my say is, lets have a topic with suggestions for the upcoming release: 0.4
my tips::
not just ansi characters
Vcmp able to identify country of player
more menus, like cs
Stability (obviously)
Custom Maps
Clans get there own skin
Radio stations able to use an url playlist, so 4 example, vcpr will play a web playlist specified by admins
a central registration/stats server
more to come...
What FPA means?
Ideas for next VC;MP release: CLICK (!
There you can get my own idea (that i don' t want to write in here because someone will start to piss me off again...) and much more. :)
FPA=First Person Aim ie.: Snipers, Rocket Launchers
That' s called: FPS = First Person Shooter! ;D LoL
I just hope theres Fast Switch in the new version like on MTA and Single Player
please let there be fast switch in 0.4...then all the good players will come back and it will be much more fun to play._. instead of fighting the drive by n00bs that everyone hates so much --'
well just bring back fast switch and we will all be happy :)
Oh and an Auto Kick for high ping would own so we dont have to fight with the people from china in 15mins just to kill them..kurwa
A lot of the ideas in that other thread are stupid. I saw a few people saying that the shotguns are to strong. To Strong!? Have you ever seen the kind of damage a real shotgun can do?
And what is this about not being able to kill people by running them over? Shit, why kill people at all? Why not turn it into a sims like game where you just walk around and talk to people?
hey dude, this isnt World of Warcraft.
Quote from: Hawkeye on July 29, 2007, 07:24:59 PM
Have you ever seen the kind of damage a real shotgun can do?
yup, shooting like 10 bullets at a time, it makes the victim, something like spongebob.
an autokick could be done quite easy, or if not, you could simply build a ping filter in the server browser, but make it so that you cant see servers to where your ping is above 300 or sommin. but in worse situation, build it into rcon/rcondll so like, on join check ping if ping > 200 kick player.
i also want to see something near to dynamic spawning, and rcon to be able to check the skins players use.
you mean the ping kicker?
that has got mta to but in mta script is it runing slow and can make the server lagg.. so i hope it will be able at vcmp pawn
goodluck guys
add headshot of single player ;D.
add a possibility of change vcmp for server
example: run mi server using a mi vcmp.scm and other`s players need a vcmp.scm of my server ;D.
fix a gltich of stubby (don`t like mta)
possibility of modding al game (like mta:dm of videos)
stripping animations!!! nuff said
edit: and all the features of 0.2 (if they arent all already added) :D
make the tank more like in the normal vc but with no damage...
If VCMP will be PAWN can it have mIRC still cause i dont know Pawn and i dont wanna learn it, and it would be a great Convinoince if i can still use the mIRC scripts
Add the missing crap from Colonel's boat.
Pay n Sprays? Just define the garages, should work.
Add a speedometer, MPH and KMH.
Add the missing interiors.
the principal suggestion is stability and fix the crash but crash game you can`t
Quote from: capitanazo on August 04, 2007, 08:06:47 PM
add headshot of single player ;D.
that would definitly end those shotguns killings we RPGers hate so much.
The problem is still in GTA cause you can't fire most weapons while walking, like in CS.
the idea is you can choce active headshot or desactive
Guys when get a unhandled error ... just press esc!! :P
Ability to self destruct if hp is 5 or under. xD
Heres an idea that also should be configured through the .ini, this one is also abusable.
Tired of the biker always drivebying you with his SMG? Driveby back! With your M60! Thats right, if you played that one mission for Diaz where you watch that local street gang, and the one printer mission with the girls and the plates, you would see the passenger was able to mount himself on top of the car! Yes this idea could be abused once more, the last thing we need is about 3 people shooting M60s and spazes, but I think it be a little better if the passengers are able to defend themselves too, most of the drivers don't driveby because..
1. The enemy is behind them D:
2. The driver does not use a controller, therefore driving on a keyboard can be rather hard.
3. In the common case, the driver doesn't have time, or doesn't have a SMG in the 1st place.
Maybe you can configure it so only pistols or SMGs can only be used when someone passenger drives by.
Also, I second the ping kicker idea, playing on XE's server with dial up laggers from China or somewhere in Europe SUCK! Its like the Matrix, you can shoot them but they see everything slowww mooo.
so, your saying, drive by, with an m60? i supoose you want manual aim with that.. ok, but make it switchable from ini. btw, i see very small chance it can be done, or if it can, the vcmp dev team is gonna have to work there bollocks off. (sorry if there are women in the dev team. replace bollocks with um.. there head ;D).
head shot? kool! ye, lets make it all cs style hehe. tbh i dont think that would be hard to do.. it would make it more realisitic.
defining pay & spray? um.. im not sure that will be done in your kinda idea.. still... it was working in v.02.
tbh, id like to see the Whole thing remade.
by that, i mean, make a new game, with the vice city map. make it like CS, or a totally nu kinda game. GUI for buying and talking, see the classes while you choose a skin, i think this is the way forward.
of course, i dont think the dev team are masochists, so, i suppose the only way this would be done, if they would ask money :( but luckily, they cant, coz it uses the vc map ;D so they wont do it. :(
anyway, lets just dream on.. :D
Quote from: Watti on August 17, 2007, 07:07:08 AM
Guys when get a unhandled error ... just press esc!! :P
i press esc but dont exit of vcmp =(
well does it go bonk!! :D if it does then esc.. if it freezes CTRL + ALT + Del... maybe if that doesnt work.. :PPPPPP
um.. strictly speaking, isnt that about how to mend your pc after a bug of vcmp?
btw, if you use task manager (ctrl + alt + del or ctrl + shft + esc) just set it to processes tab. then, if u get a freeze, ctrl alt del, press g to select gta vc (of course, if u have a nother process with the letter G at the front, this is obsolete.) press del. to kill proces, and enter. Vice city mission 9 mall shootout. when tommy gets to the mall with some french guy some french special forces called: GIGN arrive at time videos 2:12 and they say: Freeze, imperialist american pig! Zat iz propectay of ze goverment Francais. 'And eel over! is it possible to get that skin to 0.4 and if it is tell me the ID
What do You think about the view of the nicks? I think that shold be like in SA-MP, the VC-MP ones looks teribble. Their squinting and You can't see them from the distance. Please repair it ^^
As long as the next version crashes about 90% less I'd be in happy...
One thing i would like improved is he ability to get in and out of a car when you're the passenger. It would rock if you could bail as easy as the psycho behind the wheel!
Quote from: Sip3ria on August 21, 2007, 09:18:42 PM Vice city mission 9 mall shootout. when tommy gets to the mall with some french guy some french special forces called: GIGN arrive at time videos 2:12 and they say: Freeze, imperialist american pig! Zat iz propectay of ze goverment Francais. 'And eel over! is it possible to get that skin to 0.4 and if it is tell me the ID
That would be the SWAT skin, id
002. I'm trusting you know how to use it, if not...
Unlike MTA getting this swat doesn't happen automatically or randomly, it has to be specified in the config.ini, the once used for the server making. Of course, if you look like something, someone else can too. Remember, you can just make a new character to spawn as, don't forget to give him weapons like a uzi and a spawn location, I'd recommend the the police station closer to the mall but it's your server.
Quote from: Sip3ria on August 21, 2007, 09:18:42 PM Vice city mission 9 mall shootout. when tommy gets to the mall with some french guy some french special forces called: GIGN arrive at time videos 2:12 and they say: Freeze, imperialist american pig! Zat iz propectay of ze goverment Francais. 'And eel over! is it possible to get that skin to 0.4 and if it is tell me the ID
I Like this Suggestion !! i agree with you
The most important thing is
stability. No more stupid crashes and timeouts.
Another good things would be ability to create and alter better modes to the server. That would come by adding more aliases to control everything in the server. Most of VC:MP servers are now almost the same, only slight differences. But look at SA:MP, there servers have completely different modes, starting from racing mods to real RPG.
Also possibility to create commands act like system commands would be nice. No need to type "/c command" or "!command" (which would show to every player), only "/command" like in SA:MP.
Quote from: dave5 on August 25, 2007, 03:28:19 PM
Quote from: Sip3ria on August 21, 2007, 09:18:42 PM
Vice city mission 9 mall shootout. when tommy gets to the mall with some french guy some french special forces called: GIGN
That would be the SWAT skin, id 002.
That's not SWAT skin, there's a slight difference between those. I don't think its available in VC:MP at the moment.
My suggestions what i want to add:
Map editor like in MTA SA with place objects etc.
and when you place a gate, you have a command like:
/opengate ID
/closegate ID
Like in SAMP
New commands like:
/carlights on/off
And creating checkpoints etc.
so you can race..
it would be nice if you then can set objects with the map editor
so you can make a course
And.. no skin problems anymore? :)
Hand weapons fix..
Like baseball bad, screwdriver, gold club, hammer etc.
The rest ;p
i suppose being able to type while driving wouldnt be too bad an idea...
and also support for windows vista ultimate.
i've got only 4 suggestion for vc-mp 0.4:
-maps are programed in pawno
-player can use pay'n'spray
-reconnect when lost connection to the server
-tabel with info about who kills who by what (like in sa-mp)
Whew whoops, theres a couple of skins not seen in VCMP, who wants to be BJ Smith or the Ice Cream lady?
Quote from: matthiasvegh on August 19, 2007, 03:29:57 PM
defining pay & spray? um.. im not sure that will be done in your kinda idea.. still... it was working in v.02.
What I meant was something like this:
0335: set_free_paynspray_to 1? (true)
0219: 2724?? = create_garage_type 5? from -914.129! -1263.54! 10.706! to -906.3! -1266.9! 14.421! front -907.137! -1246.626!
0219: 2728?? = create_garage_type 5? from -1014.341! -857.732! 6.325! to -1014.341! -841.532! 10.885! front -1001.315! -857.732!
03BB: set_garage 2728?? door_type_to_swing_open
0219: 2732?? = create_garage_type 5? from -886.157! -115.158! 9.992! to -876.7! -119.83! 15.58! front -882.699! -108.312!
0219: 2736?? = create_garage_type 5? from 323.9! 427.4! 10! to 313.9! 430.53! 15.7! front 326.3! 434.5!
0219: 2740?? = create_garage_type 5? from -7.55! -1253.77! 9.322! to 2.64! -1253.7! 14.4! front -7.55! -1261.2!
02A8: 236?? = create_marker 27? at -876.2! -105.5! 12!
02A8: 236?? = create_marker 27? at -3.8! -1265.8! 12!
02A8: 236?? = create_marker 27? at 319! 441.3! 12!
02A8: 236?? = create_marker 27? at -903! -1261.1! 12!
02A8: 236?? = create_marker 25? at -7.55! -1254.77! 9.322!
(that's just an example but all of the coords are correct)
Although I think scm is only a temporary solution until someone could code it into C++ or whatever language VC-MP's based on.
