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Topics - Sandoval

Pages: [1]
XE Servers (Legacy) / My Absence
« on: February 26, 2009, 07:41:58 am »
Some of you probably remember me from back in November and a little before that. I was an active admin for some time, but then became less and less active, then I "disappeared".

Well, the reason for this is that I have a tendency to "wander" off from game to game some times... from VCMP I moved back to SAMP, and from SAMP to Runescape, and from Runescape to World of Warcraft, and then now I've lost most interest in WoW and Runescape.

I apologise for my long absence, and have promised to myself that I will put forward all my effort to be on more, perhaps once every day or so. I've seen a couple of changes to the server, and wish I was active during them.

Thanks for reading, and Happy Gaming!


XE Servers (Legacy) / **Required Information for Unban Requests**
« on: September 17, 2008, 05:19:54 am »
I've seen a few Unban Requests which don't give enough information, keeping us from unbanning the person. If you are a person who is looking to post an Unban Request/Ban Appeal/Unban Report, however you would like to call it, please include the following information:

In-Game Name
Admin That Banned You (Not Really Required, but it would be nice.)
Why You Were Banned
An Explanation of The Situation That Led You to Get Banned

Thank you for reading and I hope this helps our future unban requests.

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