The same problem...
Masterlist failed with error 200 while attempting to list this server.
But it shows on the list! What's the matter?
OK. I saw the source code. It's a little issue.
if (matches < 1)
gFuncs->printf("Potentially invalid data was received from masterlist %s.\n", announceHost[multicastID]);
/*else if (http_code == 200)
gFuncs->printf("Server successfully announced to %s.\n", announceHost[multicastID]);*/else
gFuncs->printf("Masterlist %s failed with error %d while attempting to list this server.\n", announceHost[multicastID], http_code);
it should be
else if (http_code == 200)
/*gFuncs->printf("Server successfully announced to %s.\n", announceHost[multicastID]);*/