Another useful feature would be zonal radar. Meaning if you're in Washington Beach, only get the Ammunation radar markers from the Washington Beach area; not the marker from Downtown and North Point Mall.
Also, how about a text box instead of the ugly white text for the spawn menu?
I like that bold text, like in older versions in the chat :D
And maybe BB codes in the chat like:
[ b ] [ u ] [ i ] [ s ] :)
And that you can select a color for your chat text?
And... That you see the people getting in a car.. that they open doors..
Now you see somebody standing and vibrating behind a car and he is in a car..
And what would be nice..
That you can open/close the gates in starfish island :)
And.. /streetlights on/off :D
I'm not so sure bold text in the chat is a good idea, you wouldn't believe how many people I see advertising their servers or just spamming to get everyone's attention. Maybe if only the admins could use bold text, I'd go with that. Also stability once again, I understand how hard the developers are working and everyone is screaming "I DON'T WANNA CRASH!!!, FIX IT!!!, OMG HURRY UP YOU SUCK." But it be nice once in a while to reduce the flying glitch/reversing glitch.
plz add a movie or images progress of vc:mp 0.4
My New Suggestions.
2:Pawno of SA:MP (all Functions And FilteScript Scriptfiles,Anticheat of MTA o samp)
3:Object Support.
4:Map Support (like vc:mp 0.2)
5:Support More Cars Pickups Objects etc... (2000)
6:Change Unable exception (like SA:MP)
7:Option of Desability text in Spectator Mode.
9:Fix All Weapons.
11:Posibility of Add Sound .wav (like CS).
12:Posibility of Enable HeadShot.
14:Update System Like MMORPG.
15:Sync Peds For Enable =D.
bye :P
well of cos... i have my say so here it is
- mIRC Enabled ~ for the first few months on scripting
- PAWNO Base ~ For Filter Scripts, and better stability of scripts
- Skins Stability ~ Some skins glitch to shit on my config.ini
- More Cars ~ of cos 180 is heaps but how bout 500 MAX
- Custom Interiors ~ have interiors and Add it to any house
- OpenGates Garages ~ FOr more Accessabilty
- Objects ~ Stairs, Heli Pads, Trees, Shop Keepers
- Peds ~ Jkz.. would be nice
- Pay and Spray ~ configerable in the Server.ini/Config.ini
- Better Name Tags ~ glitch in and out
- Enterable Planes ~ For funnies
- More Synced Door ways ~ i glitch heaps on Dorres for interiors
And don't forget these things:
ID 0 problem..
and no skin problems anymore..
and i don't think its possible, but what do you think of a
Trafficlight Control
I was wondering..
has anyone tried using ALT+Character code??
ALT+character ?? ;o
And heres more for 0.4:
Helicoper (Chopper) and RC cars fix.. when enter or leave it gives a crash..
And ammunation fix and if it can.. easyer..
And not to forget.. like MTA..
That you can set the pickup id's of armour and health by ammunation for sale..
And if its possible (have seen in MTA:3) that you can buy cars..
Like in ammunation.. with weapons.. but then with cars (and yeah they are rotating)
When you buy it.. it spawns by a own-set cordinates (config.ini) :)
More.. That you can ahve more then 100 hp and armour.. and that it's showing
2. Helicopter bug .. When you enter it directly.. you fall down
3. New options for the config.ini:
You see the cars on the radar with a "."..
The idea above explains it self..
0 = No
1 = Yes
2 = only admin (logged in with /admin )
I would personally like the controls of VC:MP to be as close as possible to SA:MP.
Like for example, if we talk about the player list. In SA:MP it's TAB and VC:MP F5. I think in VC:MP it should be TAB also.
Problem is TAB is the default action key, most people are too lazy to bother changing it.
lol... :D... Well.. Can we get if it is in PAWNO or in mIRC.. cause if its in PAWNO i best Learn it ..
Quote from: dave5 on September 17, 2007, 12:32:25 AM
Problem is TAB is the default action key, most people are too lazy to bother changing it.
So is it in San Andreas, but people aren't having any problems with SA:MP.
Other ideas:
/spawncar <car id>
Not in-game, but like SA-MP, it just spawns a new car like:
/spawncar 210 (= comet)
Respawns the car.
and not to forget..
/setarmour (Dunno why it is not in VCMP yet)
uh, set arm can be done via irc via rcon. dont know y u want it in base...
but, if u dont have an mirc script, just set the hp to 200. itl be like there wearing armo
No, in 0.3z you cant have more then 100 HP
And some other ideas:
Adds the vehicle directly in the config.ini and respawns directly.
And add behind the code for a vehicle in the config: ; Added by %name
And maybe /echo a.k.a. /say ?
And in the code for vehicles (Like now, ID, cordinates, colors etc.) one for alarm (%?) and one for locked/unlocked and vehicle health (%?)
So can we have a scripting language it will be on?
Well, mostly of these ideas can be done with Pawn. Pawn is awesome.
I have some problems runnimg my server i forwarded ports and everything but the only thing i need is to change my server ip if anyone can help me this please if u can that will be great
ya um, what does your server prob have to do with the development of vcmp?
echo's would be nice, but, what about spammers?
And controls like in SA:MP
G >> Enter as passenger
F / Enter >> Enter or steal a car
ALT >> Walk as a pet.
SPACE >> Stop animation
Like /buy and /sell etc. SPACE to stop.. and not to forget the new /dance animation would be nice
BTW, what kind of progress there have been with 0.4? How much have you done it? And, when can we wait possible beta tests?
I think next to the server details in the client there should be a bit saying Yes or N/A if there are scripts or not.
This is what I mean:
( (
It would help both players, server admins and server owners.
I also think Drive Bys should be less effective when it comes to being shot because theres nothing worse than having some guy ride around on a bike or in a car drive bying and taking complete advantage of the auto-aim. I'd rather be chased for hours on end in the hunter than have a person drive-bying me and having a minimum chance on being able to get away on foot.
@iKlipse: nice pic :D
um ye, you should be able to do more in the browser.
maybe chat, but that could lead to spam.
Quote from: GTA-Roloboy on October 24, 2007, 03:13:20 PM
ALT >> Walk as a pet.
SPACE >> Stop animation
walk as a pet?? like a dog or something?? hmm, would be kinda funny, but i doubt its solvable. its not in gta engine :/
I still think drivebying should be something that could be enabled/disabled from the server configuration. :)
meh put an anti-crash prog where you cant crash anymore and if you crash then it restart automatic...
I think the chat box should be made slightly longer horizontally.
Also is there any estimated release date for 0.4?
pet? :D I did mean ped :D
Windows Vista compatibility.
Today I got a brand new laptop with Windows Vista, transferred most of my stuff. Downloaded VC:MP just earlier and when I close the VC:MP client I get literally 100's of access violation alerts for some reason.
Vista is just... Weird.. But good at the same time, especially for what I do.
ye vista is weird.. few of my mates tried out giving admin rights. no help there..
anyway, peds you say.. aah. so, walking as a ped.. what exactly does that mean??
for peds, i was wondering, have CPU players (like the BOTS in CS) that way, they could be integrated kinda easily, at the expense of bandwidth. (having 10's of bots + the players on server.. large lag) however, i dont see how having a ped system synced could use less.. :-\
Ever played SA:MP? I mean that ALT-button, that you can walk different.
And bots is a good idea (Only its possobile now in mIRC in a difficult way)
But.. in the config, one or two is not so bad?
Having bot players ingame is almost impossible unless someone reverse engineers the whole Vice City (at least a year of work even for experienced reverse engineers) and then rewrites it into a server version, which would need a powerful host machine.
Right, and i suppose it also increases the download bandwith usage by players a lot, so the game would get some extra lag for those with slower internet connections.
Quote from: Juppi on November 07, 2007, 08:43:25 PM
Right, and i suppose it also increases the download bandwith usage by players a lot, so the game would get some extra lag for those with slower internet connections.
Lol, a little problem compared to what I said. ;D
Hehe, well all pure speculation since its not gonna happen (
BTW, i dont remember if anyone has asked already, but are 'old-fashioned' mIRC scripts going to work in 0.4? Or just pawn scripts?
Quote from: matthiasvegh on November 07, 2007, 04:49:31 PM
ye vista is weird.. few of my mates tried out giving admin rights. no help there..
anyway, peds you say.. aah. so, walking as a ped.. what exactly does that mean??
for peds, i was wondering, have CPU players (like the BOTS in CS) that way, they could be integrated kinda easily, at the expense of bandwidth. (having 10's of bots + the players on server.. large lag) however, i dont see how having a ped system synced could use less.. :-\
Well I use Vista business edition and I'm level 10 admin on RPG/DM server and I had no problem setting admin level.
About walking like peds, I occasionally play VC using my PS3 six axis controller and I can walk using that but according to what a friend on server said, it wasn't in sync.
The walking feature in San Andreas comes with San Andreas, that isn't just in SA:MP. Vice City doesn't have the button to enable walking but I suppose it could be done but I think it'd take quite a long time to do if it can be done.
I think matthiasvegh was referring to this ( problem, and mentioned running vc:mp (or vc) as an administrator didnt solve the problem.
About walking style, i think its quite unuseful. Instead of single little details like it, my opinion is that the devs should concentrate more to the techical side: to get the game more stable, and giving server runners more modding possibilities (but not with the cost of reliability). Those little details are a good addition to the later (?) versions of 0.4, like adding some animations in 0.3z was. Thats my opinion.
Yeah I agree, I think making it more stable is the thing to focus on most.
I want 0.4 to have entering vehicles to be synced. eg: you can see other people opening vehicle doors :D
Quote from: [CP]Strider2 on November 18, 2007, 08:08:30 PM
I want 0.4 to have entering vehicles to be synced. eg: you can see other people opening vehicle doors :D
That's a nice idea ;D
I posted that earlier ::)
VC-MP 0.4 will be released 24 December? :-\
Quote from: HackMan128 on December 09, 2007, 04:38:54 PM
VC-MP 0.4 will be released 24 December? :-\
Hahaha I don't think so ::)
I'd rather wait for a really good version rather than a bunch of buggy releases, even if the hype is unbearable.
I think it's coming out January or February.. ::)
I preffer beta test for 24 december : P this will be very good surprise for vcmp players...
I hope so.
pedestrians lol
How about being able to use ' - ' in your nick?
Why doesnt it work anyway..?
add all of sa:mp 0.2.2 new skins,pawn,sync,estability,gravity,max players 200,objects(9999),maps,insane stunt,plugin.
and: mods support, npc and the best.... auto update for fix bugs anticheat or add new options =).
That sounds like a rewrite of the VC engine...
Quote from: capitanazo on December 17, 2007, 08:01:54 PM
add all of sa:mp 0.2.2 new skins,pawn,sync,estability,gravity,max players 200,objects(9999),maps,insane stunt,plugin.
and: mods support, npc and the best.... auto update for fix bugs anticheat or add new options =).
