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Buycar Scriptin Sasan

Started by TanaX01, July 22, 2008, 10:34:40 PM

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K.I.S.S your only mistake was naming the creator wrongly.
If you had admitted your mistake at an early stage it would've all been ok.
Now you're trying to insult others as well.

PS. Might want to go get a new keyboard.


Thus the basis of hypocrisy. Mentioning the maker, and then after having gotten it wrong, saying it doesn't matter. If it doesn't matter why'd you specify :P


your just making this forum look more and more unprofessional.

keep going, im saving this for my colleagues for a good laugh tomorrow.


Well we wouldn't want to leave them unsatisfied, now would we?


I'd say, show it to your grammar teacher instead.



OK Windlord, Force, and revilo are all RIGHT you are wrong, accept your wrong doings and stop blaming them, heres a definition of hypocrisy since you seem to  need one...
or maybe two...

1.   a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.

2.   a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.

Now an instance of hypocrisy would be.. I dunno... saying one thing when another is known as true?

or ....

Saying something like  " your just making this forum look more and more unprofessional. " when in reality it is the one who said such a thing that is infact making this forum look unprofessional?

are you a kid of like 15 trying to act like some kind of bigshot and so finds it neccisary to prove his point no matter what the cost dispite knowing your wrong?

This is rediculous everyone knows that the vehicle id converter for VCMP was created by rulk, and not more, so how you came to the conclusion it was moe is beyond all of us I believe....

so enjoy having a laugh about this tomorrow with your "colleauges" or rather being laughed at BY your "colleauges", that is ofcourse, if you infact HAVE Colleauges....
Regards Orph


ALL of u guys are wasting ur times posting here, arguing with another peep who you don't even know who he is. And by arguing more, u ALL are making the forum look more bad. Stop arguing now, and go back to topic we are WAAAAAAAY off topic.

thank you


Quote from: Windlord on July 24, 2008, 10:01:46 PM
K.I.S.S your only mistake was naming the creator wrongly.
If you had admitted your mistake at an early stage it would've all been ok.
Now you're trying to insult others as well.

PS. Might want to go get a new keyboard.

Hey K.I.S.S Stop is my script and me credits delate ok please stop fight in forum !!

is forum script no forum fight WTF!  >:(


Ok I tryed it seems its work but:

When i go to Sunshine Autos and type: !buycar it says:
"This vehicle is allready owned" --> But its not :(
My cars.ini file:


Anyway 2 commands not work:

I dont know the script is 100% good, but if i put my name to the owners file example:

Than i can getcar it for me than the server says you do not have the keys for this vehicle , but i can spawn it for me :D


you edit script well ?? look error in mirc and post error in forum  ;)


Okay i solve the problem it was that:
I puted that there: SunshineAutos
Correct Format: Sunshine-Autos :)

Than the script will accept the buying request when you type !buycar
Anyway the !sharecar, !sharedcars commands are still not working.


Re: Buycar Scriptin Sasan
? Reply #35 on: Today at 01:17:17 PM ?

OK Windlord, Force, and revilo are all RIGHT you are wrong, accept your wrong doings and stop blaming them, heres a definition of hypocrisy since you seem to  need one...
or maybe two...

1.   a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.

2.   a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.

Now an instance of hypocrisy would be.. I dunno... saying one thing when another is known as true?

or ....

Saying something like  " your just making this forum look more and more unprofessional. " when in reality it is the one who said such a thing that is infact making this forum look unprofessional?

are you a kid of like 15 trying to act like some kind of bigshot and so finds it neccisary to prove his point no matter what the cost dispite knowing your wrong?

This is rediculous everyone knows that the vehicle id converter for VCMP was created by rulk, and not more, so how you came to the conclusion it was moe is beyond all of us I believe....

so enjoy having a laugh about this tomorrow with your "colleauges" or rather being laughed at BY your "colleauges", that is ofcourse, if you infact HAVE Colleauges....
Regards Orph

The joke is on you if you don't understand what you copied and pasted.

Try reading through what you wrote carefully, you will eventually get there i think.

PS, i love the speculation in this one, has caused a few laughs.


You really aren't worth the effort.. and also I DID read what I put.. since I WROTE it I know what I put...  YOU clearly have either misread, or misunderstood what the conecpt of hypcrisy is, and since talking to you seems to be like trying to communicate with a brick wall... no wait,thats not fair, the brick wall would have much better understanding of such a situation, since clearly you lack good communication skills, and the ability to interpret the writings of humans in a way that is compatiable with your meager mind.

So do us all a favour and kindly silence yourself so we no longer have to listen to the ramblings of a pompous cretin...

Postscript, or P.S. for those who are unfamiliar with postscript : If you need a dictionary I'm certain you can find one in your local bookstore, that is ofcourse if you know what a bookstore looks like, let alone a book...


took your time.

one word


your essay was a waste of time.

note, that was a hint. your making yourself look very silly by making all these speculations. keep them coming, they are providing some good entertainment


Took my time because i have something called a LIFE you know, where you DON'T sit watching  a forum all day in hope for a reply.

And well done it IS speculation,  speculation most people in this topic would agree with.