hmm i have a idea use Pickups around starfish island and when ppl goes through it set there pos to some where else and send a message "you are not allowed to come here" xD Just an idea
Too many pickups could probably crash the server. You could just get the coordinates of the box around Starfish Island and use a function like this to keep them out.
new Float:Starfish_min_x = 0.0,
Float:Starfish_max_x = 0.0,
Float:Starfish_min_y = 0.0,
Float:Starfish_max_y = 0.0,
Float:Respawn_x = 0.0,
Float:Respawn_y = 0.0,
Float:Respawn_z = 0.0;
public StarfishForbidden()
// Variables for players' current positions
new Float:X,
// Iterate through all connected players
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
// Player has to be connected
// Get player's current position
GetPlayerPos(i, X, Y, Z);
// They're in Starfish
if(X > min_x && X < max_X && Y > min_y && Y < max_y)
// Remove them
SetPlayerPos(i, Respawn_x, Respawn_y, Respawn_z, 25, 0, 0);
// Send them a message
SendClientMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "You may not enter Starfish Island.");
SetTimer("StarfishForbidden", 1000, 1); // Check Starfish Island every second