1) SA:MP 0.2.2 is the worst version, 0.1b was the best
2) What SA' s skins have to do with VC ?! o.O
3) pawn is one (or maybe the only one) announced feature in VC:MP 0.4...
4) LoOL sync ?!?! SA:MP 0.2.2 sync sucks at all, even VC:MP 0.1d has a better sync than SA:MP 0.2.2
5) Yeah, SA:MP' s stability is a good thing, since i never crash when playing it. :o
6) Gravity = Useless feature
7) Max players 200 ?!?! I don' t think there are 200 players that play VC:MP! ;D lawl
By the way 200 players is just a lagging machine, 50 are more than enough.
8) Objects, insane stunts, plugin, mods support = #care
9) Maps ?! o.O
10) Auto-update would be bad in my own opinion
11) Anti-cheat = hell yeah, lately there are so much cheaters as never before in my memories
Maps is good idea, ah... stunting on the airport, added ramps, roolers... :D
some fences will be allowed
Quote from: TonynhO on December 17, 2007, 10:07:22 PM
Quote from: capitanazo on December 17, 2007, 08:01:54 PM
add all of sa:mp 0.2.2 new skins,pawn,sync,estability,gravity,max players 200,objects(9999),maps,insane stunt,plugin.
and: mods support, npc and the best.... auto update for fix bugs anticheat or add new options =).
1) SA:MP 0.2.2 is the worst version, 0.1b was the best
2) What SA' s skins have to do with VC ?! o.O
3) pawn is one (or maybe the only one) announced feature in VC:MP 0.4...
4) LoOL sync ?!?! SA:MP 0.2.2 sync sucks at all, even VC:MP 0.1d has a better sync than SA:MP 0.2.2
5) Yeah, SA:MP' s stability is a good thing, since i never crash when playing it. :o
6) Gravity = Useless feature
7) Max players 200 ?!?! I don' t think there are 200 players that play VC:MP! ;D lawl
By the way 200 players is just a lagging machine, 50 are more than enough.
8) Objects, insane stunts, plugin, mods support = #care
9) Maps ?! o.O
10) Auto-update would be bad in my own opinion
11) Anti-cheat = hell yeah, lately there are so much cheaters as never before in my memories
4: sinc of sa:mp (like head sync)
2: fix all skin of vc (hov big smoke sweet ryder etc...)
10: is veri usefull for fix bugs and upadate anticheat =D.
and add mysql :o
bye sorry for my english
Quote from: capitanazo on December 21, 2007, 01:54:57 AM
4: sinc of sa:mp (like head sync)
2: fix all skin of vc (hov big smoke sweet ryder etc...)
10: is veri usefull for fix bugs and upadate anticheat =D.
and add mysql :o
bye sorry for my english
2) Big Smoke, Ryder, Sweet,.. are SA skins, they have nothing to do with VC. ._.
4) The head in SA:MP is not really synced, it just turns left/right when you move you mouse... plus when you are fighting it turns ALWAYS in the wrong side and get you confused because the skin is fucked in his moves = stupid feature that should be deleted as soon as possible
meh vc has got no free mousecam like on san andreas..
and if there is a head sync then it will annoyin more..
I have one suggestion for vice city multiplayer 0.4 version.
What do you think to make a new radio, I'm bored of the radios what are currently in vc (espantoso etc.) and name that new radio.
Is there somebody against of this?
Well if there would be a static new radio then it would make the installer very big and probably most of the people wouldn't like the songs we chose.
If it would be server specific, then you'll spend first 30 minutes waiting for the MP3 download to finish before you can play.
So I think the MP3 radio has the best music you can get. :-X
whe is it coming out ;D
Quote from: michelle on January 23, 2008, 05:18:48 PM
whe is it coming out ;D
that quote is gonna GREATLY annoy bakasan (and probabaly gonna extend the release date). like what the devs said, be patient
What time to release? :D
soon man :P ya know that
maybe they'll release 0.4 when RS brings IV out :)
My question: I know to write the font type? Im hungarian and need another font! :S :P
Quote from: GTA-Roloboy on February 22, 2008, 03:42:41 PM
maybe they'll release 0.4 when RS brings IV out :)
They won't release a PC version at first, because they need to get money. And PC games are too easily downloadable, so it won't bring much profit. So I think 0.4 will come out at least a year before the GTA IV comes. :D
Quote from: mbalee on February 22, 2008, 08:20:50 PMHi!
My question: I know to write the font type? Im hungarian and need another font! :S :P
You can't change the font atm. But I think you can manage because even Chinese players play like this. ;)
wow, man u really got to work on it :)
No more crashes >:(
Release? I think they release it over 3 or 4 months?
Bakasan and vRocker released scripts so 0.4 isn't coming soon...
Maybe sooner then you think ;)
All things come to those who wait (or so they say)
ahh falcon ure here.
there's one more thing ill gonna tell you:
can you disable Drivebys?
Another :
Something so we can make in mIRC / Pawno like garage <ID> <1 open / 0 close>
like garages of properties, paint in sprays and 8ball can open/close xD
and some cmd that we can close bridges etc, ports on starfish island, gates on leaf links or something xD
and it would be nice if we could make own maps xD
About the own maps thing: i havent played 0.2 very much, but i understood that it had a possibility for own maps. However it didnt work quite as planned. I would vote against creating and using own maps, unless it is a tested, stable feature in pawn scripting itself (or something similar). But nothing too fancy especially if it would compromise stableness.
lolz can it be like SA:MP?
or CS? (awesome if CS style ;D)
It would be cool if it would be a part in config.ini:
; -----------------------------------------------
; bot =
; #model_id #spawn_x ;#spawn_y ; #spawn_z
; #z_angle #weapon_1 #weapon_1_ammo #weapon_2 #weapon_2_ammo ;#weapon_3 ; #weapon_3_ammo
; #type(1=police, what kill robber bots and players who attack citizens ;2=citizen,;what only walk arround 3=robbers, what kill you)
; #type2(1=uses car 2=does not)
; #type3(1= guards a place 2 = does not; if yes then set place if not leave blank)
; #parameter_x #parameter_y #parameter_z #parameter_w (the building what is ;guarded; if not guarding then leave blank)
It should be a mapeditor!
Where you can place items not like in o.3z that u must type: Pickup = 368 -671.05 749.44 10.90
And that you could like upload some maps to ur server:
; -----------------------------------------------
; <<<<< START OF MAPS >>>>>
; MAP = #mapname(filename) #location
MAP= mymap.vcm C:\Program Files\Vice City Maps\
.vcm = .vice city map
If u make a mapeditor u could use this file what maybe could help,but if u make a mapeditor pls don't make it so complicated like this it!
The file is: (
VCMP 0.4 MUST INCLUDE MORE CARS as in VCMP 0.3 when we do more cars it crashes on join because it cant keep more cars So in VCMP 0.4 there should be a Maximum car Settings to add 600 cars!
Dont worry, we are trying to make 0.4 as stable as possible.
- Bots/peds function
- When you download a server, you can choose what scrip langau you will. Pawn ore Mirc
- Textdraw
an ability to spawn fires :P
Quote from: creepers on June 04, 2008, 05:35:29 AM
an ability to spawn fires :P
U mean:
CreateFire(x,y,z,fire height)
hmm ye lol but i don't see this on a server
If 0.4 project is not ded (it seems so), i would like to suggest:
- Frame Limiter locked to ON BUT in a way that won't allow to switch it OFF in-game
- IF original VC's fast switch will be back i would like to see blocked the possibility to make it with the crouch-bug: since making fast switch with crouch-bug is faster than original VC's fast switch so it's kinda unfair in my eyes... and we all know that with 0.3 many players got used to this crouch-bug
Quote from: creepers on June 05, 2008, 02:07:34 AM
hmm ye lol but i don't see this on a server
Are there no kill, join messages etc. like in SA:MP?
So you can create your own. xD
And I hope theres something like ; 'on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.headshot:'
Quote from: GTA-Roloboy on June 09, 2008, 06:26:34 PM
And I hope theres something like ; 'on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.headshot:'
vcmp.say BOOOM! HEADSHOT, Headless %victim on the run xD
I wonder why I cant change the colour of my car in 0.3z. I think the garage of paint spray for repairing and paiting autos should be opened in the new version :>
What do u think?
Agree, it should be a garage to repair player's car just in case ;)
maybe noobs will just crash the paint n spray
I like it when it's possible to add .mp3 files to your pawno folder and then you can use them in you script like:
if (%command == !play) { %all dothedew.mp3
/dance command would be awesome :D
When 0.4 comes I want on the homepage a big list of ALL the things that are edited/fixed/removed/added :D :P
not sure if someone has posted this.
Sync the Sirens from police,fbi vehicles.
Quote from: GTA-Roloboy on July 26, 2008, 08:47:07 PM
When 0.4 comes I want on the homepage a big list of ALL the things that are edited/fixed/removed/added :D :P
yes :D /dance music mp3 :D in club malibu ( Club pusition xxx :P )
If it's possible I'd really love temp-pickup support so that scripters can add temp and perm pickups separately.
And preferably temp pickups would have data values pre-assigned to them so that we can make numerous money pickups on death or kill. ;D
Another one I'd like to have in 0.4 would be the red marker support for races, rpg etc. ;) oh and deleting markers as well.
Edit: changing skins while in-game and the client recognising what skin it is with a function to retrieve skin ids from scripts.
Quote from: Windlord on August 02, 2008, 05:51:40 AM
Edit: changing skins while in-game and the client recognising what skin it is with function to retrieve skin ids from scripts.
Hmm, maybe also that you can add cars in-game..
I mean like SA:MP haves /vehicle <model ID>
it doesnt add to the config or something but it just spawns a NEW vehicle in-game
Please add Maps edit to create our own maps, I remember it was so cool. I want it back :'(
Quote from: FH:Fokz on August 05, 2008, 01:07:47 AM
Please add Maps edit to create our own maps, I remember it was so cool. I want it back :'(
add maps wtf you edit mapps is a MOD GTA ! >:(
This is a good idea I foud on the forums. I've sent it off the the devs to check out as well.
Full topic HERE (
Quote from: suppaman2
Mumble Plugin
Mumble is an open source, low-latency, high quality voice chat software primarily intended for use while gaming.
Well and it has some special feature that teamspeak etc do not have: You can write plugins that submit player's coordinates to the mumble server the player is on. Basicly if two guys are in the same channel and it was supported by vc-mp, they would hear the voice of the other player coming from the direction he is ingame - eg. he is behind you, you hear his voice from behind you.
It is very easy for the developers to support that - here are the coding snippets that would needed to be included:
My suggestion to fix the frame limiter option, like in San Andreas too.
