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how to decide car's location (X Y Z) and z_angle

Started by chn batista, February 25, 2009, 01:53:51 PM

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chn batista

i type !saveloc XXX is (LOCATION) X Y Z?? help plz...


With !saveloc you can goto to that location.

So when you type: !saveloc test
And you try then !gotoloc test you will go to the test-location.

I have my own Hamachi server.
I am not allowed to portforward.

chn batista

maybe you don't understand my means !saveloc are just decide X Y Z ? this is car's location?? and how to decide z_angle


Use /s ;)
!saveloc is only for XYZ (so just for an player to teleport)

chn batista


Yes it can, It will output:

Vehicle = [Carmodel] [x] [y] [z] [z_angle] [color_1] [color_2]


from pick a z_angle go for car and press T and uzing this command /s is save loc of car in you gta vc loc
