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Messages - Force

At the minute the Pawn server is what I'd call "poverty" :P, It doesn't have any support for IRC Sockets at the moment.
Quote from: maxorator on February 25, 2010, 09:33:41 PM
We assume people know how to use installers...

That's a fair enough point, however it would look like some people don't know how to use them or just spam the "Next.." button, and therefore installing to the wrong directory because the installer has it is "C:\GTA Vice City". :P

Anyway, the main point of this post was to ask why you aren't "forcing" players to update, will this be in the new patch that is coming? I'd sooner update server rather than the script as well with the new version number.
Quote from: maxorator on February 25, 2010, 08:21:03 PM
Well, if they see that message and try to find out how to update and come to this site (vicecitymultiplayer.com), the first thing they're gonna see is a big headline "Latest Pawn Server && Client Released 17.01.2010". How could we make it any more clear?

Yeah that bit is fine, I'm on about giving instructions or something on how they should go about updating, as most people don't really have a clue. But the main part of the topic was about forcing an update rather than making it optional.
As most of you probably know there were two optional updates for the R2 client, the latest one coming on the 17th Jan 2010. However it makes me wonder why you added in some shitty little thing to the server which checks the players client version rather than forcing them to update.

There are a lot of players out there who are wanting to play VC:MP but have the old client, therefore they are getting kicked from servers and being sent a message to update their client, however most of them have no fucking idea what the hell that means and continue to try and join the servers which require the latest patch.

[Thu - 18:26:11] <@Spaner> ** [ 0 ] yovani has joined Miami-Dade Racing.
[Thu - 18:26:45] <@Tammer> -AdminServ- Auto-Kicked:[ yovani ] Reason:[ Outdated R2 client ]
[Thu - 18:26:45] <@Spaner> ** [ 0 ] yovani has left Miami-Dade Racing. (Kicked)

All of the Miami-Dade servers and LWs are getting a flood of that everyday because players simply haven't updated to the new client and probably don't know how to, or they have updated but because someone thought that the default VC Directory on the install should be "C:\GTA Vice City" they think they have updated and every thing is fine.

Obviously this isn't the case and there a lot of players who can't get on a server because they have the old client and don't know how to update, therefore they probably rage quit and are never to be seen again.

Why didn't you just force everyone to update to the 17.01.10 client rather than making it an option? I hope that if this so called new patch comes out that you actually make it so that you have to update to it to connect to the new servers, otherwise you are refused connection for an outdated client or something.

Therefore you will probably get a lot more players actually playing VC-MP than those getting kicked for old clients and more than likely rage quitting as they don't know how to update. Maybe you should give clearer instructions on how to update to the new client?

That's all for now!
General Discussion / Re: Squirrel
February 09, 2010, 08:43:32 PM
Quote from: Sudokono on February 09, 2010, 07:38:21 PM
http://codeplea.com/game-scripting-languages ::)

Hopefully this will answer some question/queries. However I do feel it is worth pointing out that the Squirrel example in there is using an older version (v2) where as the newer version (v3) which is implemented into the ("Hacked") Squirrel server is much quicker.

That's as far as I'm going to go in this topic, I can see it turned into a huge flame war, I think the main point of this topic was to ask about Squirrel being implemented not which language is better.

I won't be posting any more replies.

@Knucis: Maybe you should check the unofficial VC-MP forums. ;)
General Discussion / Re: Carjacking
February 09, 2010, 07:22:20 PM
If your lucky enough there is a bug which still allows the old "bitchpack" but sets the other player outside the vehicle.
Make sure you have downloaded the R2 client, this is required to play on R2 servers.
General Discussion / Re: Squirrel
February 07, 2010, 11:02:32 PM
Quote from: Boss on February 07, 2010, 10:42:37 PM
2 Force:

// Squirrel vs Pawn '/c heal' command

///////// VC:MP Pawn /////////

#include <a_vcmp>
#include <util> // FindPlayerIDFromString and other util functions here
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]){
new cmd[256], idx;
cmd = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
if (strcmp(cmd, "heal", true) == 0){
cmd = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
if (!strlen(cmd)) idx = playerid;
else idx = FindPlayerIDFromString(cmd);
if (idx == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) return 1;
if (IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(idx)) SetVehicleHealth(GetPlayerVehicleID(idx),1000.0);
return 1;

/////// VC:MP Squirrel ///////

function onPlayerCommand( player, cmd, text ){
if ( cmd == "heal" ) {
if ( text ) {
local plr = FindPlayer( text.tointeger() );
if ( plr ) {
if ( plr.Vehicle ) plr.Vehicle.Health = 1000.0;
plr.Health = 100;
else Message( "Invalid ID " + text );

Pawn 15 lines (2 of which are includes), SQ 12. Not such a big difference. Sorry, but if you can't optimize scripts it's not devs' fault. :s

That was a heal command that the developers provided with the server not mine.

If you count the function to find the playerID it's a lot longer than Squirrel, and looks horrible to read.

And wow, you did a good job of making an easy to read language, look hard to read. You really messed around with the Squirrel example.
General Discussion / Re: Squirrel
February 07, 2010, 10:30:29 PM
* Force agrees as well

// Squirrel vs Pawn '/c heal' command

///////// VC:MP Pawn /////////

#include <a_vcmp>
#include <core>
#include <float>


public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
new cmd[256];
new tmp[256];
new szMsg[256];
new idx, newvar;
cmd = strtok(cmdtext, idx);

if (strcmp(cmd, "heal", true) == 0)
tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
if (!strlen(tmp)) { newvar = playerid; }
else { newvar = FindPlayerIDFromString(tmp); }
if (newvar == INACTIVE_PLAYER_ID) { return 1; }
if (IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(newvar)) {
} else {
return 1;

return 0;

public FindPlayerIDFromString(string[])
{// for determining player id from a string  -bakasan
new szMsg[256];
new player = INACTIVE_PLAYER_ID;
new p = 0;
while (p < MAX_PLAYERS) { if (strfind(gPlayers[p],string,true) != -1) { player=p;break; } p++; }
if (player == INACTIVE_PLAYER_ID) {// string didnt match so check if it can be an id
if ((strlen(string) > 2) || (isnumeric(string) == 0)) {
format(szMsg,sizeof(szMsg),"Unable to find %s.",string);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREY, szMsg);
player = strval(string);// string is numeric and not more than 2 digits
if (!IsPlayerConnected(player)) {
format(szMsg,sizeof(szMsg),"Invalid ID %d.",player);
SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREY, szMsg);
return player;// valid id found

/////// VC:MP Squirrel ///////

function onPlayerCommand( player, cmd, text )
if ( cmd == "heal" )
if ( text )
local plr = FindPlayer( text.tointeger() );

if ( plr )
if ( plr.Vehicle ) plr.Vehicle.Health = 1000.0;
plr.Health = 100;
else Message( "Invalid ID " + text );
This is a known bug and will be fixed in the next patch that will be released.
February 06, 2010, 11:43:59 PM
That's for scripting, you just need the client.

Also congratulations on getting banned on Littlewhitey's for armour hacks.

None of the servers tolerate hacking and you will get banned.
February 06, 2010, 09:03:52 PM
Like I said, it will be in the next patch that is due to be released.

It hasn't been released yet, I'm sure there will be a topic about it when it is though.
"_that_" racing server is the only racing server in VC:MP and the best one seen!

Anyway, that's for me to know and for you to find out. ;)
333? Tsk, beat this! :)