Its looks pretty good with more than 30 or 40 fps ;D
Sometimes when you play in VCMP you suddenly hear a character talking, maybe a good idea from /talk [Sound ID] xD
Yeah its good too, anyway its allready have if you sit on a car or bike and someone else is driving than you press enter you can hear a crying sound" :)
I don't know if its possible, but what about mooving objects ? I mean like in single player.
like $vcmp.playsound($1, $2, $scriptdir $+ file.mp3 )
will be even better :P
Btw I like fixing vcmp.setvehiclehealth and vcmp.fixtires :P
And creating game texts, like in SAMP they have in some servers down the screen. Attacks: 0 Attacked: 2
TANAX create maps is not like a mod well yes xD but in sa-mp you can ramps or other things do stunts and all players can see the ramp and jump in the ramp and I will like to do ramps in my server and players can play in that ramp :D ;) so that is not illegal in vcmp i think because in samp you can sooo :)
I like an update for vcmp.setvehicle [id] [vehicle id]
change it to : vcmp.setvehicle [id] [vehicle id] [seat ID]
Heheh its not so important but it would be great too.
It may be important for some gamemodes,
OK so a million and one VCMP users say FIX ID 0 well, its difficult to fix a known C++ problem, i know, so, how about removing id 0 all together...
e.g change the line that states the new variable
* new ID; *
to something like
* new ID = 1; *
assuming you built VCMP using a C++ builder ( like VC++ )
otherwise, no matter what type of programing you have used, it should be possible to state that the MINIMUM id is 1 and not 0 thus resolving the ID 0 problem, also 0 looks untidy on the listing IMO
Regards Orph
More player action commands.
Fix that bug where when two or more people enter one car, sometimes they switch seats, or both are in the drivers seat and neither are sure right away which one is controlling the vehicle. Sometimes neither are controlling the vehicle, and everyone has to get out and start over only to have the same bug recur.
An In-game objects-editor (map maker) ? ::)
and /v [model id] for in game xD
i wanna fly cars :(
lol wwe. that'd mean ALLOWING grav hacks / trainers.. which no server does , get yourself a trainer for vc single player...
How about it making it detect when a health change takes place in a car
For example at the moment, If i do !heal in a car, then do !hp WHILE in the car, it shows the old HP that I had.
and make vcmp.setplayerskin
and vcmp.setplayerobjectskin <object id> << changes your skin to a object like a beachball :P
Hmm... I also have a suggestion for ver. 0.4, is it possible that this version may not crash like the current 0.3 does? I think no crashing would be great. 8)
Quote from: xXx.Leo777.xXx on August 23, 2008, 11:41:39 PM
Hmm... I also have a suggestion for ver. 0.4, is it possible that this version may not crash like the current 0.3 does? I think no crashing would be great. 8)
yea that would be great :) wait untill 0.4 is released and u will see :P
That would be the one of the best change ;D
its also doable.. if they test it extremly throughly, but thats the problem with things like this, not everything CAN be tested, and of course, the SCRIPTS will also effect how often or even IF the systems will crash, ok some Out of case exceptions are possible to be remedied, but there will always be some form of unexpected errror at some point, sorry guys
Encode the dats etc, to avoid hackers etc...
make it with peds like gta iv :D
Id like that VC-MP 0.4 had Costum Maps like SA.MP...
And of course dont crash too much like 0.3z
Sorry for my english...
Quote from: Knucis on August 25, 2008, 12:27:20 PM
Id like that VC-MP 0.4 had Costum Maps like SA.MP...
And of course dont crash too much like 0.3z
Sorry for my english...
Lol In version 4.0 Crash = Ping, Spam etc = crash ???
Quote from: TanaX01 on August 25, 2008, 11:43:03 PM
Quote from: Knucis on August 25, 2008, 12:27:20 PM
Id like that VC-MP 0.4 had Costum Maps like SA.MP...
And of course dont crash too much like 0.3z
Sorry for my english...
Lol In version 4.0 Crash = Ping, Spam etc = crash ???
thats why they are working on it
ooo coool ;D
I would like more indentifier system. It has death indentifier now.
I think to the following:
When somebody shot someone's head off, than he instantly dead --> the server will recognise this kind of dead.
In irc script:
WSV.msg $2 Headshot!
WSV.setcash $1 $
WSV.announce $$4) Headshot! +5000$ ;D
This new die indentifier system would be very great, and i think if the headshot is allready coded, than this wont be so hard to add. ;)
can a text result changer been setted into to like when you change the result off screen that the texts and messages stays with same like as on 640x480. if its possible to set it on or not?
Hi everybody,
This is my complete list of my suggestions for 0.4 (if something are stupid, sorry but id like how im saying):
- Better Weapon sync and Car sync;
- Costum maps (and of course a Map Builder for download at the;
- Add some new things in the RPG scripts, like: eating and when some food are bad you get sick and need to go to the HOSPITAL and if you dont get there on time you die... etc... ;
- Less crash (if possible).
And thats all...
Cya, Knucis...
Neat ideas, and your english isn't bad at all ;)
Quote from: Knucis on August 28, 2008, 11:16:22 PM
- Add some new things in the RPG scripts, like: eating and when some food are bad you get sick and need to go to the HOSPITAL and if you dont get there on time you die... etc... ;
That can be scripted :x
True, but with more identifiers, and some more animations, that could make the scripts better. I think that's what he meant. But yea it can currently be scripted xd
Quote from: ReVilo on August 29, 2008, 03:21:34 AM
True, but with more identifiers, and some more animations, that could make the scripts better. I think that's what he meant. But yea it can currently be scripted xd
I don't worry about that :p
Ohhh man im so Embarrassed :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ I doesn't know that it can be scripts... Im not so good scripting...
Cya, Knucis
I would like a signal for Teamchat, 'cause when I mute people now they go spam on teamchat, so we can't see it on mIRC.
And I would like to set a ping kicker @ the config :P
Hmm, ping kicker?
And what about if someones connection down for a little (1 sec) maybe? He will get kicked also.
They get kicked and rejoin, simple :)
Would be nice if U can put that sign on, that light on a taxi cab.
Nice for RPG-gamemodes.
Quote from: [SRS]Tomi on August 29, 2008, 07:22:57 PM
Hmm, ping kicker?
And what about if someones connection down for a little (1 sec) maybe? He will get kicked also.
Thats a good idea,
Theres already a way to check if a player is idle using VRockers DLL, so if they dont add it to vc:mp 0.4 we could always ask VRocker nicely and see if he will implement it into his DLL.
Yeah that sign thing is good idea. And also more announce style like in single player taxi missions.
When 0.4 will see the sun light?i mean when will be relased?
I have other suggestion...
- Try to sync the RC cars, Planes and Helicopters... It was cool that in 4.0 we could use the RC toys...
- Fix Build mode... :P
And thats all...
Cya, Knucis
Quote from: Knucis on September 02, 2008, 01:14:55 PM
- Try to sync the RC cars, Planes and Helicopters... It was cool that in 4.0 we could use the RC toys...
We can already, only enter and leaving will crash, so u need to do it with 'vcmp.setvehicle'
Yeah and you has to lock the car totally :)
Quote from: [SRS]Tomi on September 04, 2008, 05:07:20 PM
Yeah and you has to lock the car totally :)
ehh? Why you should lock it? It not makes sense..
I don't think locking it would resolve the crashes
Yes you cant solve the crashes, but if you start to drive the RC cars than you has to put a lockcar command so you can't exit by mistake.
I like to have support for 100+ hp, if you now sethp with more than 100 hp it just does nothing, or kills you, or goes to 100 HP.
Hi everybody,
I have another suggestion:
Add a intro movie (dunno if this idea was already posted...) like this..
First on the movie appear like a 10 sec video with somebody killing... Then appear Big letters saying: Vice or something :P...
Then a 30/20 sec video with somebody stunting or more people stunting... Then appear Big letters saying: City or something :P... And then another video... And appear: Multiplayer And on the final a part appear saying: Vice City Multiplayer shinning or something xD
And remove the Vice city intro ( not R* games the other )
And thas my Idea...
Cya, Knucis
Sorry for my English
I like to have like SA:MP, the first videos removed so I don't have to press SPACE 2 times :P
/me thinks of editing his GTAtitles.mpg and Logo.mpg
I'd like to be able to assign player colours.
Markers, tags and all
Plus, many more vehicles should be supported with many more pickups! ::)
More Suggestions:
-Pedestrians like there are in GTA IV-MP
-Booster for cars (For stunting severs similar to those like Stunters United Xtreme in SA-MP)
-Custom maps (For better stunting servers like SA-MP ( ;D
-No Crashing
That's all I have to say. ;)
Quote from: xXx.Leo777.xXx on September 14, 2008, 07:11:26 AM
-More Gore (Ex. shooting arms & legs off If that is even possible, not just heads)
The head is the only bodypart that can be removed when shot in GTA Vice City. So other body parts will not work. (Unless you have a modded Vice City or something o_o)
How about balancing out the weapon damage instead of all these useless features
Why balance the weapon damage? That will just mess up the game :/
Balance = better, seriously m60 = 3 shots is a kill, spaz takes more hp than the normal shotgun with 1 shot AND it can shoot 7 shots without reload. Im not saying change how many shots it can shoot before reload. Just balance the damage. Makes fights more interesting especially for online play, ive looked at the vcmp weapon.dat and there barely any changes to it compared to the single player one. And the stubby is way too strong 20hp a bullet of 5 from a shot makes sense.
na any 1 wants it as it whas like on 0.1d.
if you change the weapon damage it will be then like 0.3z.\
any 1 wants the fast switch right. ok thats coming.
any1 wants the regular weapons like on the game its self right?.
That custom maps, could be one of the best ideas.
On the weapon balance idea, you could always add customisable weapon info server side, and the ability to change it via scripting :)
Would make a nice feature and it allows server hosters to balance the game themselves
yeah good idea oh i have a question will every weapon make headshots (shotguns ect) and can we turn head shots on//off
I was also thinking of the new version having this command: /dance. When you type this, your character will start dancing. :D It would be great for places like the Malibu & The Pole Position club! What do you think? ;)
yeah and /liedown aswell for when your tired:P
They are useless, you can do it with script.
can it also be posible that the accounts can be protected with password where you dont need to constand reg for a new 1 ingame. like on mta sa they got a account protector. it can be easy if whe are having our Accounts protected by account hackers.hacker.cheaters and other kids that trys to acces it. i think it will be beter if whe having protection.
- New chatbox. Like the chatbox off SA:MP.
- PAWN code for scripting.
QuoteFrom: VercettiG
What we know that will be in it for sure, is:
* Pawn scripting.
* FP aim (Synced Snipers and Rocket Launcher)
And more :P
I hope there will be a object mooving function too. If they will implement the pay'n spray maybe the garage doors will open if you go near the house.
the ability to move objects would be awesome, add and remove them, a version useable by anyone, so synced objects :) this would allow to make your own stunting things(like a huge ramp or something)
regards orph
I would to see realisation of shooting from the heli like in mission where Tommy and Lance fly over roofs on maverick and kill thugs. Well the first person in heli gets control and the second - gets m60 and sees on the screen a sight.
