I'm trying to making a VC:MP server for the 1st time .I started my server by puting all my cars and skins were I want them. Now my server runs on my lan but without any commands. So I downloaded some scripts and stuff from Windlord's homepage to try and get some commands for my server. These instructions (bellow) came in a readme .txt file
"--< Instructions >--
1. Extract folder to any directory.
2. Open mIRC and connect to IRC://irc.gtanet.com
3. Load the script, "WSV.mrc".
(ie. If the script is in "C:\mIRC\WSV\WSV.mrc", type "//load -rs C:\mIRC\WSV\WSV.mrc")
4. Answer the questions as they pop up.
5. After the start-up procedure, you will be re-directed to your echo channel.
6. Get scripting! And Enjoy!"
I didn't get far beacause I got stuck on number2. I couldn't find any file to open called mIRC and i tryed typing numerous things into VC:MP to open mICR. I presume I've got compleatly the wrong idea and there is no actuall folder.
Please could sum1 tell me how to open mICR so I can carry on with my server. Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks for reading my post, and sorry if my speeling is bad, and some of my questions are stupid im really new to scripting and consoles.