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Hi guys,plz can someone help me when i connect sansan to my server, then when i type 3 times i get auto kickiked!I just need to remove that thing.Best Regards,Tony
on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.event.chat:{ var %name = $left([ $1 ],-1),%id = $vcmp.nameid(%name), %team = $iif($vcmp.hgetteam(%id) != -1,$v1,255), %cname = $iif($vcmp.hgetteam(%id),$vcmp.nickcolor(%name $+ $par(%team)) $+ :,01 $+ $1 $+ ) $iif($($+(%,antispam.,[ %name ]),2) == 5,vcmp.kicknow %id flooding,inc -u5 $+(%,antispam.,[ %name ]))
on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.event.chat:{ var %name = $left([ $1 ],-1),%id = $vcmp.nameid(%name), %team = $iif($vcmp.hgetteam(%id) != -1,$v1,255), %cname = $iif($vcmp.hgetteam(%id),$vcmp.nickcolor(%name $+ $par(%team)) $+ :,01 $+ $1 $+ );---commenting out this line prevents spam/flood protection; $iif($($+(%,antispam.,[ %name ]),2) == 5,vcmp.kicknow %id flooding,inc -u5 $+(%,antispam.,[ %name ]))
I need to remove: "Please wait 4 seconds "
on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.event.chat:{ var %name = $left([ $1 ],-1),%id = $vcmp.nameid(%name), %team = $iif($vcmp.hgetteam(%id) != -1,$v1,255), %cname = $iif($vcmp.hgetteam(%id),$vcmp.nickcolor(%name $+ $par(%team)) $+ :,01 $+ $1 $+ ) $iif($($+(%,antispam.,[ %name ]),2) == 5,vcmp.kicknow %id flooding,inc -u5 $+(%,antispam.,[ %name ])) vcmp.enforcelogin %id vcmp.enforcestfu %id vcmp.enforce.censor %id $2- if ($left($2,1) == !) { if ($($+(%,anticmdspam.,[ %name ]),2) > 0) { vcmp.adminmsg %id ** Error: You must wait 4 seconds between commands. } else { inc -u4 $+(%,anticmdspam.,[ %name ]) | .signal vcmp.event.gamecmd $1- } } if (%echolevel > 2) vcmp.echo %cname $2- }
on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.event.chat:{ var %name = $left([ $1 ],-1),%id = $vcmp.nameid(%name), %team = $iif($vcmp.hgetteam(%id) != -1,$v1,255), %cname = $iif($vcmp.hgetteam(%id),$vcmp.nickcolor(%name $+ $par(%team)) $+ :,01 $+ $1 $+ ) $iif($($+(%,antispam.,[ %name ]),2) == 5,vcmp.kicknow %id flooding,inc -u5 $+(%,antispam.,[ %name ])) vcmp.enforcelogin %id vcmp.enforcestfu %id vcmp.enforce.censor %id $2- if ($left($2,1) == !) .signal vcmp.event.gamecmd $1- if (%echolevel > 2) vcmp.echo %cname $2- }