Well we can rob cars and see the players when they enter in a car ???
Is that possible to add more characters to 0.4?
For example these:
Quote" ? , ? , ű , ő , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? "
If i remember right the announce pictures containes these letters too.
hello any. 1.
just my little question.
are whe going to have a anti spam right in to the mode.
like when some1 spams that the script or the server trys to revoke his/her controls.
it would be a good idea to have a anti spam in to the server not in modes or other kinds off stuffs.
thats already possible in .3z. but are you talking about script it or is it built in VC-MP?
inside vcmp not the script.
Quote from: [SRS]Tomi on October 05, 2008, 04:35:44 PM
Is that possible to add more characters to 0.4?
For example these:
Quote" ? , ? , ű , ő , ? , ? , ? , ? , ? "
If i remember right the announce pictures containes these letters too.
? , ? , ű , ő , ? , ? , ? , ? , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, |, \, ?, ?, [, ], {, }, +, ?, , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ☺, ☻, ♥, ♦, ♣, ♠, ?, ◘, ○, ◙, ♂, ♀, ♪, ♫, ☼, ►, ◄, ↕, ‼, ╣, ║, ╗, ╝, ?, ?, ┐, └, ┴, ┬, ├, ┼, ?, ?, ?.
Arabic, chiniese, japanese, korean and whatever that signs :P
I was a little bored
Quote from: [SRS]Tomi on September 20, 2008, 10:17:29 AM
They are useless, you can do it with script.
How are /dance & /liedown useless? you cannot do it with script...I think. It is not even possible to use those animations in version 0.3z, Me & gulk were just suggesting that they should be added to version 0.4, you can already dance & laydown in SA-MP. :-\ So, why shouldn't they be added to VC-MP also? ???
They forget to add those ;D
so when is 0.4 coming ???
Quote from: Knucis on October 15, 2008, 05:12:20 PM
Quote from: Nemesis2500 on October 15, 2008, 04:30:03 PM
so when is 0.4 coming ???
yeap... When does it come??
Wait a while longer. Less you are asking for it, then it comes faster :)
Turret Mode? ::) That will be good :) I know it's impossible but tell me what about this :)
Like this mission: (
Everything is possible what the main game containes.
It sounds to a good idea.
Yay...Good sounds for my ears :D
TBH if they can sync peds somehow without causing too much extra lag, that would be awesome, an have like a server setting for it so some can have peds, and others can't :D
Then you could like race through crowds of people on bikes or in infs :D
Or a rhino.
Well i hope rob car mode will be active in this version
I don't know how to but, add customizable menus, like in san andreas (day shower at the top of the screen, color lines at the bottom etc.)
Quote from: [SRS]Tomi on November 10, 2008, 08:02:31 PM
I don't know how to but, add customizable menus, like in san andreas (day shower at the top of the screen, color lines at the bottom etc.)
I was thinking the same thing & BTW, I was also thinking about Optional Character creation we could use a preloaded character from the gta3.img or use your created character with it's TXD file would be located in a folder called "VC-MP Custom players", creation would be much different, just select a skin from the gta3.img then photoshop or Gimp it. if that is even possible... The textures need to match your model. 0_0
Quote from: [SRS]Tomi on November 10, 2008, 08:02:31 PM
I don't know how to but, add customizable menus, like in san andreas (day shower at the top of the screen, color lines at the bottom etc.)
It's nice
[offtopic] Why all the GTA:MP sites got the recode and VC:MP site not? [/offtopic]
My Suggestion
A Remote Console For Changing the Server name,Rcon password,Server Password,Mode,Map Without closing the Server Window(Like SA-MP)
is the amount of people playing vcmp reducing rapidly? it seems that way to me. is 0.4 even gona get finished or will people lose interest and so it will end up an unfinished project? i hope it is gone be finished but i have my doubts.
[edit] actually im starting a new topic to get an idea of weather others think it will be finished and when they think it will be if it is.
Quote from: kriminal on February 15, 2009, 05:51:20 AM
is the amount of people playing vcmp reducing rapidly? it seems that way to me. is 0.4 even gona get finished or will people lose interest and so it will end up an unfinished project? i hope it is gone be finished but i have my doubts.
[edit] actually im starting a new topic to get an idea of weather others think it will be finished and when they think it will be if it is.
It seems to me that they're all awaiting the release of 0.4; hopefully it doesn't end up as an unfinished project. As for the way it looks right now, it's sort of hard to believe if they're working on the 0.4 project or not because people have been awaiting this update since early 2007. Either this is a very big project or it's just progressing slowly.
Quote from: [VCM]Nick on March 04, 2009, 08:44:52 PM
It seems to me that they're all awaiting the release of 0.4; hopefully it doesn't end up as an unfinished project. As for the way it looks right now, it's sort of hard to believe if they're working on the 0.4 project or not because people have been awaiting this update since early 2007. Either this is a very big project or it's just progressing slowly.
If you've been to the beta test's, you would know that 0.4 is a big project with many uber-kool features and its stable :)
Been wanting to say this for a while, tone down the m60(not sure how much but 47?hp is way too high,) stubby(20hp per bullet) and spaz(12hp*maybe higher* per bullet) damage and whatever else needs honest tweaking /balancing out for better gameplay
well if u leave it to standart. that should be the best idea. and for ppl who wants to change it it to the setting at theyre favorite number like lets say a tweaker for ppl who wants to set the ammount off damage on the weapons where they can do it on theyre own server by with out touching the wep.dat.
nice idea plu. i can make the minigun's damage much lower but for the range.......
whatabout you can get on a copter as a passenger and press h for the first person mode shooting like the mission "phenom penh 86"
what about,releasing 0.3z R2?
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: Jack_Bauer on July 27, 2009, 03:16:05 AM
what about,releasing 0.3z R2?
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
seems like a logical suggestion
What VCMP needs now is rly a new VCMP version, otherwise, the rest of players will giving up playing VCMP :(.
What 0.4/0.3z r2 [OMG! No shorter version name? :x] needs is a better vehicle sync and less crashes, that's the most important for now IMO.
Setting weapon damage, Phenom Penh, this all are good ideas. VCMP needs all this stuff from Single Player, maybe then VCMP could get more players then multiplayers for SA [rotfl!]. I have saw a modifed weapon damage on an MTA SA server and well, u could using a m4 or what is the wep name in SA, shoot someone who is really far, even not very visible on screen :D.
What i suggest too: checkpoints, botz >:D, maybe a thing, that allow player with high ping play with a less lag or smthing [dunno, MTA SA team done it anyway :x], a better browser that is compatible with Vista, more scripting stuff, all wep sync, all VC skins available, maybe adding "own" skins to the server, that are not in VC [modded], map moddifing with objects + a good map editor, not this s*ity /s, ctrl+x, ctrl+v... This from MTA SA 1.0 looked great, watched a vid from it :).
Have a look only, this would be rly good in VCMP... (
But back to VCMP: more team colours [describing owns using this format #ffffff ], maybe also a small banner in the VCMP server browser that could give some $$ to VCMP team >:D [i mean, u know money = faster work on a new version :D ], pay n spray, enabling using this progress bar and timers from single player [there was e.g. time remaining or the progress bar was filling up, when we drived too slow with the limo in the Love Fist mission], a GUI system for voting something and other stuff, enabling to script commands with / instead of /c, pink arrows over other player/vehicles or what, arrows can have a described colour, btw. colours >:D also to set announce text with a colour using hex.
Setting up sounds for some actions, enabling the white text [displayed when done a stunt], the black box [buying properties from SP], using own Map Icons, deleting markers, markers are visible always or only if the player is near [Ammunation from SP], more player anims [/dance :D], players that are driving as passenger, can also shoot, not only sit and look how someone is driving D:, camera hax, setting water level and more...
Thx for reading :)
NC!!! u said it all ;)
nice suggestions,nice vid,but we basically want,a release lol
Quote from: Jack_Bauer on July 28, 2009, 04:02:26 AM
nice suggestions,nice vid,but we basically want,a release lol
exactlyyy, jack's on the ball
Hya guys,
Well I would prefer to wait and have as many fixes as possible, as for suggestions, the ability to lock a skin at the character selection screen would be nice.
kind regards
Luke Ruddge (rulk)
aye is it also posible if u can set up a horde mode if its rly posible.(but yea it needs a perfect machine to run it) it should be fun if whe also gonna have that (i hope)
O hell...
- MTA SA 1.0 beta tests [progress: ~ 96%]
- SAMP 0.3 beta tests [400 ppl ;o?]
- VCO RC2, devs working on it
- 2 multiplayers for GTA4, sometimes new vids from progress
- ... more
And whats with VCMP? Guess nothing ><. Every developer is working on a new and better version. And VCMP? :( . Long time NO official preview videos, NO beta tests for public [last in march?].
Finally the forum works again....
I'm always waiting this release...
Make a good job guys :)
Hya guys,
Two suggestions;
1. A proper flip method
2. Key press detection (perhaps we could simulate vigilante mode from single player)
Quote from: rulk on August 19, 2009, 11:17:09 AM
Hya guys,
Two suggestions;
1. A proper flip method
2. Key press detection (perhaps we could simulate vigilante mode from single player)
Nice one rulk
Textdraws would be nice.
Text:TextDrawCreate(Float:x, Float:y, text[]);
TextDrawLetterSize(Text:text, Float:x, Float:y);
TextDrawTextSize(Text:text, Float:x, Float:y);
TextDrawAlignment(Text:text, alignment);
TextDrawColor(Text:text, color);
TextDrawUseBox(Text:text, use);
TextDrawBoxColor(Text:text, color);
TextDrawSetShadow(Text:text, size);
TextDrawSetOutline(Text:text, size);
TextDrawBackgroundColor(Text:text, color);
TextDrawFont(Text:text, font);
TextDrawSetProportional(Text:text, set);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Text:text);
TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, Text:text);
TextDrawSetString(Text:text, string[]);
TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Text:text);
body shots
sniper/rpg shots
Prop spawning!
remove /c and the class selection when u die. (to change skins just press f4 and type /kill)
Quote from: lolyustabme on August 15, 2007, 09:03:54 PM
Add a speedometer, MPH and KMH.
Speedometers can be scripter by the server owners.
Quote from: Tommy_Kills on January 21, 2010, 12:23:54 PM
and the class selection when u die. (to change skins just press f4 and type /kill)
that's just bullshit...
I think removing the /kill would be good. It'll help removing the death-evades.
