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property id s problum

Started by chn batista, March 01, 2009, 08:24:17 AM

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chn batista

property's id is property name or id?
so id please post here thanks  ;)


eeeh?? lolz, What do u mean?

chn batista

umm.. sorry i just need property id..
my english is not well ;D


chn batista

chn batista

FBV0.2 CAN BUY property just need id to buy property   ;)


Lolz, we can't give it, because U need to see it with the prop pickup :P

chn batista

thanks just type !addprop   ;D :D


<@Foxtrot> halooo
<@Foxtrot> darfeh any cw's?
* Desert_Eagle is now known as darfeh
<@darfeh> idk

chn batista

just type !addprop after that you can buy the prop
i hope you can understant it ;)