Servers / TA l american+canadain server
« on: August 12, 2013, 12:41:24 pm »
Host name: TA l American+canadian Server
Players : 0/50
forum : http://ta-servers.boards.net
Mode: Gangwar SQ v1.0
Owner level
15 and Name of owner is { j3rry}
manager level
level 8-10
head Admin level
level 6-7
admins level
level 4-5
moderator level
level 3
half moderators
level 2
admin of event
level 1
member level
level 0
Accounts Commands
/c register <password>
/c login <password>
/c changepass <newpass>
Teleporting commands
/c goto <player> - Teleport to another player
/c saveloc <LocationName> -
/c gotoloc <LocationName> -
/c nogoto <on/off>
/c spawnloc <set/on/off> -
/c loc <player> - To find out the location of a player, how far away they are from you and in which direction.
Weapon commands
/c wep <weapon> -
/c spawnwep <set/list/on/off> -
Additional commands
!quote -
!quote<number> -
!stats <player> -
!spree <player> -
/c armour <player> - Displays a player's armour
/c stats <player> -
/c addquote -
/c heal -
/c forum - Displays the forum address.
/c clanstats <clantag> - Displays the clanstats of a clan.
/c server - Displays how many players are in the server.
/c info - Displays server info
/c script - Displays script info
/c hp <player> -
/c report <player> <reason> - Reports a player to admins both ingame and on irc
/c repair - Repairs your car
/c eject - Ejects you from your car
/c id <player> - Displays a player's id
Players : 0/50
forum : http://ta-servers.boards.net
Mode: Gangwar SQ v1.0
Owner level
15 and Name of owner is { j3rry}
manager level
level 8-10
head Admin level
level 6-7
admins level
level 4-5
moderator level
level 3
half moderators
level 2
admin of event
level 1
member level
level 0
Accounts Commands
/c register <password>
/c login <password>
/c changepass <newpass>
Teleporting commands
/c goto <player> - Teleport to another player
/c saveloc <LocationName> -
/c gotoloc <LocationName> -
/c nogoto <on/off>
/c spawnloc <set/on/off> -
/c loc <player> - To find out the location of a player, how far away they are from you and in which direction.
Weapon commands
/c wep <weapon> -
/c spawnwep <set/list/on/off> -
Additional commands
!quote -
!quote<number> -
!stats <player> -
!spree <player> -
/c armour <player> - Displays a player's armour
/c stats <player> -
/c addquote -
/c heal -
/c forum - Displays the forum address.
/c clanstats <clantag> - Displays the clanstats of a clan.
/c server - Displays how many players are in the server.
/c info - Displays server info
/c script - Displays script info
/c hp <player> -
/c report <player> <reason> - Reports a player to admins both ingame and on irc
/c repair - Repairs your car
/c eject - Ejects you from your car
/c id <player> - Displays a player's id