Quote from: thijn on January 21, 2010, 09:36:11 PM
Quote from: Tommy_Kills on January 21, 2010, 12:23:54 PM
and the class selection when u die. (to change skins just press f4 and type /kill)
that's just bullshit...
its retarded to die and go in the class selction when u dont want to change skins
Quote from: Tommy_Kills on January 21, 2010, 09:58:05 PM
Quote from: thijn on January 21, 2010, 09:36:11 PM
Quote from: Tommy_Kills on January 21, 2010, 12:23:54 PM
and the class selection when u die. (to change skins just press f4 and type /kill)
that's just bullshit...
its retarded to die and go in the class selction when u dont want to change skins
Sorry but you're the only who think this, until now.[ FORGET THIS ]
Yeah it could be cool, skip the skin change. When people wanna change skin just press some button.
It'll be more faster. Nice idea.
Quote from: Tommy_Kills on January 21, 2010, 09:58:05 PM
its retarded to die and go in the class selction when u dont want to change skins
It is not. I'm not against adding a ForceSpawn(playerid) function for making player spawn (with even the possibility of avoiding the class selection screen at all), but missing the class selection screen by default is more retarted than vice versa.
Quote from: Boss on January 21, 2010, 10:32:05 AM
Quote from: creepers on January 21, 2010, 09:23:39 AM
body shots
sniper/rpg shots
ups forgot to reply,
for disabling body shots, it prevents dying "slowly"
for snipers and RPGs, incase a cheater spawns an RPG and spam everyone with rockets, you can disable the aim button
Quote from: creepers on January 22, 2010, 09:28:50 AM
for disabling body shots, it prevents dying "slowly"
That's called "death animations" I suppose. Toggling them would be nice.
Quote from: creepers on January 22, 2010, 09:28:50 AM
for snipers and RPGs, incase a cheater spawns an RPG and spam everyone with rockets, you can disable the aim button
What's wrong with either setting their damage to 0, removing all of the players weapons once he selects these or just simply bannig the player once he switches to them?
Quote from: Boss on January 22, 2010, 10:06:36 AM
Quote from: creepers on January 22, 2010, 09:28:50 AM
for snipers and RPGs, incase a cheater spawns an RPG and spam everyone with rockets, you can disable the aim button
What's wrong with either setting their damage to 0, removing all of the players weapons once he selects these or just simply bannig the player once he switches to them?
theres a setting for weapon damage?
you have a point on the instant ban thing. but when some innocent player gets it accidentally......
but skip that you can just ban the person who killed someone with an RPG or sniper if its needed.
i has more suggestionzzzzz:
object/vehicle streaming? not possible i think
use camera for no-HUD pictures
use of animationz on spawn area. also music
everythin else on SAMP..... which is possible for VCMP
btw for the server files..... can some scripters make basic gamemodes for new people who want to host a server?
Quote from: creepers on January 22, 2010, 11:01:14 AM
theres a setting for weapon damage?
Quote from: creepers on January 22, 2010, 11:01:14 AM
you have a point on the instant ban thing. but when some innocent player gets it accidentally......
I dunno how cheats work, but if they switch to the newly added weapon then there's no way someone can get these as a pickup (as long as you don't place the pickup yourself).
Quote from: creepers on January 22, 2010, 11:01:14 AM
but skip that you can just ban the person who killed someone with an RPG or sniper if its needed.
You've got the point. My way prevents them from scoring one extra frag though. :x
Quote from: creepers on January 22, 2010, 11:01:14 AM
object/vehicle streaming? not possible i think
I think you can use CreateVehicle for vehicles. And nothing for objects.
Quote from: creepers on January 22, 2010, 11:01:14 AM
use camera for no-HUD pictures
You can actually do it with even your fists. :o
Quote from: creepers on January 22, 2010, 11:01:14 AM
Quote from: creepers on January 22, 2010, 11:01:14 AM
use of animationz on spawn area. also music
Jeez, are we close to 1.0 or something?
Quote from: creepers on January 22, 2010, 11:01:14 AM
everythin else on SAMP..... which is possible for VCMP
Yeah, and let's then rename VCMP into SAMP:VC. lol
Quote from: creepers on January 22, 2010, 11:01:14 AM
btw for the server files..... can some scripters make basic gamemodes for new people who want to host a server?
There is a basic mode located at "gamemodes/mode.amx".
i can't say a thing.......:x
nice talkin with u lol
ill be remaking my server with the new functions. thx
Just maybe something that could be NOW useful and probably wont take much time for coding :].
SetGravity for a PLAYER
SetGamespeed for a PLAYER
Now its only possible to change it for everyone but i want only for 1 player. If someone played MTA:SA on servers like BombDaBase, then if a player kill you, the game speed is slower but only for the killed player and it looks simply cool rofl. :D
It would be nice for an option to disable the teamkill message, I hate having every players nick color white for a free for all server..
Please :)
Ok, here is my big idea:
instead of adding functions i think we are better of with you removing some.
Sounds wierd? let me explain it.
There are some things that irritate me, and probally others too..
Like the default /kill and /me commands, and that all custom commands are prefixed with /c.
The /kill and /me commands should be removed because they are very easy to script and because they are standard we can't change them now.
Ofcourse the /c prefix should also be removed because well, that's just silly.
And another one: the drowned and died messages.
I think they should be removed too, not everyone wants them or want them in this color. Like on a RP server this could cause much metagaming.
One more: the "I don't know that command" message.
Well this is just like the other problems i stated here, it is easy to script and now you can't change it wich is very irritating...
I hope you guys can do something with this ;)
Quote from: goudewup on February 17, 2010, 02:51:53 PM
The /kill and /me commands should be removed because they are very easy to script and because they are standard we can't change them now.
That was done because it is assumed that scripters would be unable to reproduce them, therefore resulting in a reduced servers' functionality. I agree, nevertheless, that it is sufficient to just add them in default mode, since most of the "newb scripts" are based upon it.
Quote from: goudewup on February 17, 2010, 02:51:53 PM
One more: the "I don't know that command" message.
Well this is just like the other problems i stated here, it is easy to script and now you can't change it wich is very irritating...
You can prevent this message from being displayed by adding "return 1" in the end of your OnPlayerCommandText. Therefore you can add a custom one directly before the return.
Quote from: Boss on February 17, 2010, 03:00:02 PM
Fixed in 0.4.
My next suggestion: remove the "car bonus things" like for entering ambulance u get +20 hp or smthing like that :/.
I have somewhere seen the memory code for this at gtaforums but cant find it now :p.
Quote from: [AoD]NC on February 17, 2010, 03:06:22 PM
Quote from: Boss on February 17, 2010, 03:00:02 PM
Fixed in 0.4.
My next suggestion: remove the "car bonus things" like for entering ambulance u get +20 hp or smthing like that :/.
I have somewhere seen the memory code for this at gtaforums but cant find it now :p.
Nah is a bad idea. :(
Quote from: Cypher on February 17, 2010, 04:25:18 PM
Quote from: [AoD]NC on February 17, 2010, 03:06:22 PM
Quote from: Boss on February 17, 2010, 03:00:02 PM
Fixed in 0.4.
My next suggestion: remove the "car bonus things" like for entering ambulance u get +20 hp or smthing like that :/.
I have somewhere seen the memory code for this at gtaforums but cant find it now :p.
Nah is a bad idea. :(
It's a great idea. I've found ASM stuff to disable it. If someone doesnt want armour and wants SWAT vehicle then what? Or gamemode without shotguns, but with COP cars? It can be easly added with scripting stuff.
You can also do it server-side. If the player enters the Enforcer, get his/her armour level. When he/she exits the Enforcer, check if it's bigger than before, if yes, remove it. You can use this to remove the shotgun and also extra health.
Quote from: Ettans on February 20, 2010, 10:17:13 PM
You can also do it server-side. If the player enters the Enforcer, get his/her armour level. When he/she exits the Enforcer, check if it's bigger than before, if yes, remove it. You can use this to remove the shotgun and also extra health.
Wouldn't it be easier to disable it in client with really short hack? IMO disabling it with scripting is pointless. You can add shotgun/monies from taxi/armour/health with less lines of code than disabling it.
Boss: Theres onPlayerHealthChange callback in the squirrel server.
Quote from: [LCK]Stoku on February 20, 2010, 10:43:58 PM
Wouldn't it be easier to disable it in client with really short hack? IMO disabling it with scripting is pointless. You can add shotgun/monies from taxi/armour/health with less lines of code than disabling it.
Ok and how do you see the HP bonus remove via scripting? Lets say you will use the scripting callback health change and if new hp > old hp... Then okay you enter the ambulance and the bonus is removed. But what about !heal command or heal pickups? Then the hp bonus will be removed too, but e.g. i will that players can be healed via cmd or pickup...
And what about Shotgun bonus from police? How do you want to remove the shotgun? Its not possible in vcmp u can only remove ALL weps, what i DONT want.
Quote from: Ettans on February 20, 2010, 10:17:13 PM
You can use this to remove the shotgun
Quote from: [AoD]NC on February 20, 2010, 11:37:57 PM
Ok and how do you see the HP bonus remove via scripting? Lets say you will use the scripting callback health change and if new hp > old hp... Then okay you enter the ambulance and the bonus is removed. But what about !heal command or heal pickups? Then the hp bonus will be removed too, but e.g. i will that players can be healed via cmd or pickup...
1) There is no "OnHealthChange" callback.
2) There are OnVehicleEnter and OnVehicleExit callbacks.
3) You check vehicleid in both. If the ID is ambulance, you store player's HP in 1st and set it in 2nd, ensuring that player leaves the ambulance with as many HP as he entered with. Same for enforcer.
