I checked much part of groups and/of animations, so I made a list for all to can find easier an animation:
Group Animation IDs
0 0->173
1 174->181 // bus
2 182->186 // bus
3 187->204 // bike
4 204 // 1 frame of "sit as passenger on a Freeway/Angel"
5 204 // 1 frame of "sit as passenger on a Freeway/Angel"
6 204 // 1 frame of "sit as driver on a Faggio/Sanchez/PCJ600"
7 205->207 // punch
8 205->209 // screwdriver
9 205->209 // knife
10 205->209 // golf club
11 205->209 // night stick
12 205->207 // chainsaw
13 205->208 // python
14 205->209 // colt45
15 205->206 // shotgun
16 205->206 // stubby shotgun
17 205->208 // ingram
18 205->208 // mp5
19 205->206 // m4
20 205->207 // m60
21 205 // sniper
22 205->207 // bomb
23 205->209 // minigun
24 214 // medic
25 210 // lay
26 215->218 // boring
27 219->225 // riot
28 226->232 // dance
29 210 // sit like a drunk
Group 0, anims' list:0->6 walk
7 & 8 same animation - watch around
9 lean - strip's seducing
10 wep in hands
11 talk
12 wave
13->16 same way to die animation
17->22 die ways
23->28 falling down
29->32 being hitted
33->36 being disturbed
37 falled down (face to sky)
38->42 being disturbed (part 2)
43 falled down (face to floor)
44->61 fist fighting
62 using button (of remote grenades)
63->67 types of firing
68->73 jacking & jacked
74->77 checking car's door & locked
78->79 more jacking
80->93 more checking car's door and stuff related to door
94->109 more jacking,checking and stuff related to door
110->113 aiming
114->115 driving back (in car)
116->118 boat's driver maneuvers
119->120 rise left/right
121->122 taking bike
123->124 jacking a bike
125->126 falling from bike
127->129 more car's door stuff
130->132 no action, but just stay
133->136 escaping & rolling out from car
137->139 rising after being falled down (with face to sky)
140 rising after beinf falled down (with face to floor)
141->150 random reactions
151 jumping (from the front of a car)
152 cleaning left ear
153 looking around (without having hands put in back)
154 making a small square
155 cop's aim (when you get busted)
156 drowning
157->158 classic aim (from 0.3)
159 crouch
160 first person aim (from 0.4)
161 hands up
162 (ped's) moving back after conflict
163 "fu*ck you"
164->166 phone start/stop/on
167->170 sitting start/stop/on
171 sell
172 supported by wall ?
The format of function: player.SetAnim( Group, Animation ID );
You can really have fun using animations, as you see here:
(it is only the animation, you cannot fire)
The animation ID that I used for the screenshot: 201 - group 3
Try and the anim ID 192 from the same group, and you will be onfoot, as passenger.
(just like when you press NUMPAD 9 as driver)