In pawn, you cannot pass arguments using a timer.
Or can you!
To make a timed heal system requires some variables:
new IsHealing[100];
new HealCount[100];
Some definitions
#define HEAL_HEALTH_AMOUNT 100 //the amount of heal you wanna give after healing
#define HEAL_TIME_SECONDS 10 //the time you want to take to heal in seconds
And a timer, ofcourse
public OnGameModeInit()
NewTimer("Healed", 1000, 1);
And the timed function
public Healed()
for(new i; i<=100; i++)
if(HealCount[i]== HEAL_TIME_SECONDS)
IsHealing[i] = 0;
SetPlayerHealth(i, HEAL_HEALTH_AMOUNT);
and where you want to make the heal (example !heal)
IsHealing[playerid] = 1;
HealCount[playerid] = 0;