4) This method restores player's health/armor if he was damaged while in the vehicle, so it's still rather lame.
for pawn Scripting
add Scripting Callbacks
- OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint
- OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint
- OnPlayerInteriorChange
- OnPlayerKeyStateChange
- OnPlayerLeaveCheckpoint
- OnPlayerLeaveRaceCheckpoint
- OnPlayerObjectMoved
- OnPlayerRequestSpawn
- OnPlayerStateChange
Scripting FunctionsAttachObjectToPlayer - Attach an object to a player
CreateObject - Create an object
DestroyObject - Destroy an object
GetObjectPos - Get an object's position
GetObjectRot - Get an object's rotation
IsValidObject - Check if an object exists
MoveObject - Move an object
SetObjectPos - Set an object's position
SetObjectRot - Set an object's rotation
StopObject - Stop an object (moving)
CreatePlayerObject - Create an player-object
DestroyPlayerObject - Destroy an object
GetPlayerObjectPos - Get an object's position
GetPlayerObjectRot - Get an object's rotation
IsValidPlayerObject - Check if an object exists
MovePlayerObject - Move an object
SetPlayerObjectPos - Set an object's position
SetPlayerObjectRot - Set an object's rotation
StopPlayerObject - Stop an object (moving)
TextDrawAlignment - Set a textdraw's alignment
TextDrawBackgroundColor - Set the background color of a textdraw
TextDrawBoxColor - Set the color of a textdraw's box
TextDrawColor - Set the color of a textdraw
TextDrawCreate - Create a textdraw
TextDrawDestroy - Destroy a textdraw
TextDrawFont - Set a textdraw's font
TextDrawHideForAll - Hide a textdraw for all players
TextDrawHideForPlayer - Hide a textdraw for a specific player
TextDrawLetterSize - Set the size of a textdraw's text
TextDrawSetOutline - Set the outline thickness of a textdraw
TextDrawSetProportional - Set a textdraw's text proportion
TextDrawSetShadow - Toggle a shadow behind a textdraw's text
TextDrawSetString - Set the text in a textdraw
TextDrawShowForAll - Show a textdraw for all players
TextDrawShowForPlayer - Show a textdraw for a certain player
TextDrawTextSize - Set the size of a textdraw
TextDrawUseBox - Toggle whether a textdraw should have a box or not
DisablePlayerCheckpoint - Disable a player's checkpoint
IsPlayerInCheckpoint - Check if a player is in a checkpoint
SetPlayerCheckpoint - Set a player's checkpoint
DisablePlayerRaceCheckpoint - Disable a player's race checkpoint
IsPlayerInRaceCheckpoint - Check if a player is in a race checkpoint
SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint - Set a player's race checkpoint
CreatePickup(model, type, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z);
pickup tupe's
MAX_PLAYERS for online 200 :-[
@Whole post: doubt someone would take care.
@Checkpoints: it is really so easy to create races with them in SAMP?
@AttachObjectToPlayer: doesn't it work only in "missions"?
@CreatePlayerObject: What?
@Pickup types: Some other are in VC. ->
@Max players: hahahahahahaaaaaaaa :D. Probably now on all servers there is not much then 100 players overall so why do you need 200? For botz? Anyway more players = less stable game, more lagzors etc.
Quote from: [AoD]NC on August 01, 2010, 11:21:41 PM
@Checkpoints: it is really so easy to create races with them in SAMP?
No it is not easy, it makes the creation of races / missions more convenient and enjoyable for the players on the servers (gameplay)
Quote from: [AoD]NC on August 01, 2010, 11:21:41 PM
@AttachObjectToPlayer: doesn't it work only in "missions"?
Quote from: [AoD]NC on August 01, 2010, 11:21:41 PM
@CreatePlayerObject: What?
Quote from: [AoD]NC on August 01, 2010, 11:21:41 PM
@Max players: hahahahahahaaaaaaaa :D. Probably now on all servers there is not much then 100 players overall so why do you need 200? For botz? Anyway more players = less stable game, more lagzors etc.
servers are very few players because you can chat in English only, and vc-mp very small interesting servers
(very few opportunities for creating scripts), and in the vc-mp too many mistakes (crashes)
new Key Binds
F1: Displayer help dialog
TAB: Display the scoreboard
F4: Allows you to change class to next time you respawn
F5: Show bandwidth statistics
F7: Toggle the Chat box
F8: Take a screenshot
F9:Shows/hides the "death" window
G: Allows you to enter a car as a passenger
like in sa-mp :)
VCMP won't be ever SAMP :).
You should know that some things won't be possible in VC, because VC doesn't support them.
attach object to object only works on cutscene objects
attach object to component of object only works on cutscene objects
attach object to car only works on cutscene objects
That's are probably the only things to do in VC. But as you can see it's only for cutscenes. However I bet maxorator could hack them anyway :).
Quoteservers are very few players because you can chat in English only, and vc-mp very small interesting servers
(very few opportunities for creating scripts), and in the vc-mp too many mistakes (crashes)
Not really. There were some servers in other langs (Spanish, Chinese etc.) And you should know that R2 is less crashing then R1.
@Keybinds: VCMP uses only keys from game, apart from F-shits. For example in R2 you enter as passenger with the action key (TAB), but in 0.4 beta you could enter with camera key (V).
Quote from: [AoD]NC on August 02, 2010, 11:58:08 AM
VCMP won't be ever SAMP :).
Of course not, because VC-MP is a multiplayer for game GTA VC... ;)
Quote from: [Saint] on August 02, 2010, 08:29:34 AM
new Key Binds like in sa-mp :)
We have TAB to enter as passenger, not G
We have F5 to display scoreboard, not TAB
That's how it will be because this is VCMP and it will be different to that of SAMP.
Quote from: Klaus_Meine on August 02, 2010, 01:25:39 PM
Quote from: [Saint] on August 02, 2010, 08:29:34 AM
new Key Binds like in sa-mp :)
We have TAB to enter as passenger, not G
We have F5 to display scoreboard, not TAB
That's how it will be because this is VCMP and it will be different to that of SAMP.
well, the f5 -> tab thing isn't a big deal, but tab is also the button to pick up guns, so when you try to pick up a gun sometimes you'll be forced into a car and sometimes you'll want to get into a car and pick up a shit gun in return.
that was fixed in the 0.4 pub beta from what I saw anyway, so
Quote from: Klaus_Meine on August 02, 2010, 01:25:39 PM
Quote from: [Saint] on August 02, 2010, 08:29:34 AM
new Key Binds like in sa-mp :)
We have TAB to enter as passenger, not G
We have F5 to display scoreboard, not TAB
That's how it will be because this is VCMP and it will be different to that of SAMP.
this is very stupid and also very inconvenient for the players who play both in VC:MP and the SA:MP
Quote from: [Saint] on August 02, 2010, 12:16:38 PM
Of course not, because VC-MP is a multiplayer for game GTA VC... ;)
Not because that. To say the truth, SAMP is in everything better then VCMP: more players, better game modes, more developers (?).
Quote from: [Saint] on August 02, 2010, 12:16:38 PM
this is very stupid and also very inconvenient for the players who play both in VC:MP and the SA:MP
I know a few players that were playing SA multiplayers and tried VCMP, but then they deleted it from their hard disk :).
Quote from: [AoD]NC on August 02, 2010, 09:44:28 PM
Not because that. To say the truth, SAMP is in everything better then VCMP: more players, better game modes, more developers (?).
I know a few players that were playing SA multiplayers and tried VCMP, but then they deleted it from their hard disk :).
if the VC: MP was at least half of the scripting capabilities in SA: MP
it would have attracted many new players and new people to create game modes.
even from the same SA: MP communities in the (like me for example)
And if you think that the game GTA VC small fans you're wrong.
such as too many players that infuriates some in the chat can not communicate in Russian (only English characters)
in SA: MP as possible. because of this VC-MP loses potential players.
create a really good server in VC-MP 0.3z R2 (RolePlay or RPG, Stunt, Races or other) is simply not possible.
but he is very good for DM and TDM servers (such as killing players in the head is very cool)
and that no in SA: MP, but only play on DM and TDM servers, players get tired quickly.
VC-MP too slowly develops .........
If you do not understand, then I apologize, I do not intend you to explain something.
Quote from: [Saint] on August 02, 2010, 10:31:04 PM
if the VC: MP was at least half of the scripting capabilities in SA: MP
it would have attracted many new players and new people to create game modes.
even from the same SA: MP communities in the (like me for example)
And if you think that the game GTA VC small fans you're wrong.
I've made some pretty good improvements related to scripting lately. Unfortunately it all still needs testing, so release will take some time...
Quote from: [Saint] on August 02, 2010, 10:31:04 PM
such as too many players that infuriates some in the chat can not communicate in Russian (only English characters)
in SA: MP as possible. because of this VC-MP loses potential players.
I'm aware of that and will work on it, but might not be in the next release because it requires a lot of work to make the game support non-ascii characters and implementing it now would further delay the release.
Quote from: [Saint] on August 02, 2010, 10:31:04 PM
VC-MP too slowly develops .........
I'm sorry, but there's no fix for that. I'm the only active developer at the moment and I have been and will be away often.
maxorator, thanks
Quote from: maxorator on August 02, 2010, 10:53:52 PM
I'm aware of that and will work on it, but might not be in the next release because it requires a lot of work to make the game support non-ascii characters and implementing it now would further delay the release.
you could ask for
Kye to help you with this, build in the SA-MP, this is realized from the beginning as far as I know,
I do not think he'll refuse to help. ;)
Quote from: maxorator on August 02, 2010, 10:53:52 PM
I've made some pretty good improvements related to scripting lately. Unfortunately it all still needs testing, so release will take some time...
Remember, at this forums are many players ready to test it even right now :).
Quotecreate a really good server in VC-MP 0.3z R2 (RolePlay or RPG, Stunt, Races or other) is simply not possible.
but he is very good for DM and TDM servers (such as killing players in the head is very cool)
and that no in SA: MP, but only play on DM and TDM servers, players get tired quickly.
I said that maybe 100 times, but I will say 101. Such modes like Bomb Base, Stealth etc would suck on VCMP just because of VC. You can't camp and walk. Weapon sync is poor, you can shoot in a wall and kill someone other.
Modes like Race or Drift needs mostly a good vehicle sync, which is I think, possibly to do in VCMP. In SA multiplayers the sync is very smooth even when playing with a lag.
And RP... Personally I don't like it, but there were a few RP servers in VCMP and I think that they were quiet good.
eh lemme suggest two things I'm sure you've heard before 1000 times from 100 people... I know it's probably pointless, but I do not know if someone has framed these suggestions with the same background as I have... they may seem like run of the mill gimme's, but please read everything and understand, this is coming from someone who obsesses over this stuff... ;D
fix the no-shooting bug or minimize it if possible.
you know,the one where players slide around and do not fire, and polite types will tell the other guy he's bugged.
for all the anti-cheat routines and pro-active administration in the world, this bug will make a new player think he's seeing cheats or a broken cheapshit game 50% of the time. remove this bug, and you are seriously smoothing out the VCMP learning curve, and making the game more accessible to novice players.
add more vehicle placement options
all throughout various script/server planning sessions I've been involved with, one consistent goal is simply enabling a given type of standard GTAVC gameplay within VCMP. one consistent problem with carrying over certain types of gameplay from singleplayer to multiplayer, is the amount of available car spawns in a server. simply by adding more vehicles in-play, we can greatly extend the amount of GTA gameplay variety present in VCMP without having to change/upgrade current scripting capability. there are plenty of game-mode types, that are scalable enough to base an entire server around one of them alone, if the vehicle amounts required were available and in-play.
just ask yourself, what is truly GTA? teleporting around to other players, walking around an empty stretch of road to other players, fighting other players around a centrally based location or spawn, or taking a random car from the huge amount available and driving where you want to go? as is, only 3 of those situations work in VCMP, and lack of having access to the 4th is definately a hinderance to any scripter or server operator who is taking a comprehensive approach to their VCMP projects.
maxorator, I know you already have enough to do... but I see these two as the least complex goals to approach with the largest payoffs, so I thought I'd suggest them as such. I say all this not knowing shit about anything else in the 0.4 release or how hard it would be to actually prevent the no-shoot bug or add cars... but just sayin' if ya make those two changes, everyone will get more from VCMP, more players, more gameplay and scripting variety... and as someone who has been working on those goals(more players, more balanced gameplay variety available) for 2 years now and planning on going longer, I really hope you take the time to read and consider my suggestions. thanks for your time
Quote from: ULK.HeAD on August 03, 2010, 12:32:34 AM
fix the no-shooting bug or minimize it if possible.
