hi, i do my best but i really dont know how to fix this problem
public StarGameLMS()
if (gLMS[CountLMS] == 0) {MessageAll(BLUE, "LMS has ended because no players."); KillTimer(LMS1); SetTimer("QuitBugLMS",1000,0);}
else if (gLMS[CountLMS] == 1) {MessageAll(BLUE, "LMS has completed and a winner."); KillTimer(LMS1); SetTimer("InfoPlayerWinLMS",500,0); SetTimer("SendPlayerRewardLMS",1000,0);}
else if (gLMS[CountLMS] >= 2) {
for(new i = 0; i <= MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
new plr = FindPlayerIDFromString(gPlayers);
if(!NeedPlayerInArea(plr,gLMS[MinXS],gLMS[MaxXS],gLMS[MinYS],gLMS[MaxYS])) {SetPlayerPos(plr,gLMS[PosXS], gLMS[PosYS], gLMS[PosZS], 0,0); GameTextForPlayerBottom(plr,"~h~re-join!");}
else GameTextForPlayerBottom(plr,"\x10");
return 1;
that is Invalid Function Or Declaration