Author Topic: Help with WSV.  (Read 2516 times)

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Offline xeonon

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Help with WSV.
« on: October 04, 2008, 03:25:26 am »
Hi, Im Xeonon, I currently am running a server, and everytime i restart WSV Scripts it deletes all info, like !addprop. Everytime I restart the script it makes me connect to even though I continue to Press okay to change it to my ip, and I save to!

My second question is, how do you use !makerace, it doesn't make much since I try /c makerace starting location and ending location and reward, please give me an example of what to do with that :)

Thanks, Xeonon


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Re: Help with WSV.
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2008, 10:11:28 am »
Which version are you using?
It sounds like you are using v0.2 if I am not mistaken.

I currently am running a server, and everytime i restart WSV Scripts it deletes all info, like !addprop.
do you mean that the pickups do not show up?
If that is the case, type /WSV.autoloadpickup into your mirc window.
It should work...  :-X

Whatever the case is...
You need to press ctrl+r to access the scripts editor in your mIRC client.
Then you need to edit the variables that are there.
for example,


To make a race, you first need to set up race locations wish !saveraceloc
Then you do something like...
!makerace sunshine army 10000
to start a race.

Hope this helps.