else if ( $3 == getcar ) {
if ( $readini(accounts.ini,$vcmp.name($1,$2),log) = 0 ) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Please register/login
elseif ( !$readini(accounts.ini,$vcmp.name($1,$2),level) ) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Need to register first
else if ( !$4 ) vcmp.msg $1 $2 USE : /c getcar [id]
else if ( !$readini(cars.ini,ex,$4) ) vcmp.msg $1 $2 This car does not exist/has not been found
else if ( $4 !isnum ) vcmp.msg $1 $2 The id must be from numbers
else if (( $readini(accounts.ini,$vcmp.name($1,$2),spawn) = 0 ) || ( !$readini(accounts.ini,$vcmp.name($1,$2),spawn) )) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Please Spawn first
else if ( $readini(cars.ini,owner,$4) = $vcmp.name($1,$2) ) {
vcmp.msg $1 $2 You have recived car , ID $chr(91) $4 $chr(93)
vcmp.setvehicleloc $1 $4 $calc($vcmp.location($1,$2).x + 3 ) $vcmp.location($1,$2).y $vcmp.location($1,$2).z
else if ( $readini(cars.ini,share,$4) = $vcmp.name($1,$2) ) {
vcmp.msg $1 $2 You have recived car , ID $chr(91) $4 $chr(93)
vcmp.setvehicleloc $1 $4 $calc($vcmp.location($1,$2).x + 3 ) $vcmp.location($1,$2).y $vcmp.location($1,$2).z
else vcmp.msg $1 $2 You dont own this car
if i do simple /c getcar [id] it returns only message but no car appears
else if i enter one time in car than do /c getcar [id] it appears car and message
so wtf ?!