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[REQUESTS] Weather ID and pickup ID's [REQUESTS]

Started by GTA-Roloboy, August 22, 2007, 01:06:16 AM

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All in this movie: Click

I need all the pickup id's, what you see in the movie :)

and, whas the weather ID of thunderstorm ? :O


All those large rotating objects are useless, all they do is disappear when you pick them up, they don't even collide! The pickups aren't a easy way to place exploding barrels that you can shoot all over the map. You need to specify what happens when player picks up oooo lets say pickup id 123, like fall or teleport or what. One example is the boxes, trashcans, and keycards at UltraMegaServer.
Btw, there are heck of alot of pickup ids, posting ALL of then with pictures could be a pain, but I'll see if I can post only the ones you should be worried about.(or maybe not)
Date Registered:     July 29, 2007, 09:48:25 PM
Last Active:    March 21, 2008, 09:14:52 PM


The pickups are not useless..

Only you need is to code whats happin when you pick it up...


- Getting Health
- Lose Health
- Getting Armour
- Lose Armour
- Spawn car
- Teleport in car
- Teleport to someone
- Teleport to location
- Get a msg (maybe with info)
- Get a announce
- Vcmp say something
- Somebody else gets a car/health/armour/announce/msg/teleport to someone or location
- Somebody else lose health/armour
- Somebody else's car explode.
- Lose money
- Get money
- Someone else get/lose money
- Make yourself / someone else admin :P

and lots of more!

And what about the weather ID?


Well, I have no clue.

But its not over, most people use the GUS 9.0 to !setweather to numbers over than 9, like !setweather 236. You might have to mess around with the weather number to find something you might like.
Date Registered:     July 29, 2007, 09:48:25 PM
Last Active:    March 21, 2008, 09:14:52 PM


I have found all ID's :)

And the weather ID of thunderstorm is 2

Someone know some id's of this? :)


Weather IDs from the original VC:MP INI file:

Quote from: VCMP 0.3z Config.ini; ---weather settings----------------
; 0 = mostly clear skies
; 1 = overcast
; 2 = rainy-lightning
; 3 = foggy
; 4 = clear skies
; 5 = rainy
; 6 = dark sky partly cloudy
; 7 = light sky partly cloudy
; 8 = overcast partly cloudy
; 9 = grey sky black clouds



I know, but if you have read the posts above you had knew that I have found it aleady.