet and wait to make a surprise comeback, but I saw a post by KFG and I got all excited.  ;)
VC:MP Clans / Re: ULK - United Legion of Killers
December 12, 2008, 11:40:15 PM
thanks for the support guys!  ;D

and yeah top 3 is Bishop, Prontera, and HeAD in that order.  ;)
VC:MP Clans / ULK - United Legion of Killers
December 12, 2008, 05:00:46 AM
ULK came to VCMP sometime around March/April of 2008. with its few remaining members having finally found a suitable multiplayer Vice City experience, we are here to stay. some old clan history can be viewed at: http://web.archive.org/web/20050326144114/www.ulkgang.com/index.php?p=cat&cid=2
Currently, we are recruiting and training new members, TLK is open mostly to anyone, but remember that only english speaking, well-mannered players will be invited to join ULK.

Member List

BioHazarD / hazz*


...if you have been left off the roster, or marked as inactive,
please post here to inform us of your status.
VC:MP Clans / Re: VC:MP clans
December 12, 2008, 04:24:44 AM
Clan Name: United Legion of Killers / Training Legion of Killers
Clan tag: ULK - TLK
Country: international
Leader(s): there is no leader of ULK
Co. leader(s): HeAD manages TLK
IRC channel: ask a ULK member if you would like to know...
Other info: since 2003
VC:MP Clans / Re: [UB] unique boys
November 09, 2008, 07:53:19 PM
yeah, it's a nice clan, I've seen and fought everyone except zygoat and apertber, and they are all good players. even though I just kicked lape for spawncamping with a spas  ;)
Vice City / Re: edit controls with a text editor?
November 02, 2008, 10:34:15 PM
I tried out autohotkey and I wasn't able to make it work. I'm just a nub  :-[

if anyone has gotten it to work or has another way, let me know please  :)
yeah well, they need some. every single time I have played there, I run into cheaters.
Vice City / edit controls with a text editor?
September 14, 2008, 08:44:37 PM
I am having trouble leaving places like ammunation, it wants me to press right ctrl to exit. My keyboard has no right ctrl. I cannot unbind the key in the game's options, so I was wondering if anyone can tell me if/where there would be a file used by vice for key bindings? something I can edit with a text editor to remove the r_ctrl from whatever it is bound to? thanks...