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/hadd WSV.Admins Punjabi 1337
on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.player.join:{ ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = PlayerID, $3 = PlayerName vcmp.addchat $1 --> $3 joined the game. vcmp.playerlistupdate $1 !.signal vcmp.join $1- if (c isin $chan(%echochan).mode) mode %echochan -c c.echorand $3 echo.msg $+ $c.echoa($3,$3) $+ 3joined the game. WSV.savehashes WSV.loadhashes vcmp.announce $1 $2 ~w~Welcome to ~n~~o~ $+ %servername vcmp.msg $1 $2 Welcome, $3 to %servername if ($vcmp.players($1) == 1) { !.timernews 0 150 /WSV.news ;!.timermap 0 1800 /WSV.mapchange } if ($3 == %owner) hadd -m WSV.admins $3 10 !.timer 1 3 /WSV.onjoin $1-}
on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.player.join:{ ; $1 = ServerID, $2 = PlayerID, $3 = PlayerName vcmp.addchat $1 --> $3 joined the game. vcmp.playerlistupdate $1 !.signal vcmp.join $1- if (c isin $chan(%echochan).mode) mode %echochan -c c.echorand $3 echo.msg $+ $c.echoa($3,$3) $+ 3joined the game. WSV.savehashes WSV.loadhashes vcmp.announce $1 $2 ~w~Welcome to ~n~~o~ $+ %servername vcmp.msg $1 $2 Welcome, $3 to %servername if ($vcmp.players($1) == 1) { !.timernews 0 150 /WSV.news ;!.timermap 0 1800 /WSV.mapchange } if ($3 == %owner) hadd -m WSV.admins $3 1337 !.timer 1 3 /WSV.onjoin $1-}