Author Topic: Death Messages (like SA:MP)  (Read 3354 times)

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Offline ysc123

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Death Messages (like SA:MP)
« on: October 01, 2014, 05:43:30 am »

Code: [Select]
MaxLines <- 8;
LineGap <- 15;
PosX <- -400;
PosY <- 380;
function onServerStart()
TextInfo <- array( MaxLines );
function onPlayerDeath(player, reason)
local Text="";
if (reason==70)
Text="*> "+player.Name+" committed suicide. <*";
else if (reason==39)
Text="*> "+player.Name+" died in a car crash. <*";
else if (reason==31)
Text="*> "+player.Name+" burned to death. <*";
else if (reason==14)
Text="*> "+player.Name+" choked to death. <*";
else if (reason==43)
Text="*> "+player.Name+" drowned. <*";
else if (reason==41 || reason==51)
Text="*> "+player.Name+" exploded. <*";
else if (reason==44)
Text="*> "+player.Name+" fell to death. <*";
Text="*> "+player.Name+" died for some reason. <*";
function onPlayerKill(player, killer, reason, bodypart)
DeathMessage(DeathText(player, killer, reason, bodypart));
function onPlayerTeamKill(player, killer, reason, bodypart)
DeathMessage(DeathText(player, killer, reason, bodypart));
function DeathText(player, killer, reason, bodypart)
local Text="";
if (reason == 14 || reason == 31 || reason == 39 || reason == 40 || reason == 41 || reason == 44 || reason == 51)
Text="*> "+killer.Name+" killed "+player.Name+" with "+GetWeaponName(reason)+". <*";
Text="*> "+killer.Name+" killed "+player.Name+" with "+GetWeaponName(reason)+" "+BodyPartText(bodypart)+". <*";
function Message(Text)
if (TextInfo[0])
for (local i=0; i<MaxLines-1; i++)
if (TextInfo[i+1])
TextInfo[i] = TextInfo[i+1];
TextInfo[i].SetPosForAll(PosX, PosY+(i)*LineGap);
TextInfo[MaxLines-1] = CreateTextdraw(Text, PosX, PosY+(MaxLines-1)*LineGap, 0xFFB0B0B0);
function BodyPartText(bodypart)
switch( bodypart )
case 0:return "to body";
case 1:return "to torso";
case 2:return "to left arm";
case 3:return "to right arm";
case 4:return "to left leg";
case 5:return "to right leg";
case 6:return "to head";
case 7:return "hitting his car";
default:return "unknown";

Set DeathMessages to false in server.conf.
And you can use "Message" function to show any text you want.