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Started by Rami, November 30, 2009, 04:34:08 AM

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Quote from: MrAcmering on December 03, 2009, 12:23:08 PM
my server doesn't show in master list but anyone can join.

server + announce fixed: http://www.killzservers.altervista.org/Downloads/server.zip

Oh, ok good to hear that, cuz i thought im the one who have this problem :P, Thx alot 8)

EDIT : Sorry guys for 2 replys, its just a mistake :)


you need to pay if u wanna show ur server on Official tab and your server need to be "special"

Strike: you need for announce file(not exe) or nope?



Quoteyou need to pay if u wanna show ur server on Official tab and your server need to be "special"

OK, i need to buy it, how i can do that, and from where :D ?

EDIT : After trying all what you told me guys, everything fine, but i got another problem :S with connecting to my own server, its still shows for me "Connecting" and when i try to type a cmd, its told me "Not Connected", and this is a pic to see my problem :

So what is that ? and how i can fix this problem ;D


You don't have to pay anything to make your server appear on the offical tab..



you have to pay if you wanna host your server 24h for day

the best hoster is serverffs (for me  ;D) : https://www.serverffs.com/



Quote from: MrAcmering on December 04, 2009, 12:26:10 PM
you have to pay if you wanna host your server 24h for day

the best hoster is serverffs (for me  ;D) : https://www.serverffs.com/

AHA, ok im gona to check this site :), but do u have answer for my last question :D ?


I don't know, I'm not a VC:MP creator...



Quote from: MrAcmering on December 04, 2009, 01:46:42 PM
I don't know, I'm not a VC:MP creator...


The site you gave it to me, doesn't support the CashU payment method, so i need a site support it, because i don't have a Visa Card or Master Card and this stuf, i just have a CashU, and this is the offical site for cashu payment method www.cashu.com, please try to get another site support this payment method, Thanks Alot.

EDIT1: Its ok if u r not a VCMP creator, but i hope some one is a VCMP creator try to help me at this problem

EDIT2: I think the problem is in my ports, i don't know if they're correct, i will post a picture to see my opened ports for VCMP, i hope they're incorrect because then i can fix them and everything will be alright :D :

(Full size http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/8964/portsf.png)
Please tell me if my ports are correct or incorrect .

NOTE: My router type is ASUS (AM604) .

My Regards Rami


Make sure you're not using 5192 as the rcon port for the scripts. Remeber, the server port is different from server rcon port. The default port is 5315. It should be in your config.ini as RconPort = 5315


Quote from: Mattz on December 04, 2009, 05:03:29 PM
Make sure you're not using 5192 as the rcon port for the scripts. Remeber, the server port is different from server rcon port. The default port is 5315. It should be in your config.ini as RconPort = 5315

Oooh, My Rcon Port for my config.ini file, was "RconPort = 5192" do u think thats is the problem ?
And please checkout my ports picture, and tell me if they're correct or not, Thanks.

EDIT: I fixed it, and i change it to "RconPort = 5315" and the FBS is successful connected to my server, but the problem is still :S, its still saying after i join my server "Connecting to" and its don't get connected ..!, this is a picture shows that everything is successful for the FBS script :

(Full Size http://img406.imageshack.us/img406/6825/everythingisfine.png)

And this one, shows that my "vcmp-svr.exe" is cool and have no any problem :

(Full Size http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/1064/vcmpsvrfine.png)



Quote from: Mattz on December 04, 2009, 06:49:10 PM
Is FBS still connecting to 5192?

No, i don't think, because i deleted the whole FBS file, and i redownloaded it .


Quote from: StriKe on December 03, 2009, 02:00:28 PM
You cannot view your server in Internet tab if your home hosted 99% sure
I am 100% sure you can.

The only thing I can think of with this problem, Is your firewall.
Try to turn off your firewall, and try starting the server and scripts again.

After you did that, try this site for testing the Port: Clicky You can also see your IP at that site.
Copy it and add it to Fav (doesnt need to add :5192, thats default and will be added automaticly)


Quote from: thijn on December 06, 2009, 09:13:42 AM
Quote from: StriKe on December 03, 2009, 02:00:28 PM
You cannot view your server in Internet tab if your home hosted 99% sure
I am 100% sure you can.

I can not see my server in masterlist and is home hosted