I am making a Snipers Mini - Game (M60's for now
) with Windlord for Sansan. I have got this code to sort the round but I don't know how I am going to restore everyone's control's when the !go command is typed
. Here is the code, if you are able to help it would be appreciated
elseif ($2 == !go) {
if ($hget(SnipeHashTable,$vcmp.hgetname($1)) != Sniping) { vcmp.adminmsg %id You are not participating! }
elseif ($hget(GoHashTable,Go) != Standby) { vcmp.adminmsg %id You can't start yet! Other paricipants may want to join! }
else {
timer 1 1 vcmp.gametext.all vcmp.doforall - 3 -
timer 1 2 vcmp.gametext.all vcmp.doforall - 2 -
timer 1 3 vcmp.gametext.all vcmp.doforall - 1 -
timer 1 4 vcmp.gametext.all vcmp.doforall Fight!
timer 1 5 vcmp.setcon vcmp.doforall 1
the vcmp.setcon vcmp.doforall was something I added in as a test to try and do it, but it failed. Ideally I would like it to loop round the SnipeHashTable and restore all controls to ppl that are on there..
Any ideas?