Author Topic: The question on the location  (Read 4415 times)

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Offline theway

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The question on the location
« on: February 10, 2011, 06:06:32 am »
Such us ,  i type /heal ,   but i am not in hospital.  So   "  u are not in the hosopital '

how can i Identify the location  , setplayerpos or ?

So , What how i can write in the pawno ..    I don' t know ..

and how can I  creat a icon  On the radar,,,   Thanks ..

Offline BIG[H]

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Re: The question on the location
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2011, 08:21:54 am »
Such us ,  i type /heal ,   but i am not in hospital.  So   "  u are not in the hosopital '

how can i Identify the location  , setplayerpos or ?

So , What how i can write in the pawno ..    I don' t know ..

and how can I  creat a icon  On the radar,,,   Thanks .

xD you are Using GUPS huh

So For Heal CMD Find this

else if (strcmp(cmd, "!heal", true) == 0) {
        new Float:Health; GetPlayerHealth(playerid,Health);
                                        if(strcmp(GetPlayerLocation(playerid), "Hospital-Vice-Point-Vice-City-Beach", true) == 1)                                        

SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN, "You have to be at the hospital.");
          else if (Health >= 100) SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"Error: You are healthy!");
        else {
               SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"You have been healed.");
        return 1;

Change it TO this :
else if (strcmp(cmd, "!heal", true) == 0) {
      new Float:Health; GetPlayerHealth(playerid,Health);

        if (Health >= 100) SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"Error: You are healthy!");
      else {
            SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_GREEN,"You have been healed.");
      return 1;

And If you want To Create icon i have Solution But In pawn SendRconCommand is Bugged xD

so Login as admin type in game
your rcon password from server.cfg

/admin rcon_password

then type
/s iconbla
it will give u Coords then Hurry Don't miss the Coordsor anyone will with Talk will remove it
your coords will be Look like this

Class :0 0 0 0 Pos:x Pos:y Pox:z Angle 0 0 0 0
pos are Numbers of map where u are standing
then type
/set 16 Icon-ID Pos:x Pos:y Pos:z
for Easy i give u example

i type
/s posicon

then it comes
Class : 0 0 0 0 -396.45454 324.68541 -435.4442 29.54544 0 0 0 0
and next i type
without angle and Zero's
with Icon ID
/set 16 23 -396.45454 324.68541 -435.4442
EDIT: the icon comes for Player who are in game not for then who after icon appear Connect server you will have to type it again when some one connect's
« Last Edit: February 13, 2011, 06:13:48 am by BIG[H] »
Outdoor city server Administrator, FS server owner!

Offline theway

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Re: The question on the location
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2011, 07:45:44 am »
how can i know the icon id ? , 
but i type  /set16 23 X Y Z

he say like this :  i don't know  commands
« Last Edit: February 11, 2011, 07:52:28 am by theway »

Offline BIG[H]

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Re: The question on the location
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2011, 10:46:56 pm »
I don't know Icons ID and u may test all 1 to 100 what ever
Outdoor city server Administrator, FS server owner!

Offline theway

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Re: The question on the location
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2011, 04:11:29 am »
/set16   ( is not work)

Offline shivambansal

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Re: The question on the location
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2011, 09:05:37 am »
type /c heal bcoz u are admin you i'll be healed :P

Offline BIG[H]

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Re: The question on the location
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2011, 04:56:17 pm »
sorry its /set 16
not /set16
try /set 16
Outdoor city server Administrator, FS server owner!

Offline theway

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Re: The question on the location
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2011, 06:22:48 am »
yeah man /set 16  is work,

but when i leave the server,    and join the server again ,  I can't see the  icon

/set 16 again?    so many player leave and join,  I don't want /set 16  too much

Offline BIG[H]

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Re: The question on the location
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2011, 10:10:11 am »
yea you have to do this. cuz SendRconCommand not Working :(
Outdoor city server Administrator, FS server owner!

Offline theway

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Re: The question on the location
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2011, 10:50:46 am »
SO bad  :)


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Re: The question on the location
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2011, 11:22:22 am »
It fucking crashes my server WTF!