nick :[RV]DON
IP : starts from 116 & 119
admin that band:don't know
REASON : souhail baloch Armour &hp hax
me and other honest players like me get sub net banned in xe server b/c of one person who hacks.
in our area there is starting ip is same which starts from 116 & 119. so u baned our subnet. but u all admin thinks that u r band only one players souhail baloch but its not true u r also baned 40 r 50 players.
we r trying to play in xe server but we cant when ever i join the server i face that reason(sub net band reason Armour and hp hx souhail baloch) like my other frndz.. we all r band till 4 or 5 months we want to play in this server so plzz think about me and also other players which r honest and dont do any hacks.plzz unband our subnet. its a humble request to all of u admins. only baned that guy which hacks not all....