It is terribly difficult to fix simply because it never happens when I want it to. And without reproducing it, it's impossible to find out why it happens and how to fix it. I will try to find a solution, but I can't guarantee anything.
Quote from: ULK.HeAD on August 03, 2010, 12:32:34 AMadd more vehicle placement options
There are some problems with that. Increasing it over 200 makes cars sometimes have no audio because of the silly audio system VC uses (only 250 things (players+vehicles) can have audio enabled). This is pretty difficult to fix, but I believe I could do it. I think I will raise it higher even if I don't fix this, because audio is not the most important part of the gameplay anyway. Increasing it over 254 however is problematic due to the current internal structure of VC:MP. It is changeable of course, but it takes some effort to do.
Quote from: ULK.HeAD on August 03, 2010, 12:32:34 AM
maxorator, I know you already have enough to do... but I see these two as the least complex goals to approach with the largest payoffs, so I thought I'd suggest them as such. I say all this not knowing shit about anything else in the 0.4 release or how hard it would be to actually prevent the no-shoot bug or add cars... but just sayin' if ya make those two changes, everyone will get more from VCMP, more players, more gameplay and scripting variety... and as someone who has been working on those goals(more players, more balanced gameplay variety available) for 2 years now and planning on going longer, I really hope you take the time to read and consider my suggestions. thanks for your time
Thank you for your commitment to VC:MP. There are not so many people who actually care about what goes around.
wow thanks for the quick response, it's nice to know I'm not falling on deaf ears. :D
yeh I had heard something of the sort from SGB about the no-shoot bug.
I understand it's probably a huge pain to fix, as I'd assume you'd have fixed it already if it was easy right :)
as for the cars, I can't say I have a feel for how difficult that would be for you, but lemme say once again: if you could pull it off, there's alot people can do with current scripting capability before bugging you for any more updates/features, if ya know what I mean...
anyway, thanks again, and take care man... cya ;D
QuoteThere are some problems with that. Increasing it over 200 makes cars sometimes have no audio because of the silly audio system VC uses (only 250 things (players+vehicles) can have audio enabled). This is pretty difficult to fix, but I believe I could do it. I think I will raise it higher even if I don't fix this, because audio is not the most important part of the gameplay anyway. Increasing it over 254 however is problematic due to the current internal structure of VC:MP. It is changeable of course, but it takes some effort to do.
I had something similar! Probably after adding a "clothing pickup" to the game. However I pressed ESC twice and sound was ok.
Quote from: [AoD]NC on August 03, 2010, 01:29:16 AM
QuoteThere are some problems with that. Increasing it over 200 makes cars sometimes have no audio because of the silly audio system VC uses (only 250 things (players+vehicles) can have audio enabled). This is pretty difficult to fix, but I believe I could do it. I think I will raise it higher even if I don't fix this, because audio is not the most important part of the gameplay anyway. Increasing it over 254 however is problematic due to the current internal structure of VC:MP. It is changeable of course, but it takes some effort to do.
I had something similar! Probably after adding a "clothing pickup" to the game. However I pressed ESC twice and sound was ok.
No, it is not related to that. For a player or a vehicle to have audio, the game attaches an audio entity to it. However, the limit of audio entities is 250 and increasing it is problematic.
Wow, i see developers, good news. But there is one question. When can we see the results of your work? There already a lot of time has passed since the announcement of version 0.4. Or at least inform us about possible innovations.
@Maxorator: Just wanted to say that it happened for me, thought my pc was too hot :D.
@Relax: You should be just patient :). If max will think that it's time to announce something, then he will do that.
Passenger drive-by for cars, bikes and helicopters would be a really cool feature as well.
Being able to drive-by with any weapon would also be interesting.
I guess it would be done like this:
Quote from: Klaus_Meine on August 06, 2010, 04:14:44 PM
Passenger drive-by for cars, bikes and helicopters would be a really cool feature as well.
Being able to drive-by with any weapon would also be interesting.
I guess it would be done like this:
Saw that in MTA-SA, you can hop on the roof of a vehicle and press some key and you will be attached to the car and able to shoot without falling off, actually even better than the SA-MP carsurfing. Would be cool for helicopter fights!
That's called "turret mode" and there were many similar suggestions to add this.
Yeah would be nice to play it, but it won't be easy to add this to VCMP.
Yeh I don't know if it's easy to add that stuff. But having the "turret mode" thingy would be awesome :P
Iam not sure if it's hard or not but something similar maxo did
But there is a little bit difference between single and multi, just to sync all that stuff.
Believe me I have asked max already about it :).
Quote from: StriKe on August 07, 2010, 04:20:10 AM
Iam not sure if it's hard or not but something similar maxo did
or something like this (0:20)
CERTAINDEATH - Smoke a cigarette!!!!!
Smoking sigarette!!
Make it so that not only you could add objects to the map. But create your own maps, not limited by the original map boundries of Vice City.
That would rock!
@Skirmant: "Maps" are just several objects on one place :). So if we can add objects, we can make as well a new island. Try to play with Moo mapper and you will see that.
@Misha: Do you realllllllllllllllly need it? That's the least important thing in the whole game IMO. I haven't ever used this cheat in VC, but I remember smoking from GTA2 :).
Quote from: [AoD]NC on September 02, 2010, 06:24:45 PM
@Skirmant: "Maps" are just several objects on one place :). So if we can add objects, we can make as well a new island. Try to play with Moo mapper and you will see that.
I know the moo mapper. But can't there be a way to remove the entire map to create your own?
Post number #301 in this topic ;o.
Well it is not possible to remove the map. Maybe it could be possible, but VCMP don't have a "downloading-from-server-files" system. However you can as well go to a point on the see like 5000.0 5000.0, you will have much space to create your own map. Anyway there are some VC limitations, which makes impossible to place objects so far, but we should cross our fingers, maybe maxorator will hax it :).
I guess I could build another map from objects in 1000 of z. This is just a theoretical question, but would they be visible from ground level?
OFFTOPIC: Have anyone tried to see how many players fit in a bus? XD
I have just made a quick test, placed an object on height 800.0. However I couldn't find it from ground level, but some of the city was visible from that height, but these were maybe only LODs.
I think that it depends on the draw distance, if the object will be visible or not. I am playing with the greats draw distance available in game, and it renders the objects maybe at distance ~ 50.0 (guessed).
//Post 444 :o
it will be cool, if you somehow fix the f***ing bug with the scope when yu are aiming!
You know, when you aim with the rocked launcher or a snipe it bugs like it just backs the scope to original state
Quote from: desfire97 on September 05, 2010, 11:26:46 PM
it will be cool, if you somehow fix the f***ing bug with the scope when yu are aiming!
You know, when you aim with the rocked launcher or a snipe it bugs like it just backs the scope to original state
Known bug :-*
Will be fixed in upcoming release.
StriKe, do not tell my where about is the next release? (day/mount/year)
Quote from: [Saint] on September 07, 2010, 01:10:02 PM
StriKe, do not tell my where about is the next release? (day/mount/year)
...Not even developers know that. But I would say in 3 more years :P
3 years? Holy macarony ( :o :o :o
Quote from: Skirmant on September 08, 2010, 02:55:14 PM
Quote from: [Saint] on September 07, 2010, 01:10:02 PM
StriKe, do not tell my where about is the next release? (day/mount/year)
...Not even developers know that. But I would say in 3 more years :P
Quote from: desfire97 on September 05, 2010, 11:26:46 PM
it will be cool, if you somehow fix the f***ing bug with the scope when yu are aiming!
You know, when you aim with the rocked launcher or a snipe it bugs like it just backs the scope to original state
I have a really fucking good idea ;D check this out:
Voice comunication!!!
eh, what do you thing, like add something like a voice comunication were you dont need to type.
Like if you got a microphone, you can voice comunicate eh
Like in Counter-Strike (and source), Garry's Mod
One day, even my frient asked me: does VC-MP have voice comunication
So there will be a chat comunication and voice
And probably some probs will come with it: mic spamming ;D ;D
You can always use Teamspeak
yeh desfire just use vent or ts
you can sing for us ;D
don't worry be happy :)
desfire is famous with his newest hit: Don't Worry, Be Happy.
Hahahaha, I Cant stop laughing about Squida's post
Quote from: desfire97 on September 18, 2010, 09:16:33 PM
I have a really fucking good idea ;D check this out:
Voice comunication!!!
eh, what do you thing, like add something like a voice comunication were you dont need to type.
Like if you got a microphone, you can voice comunicate eh
Like in Counter-Strike (and source), Garry's Mod
One day, even my frient asked me: does VC-MP have voice comunication
So there will be a chat comunication and voice
And probably some probs will come with it: mic spamming ;D ;D
Nice idea. ;D
Quote from: desfire97 on September 18, 2010, 09:16:33 PM
I have a really fucking good idea ;D check this out:
Voice comunication!!!
eh, what do you thing, like add something like a voice comunication were you dont need to type.
Like if you got a microphone, you can voice comunicate eh
Like in Counter-Strike (and source), Garry's Mod
One day, even my frient asked me: does VC-MP have voice comunication
So there will be a chat comunication and voice
And probably some probs will come with it: mic spamming ;D ;D
How about features that you can control who can hear and not hear the voice of a specific person (good for local chat)
Quote from: Squida on September 19, 2010, 05:31:01 AM
yeh desfire just use vent or ts
you can sing for us ;D
don't worry be happy :)
WTF is
vetn and
tsAnd only one person liket my idea :(
And stop spaming about me singing
Quote from: desfire97 on September 20, 2010, 01:45:16 PM
Quote from: Squida on September 19, 2010, 05:31:01 AM
yeh desfire just use vent or ts
you can sing for us ;D
don't worry be happy :)
WTF is vetn and ts
And only one person liket my idea :(
And stop spaming about me singing
Dont forget about Mumble! (
Has better sound/latency imo compared to vent and ts.
Voice comms built in would be a good idea, but its fairly difficult to do.
You've also got to think about how you'd configure stuff like transmit volume, ptt key, voice activation, echo cacenllation and mic select. Bearing in mind vcmp has no proper GUI system, so i cant see this being put in.
Seems doubtful vcmp will have voice due to its not really needed though. Mumble 3D positional audio via the Link interface would be nice though, seems to work nicely in LU :)
Yeah, your right about its gonna be dificult.
Like you forgot to mentune like putting something like a picture of a speaker on top of the player when hes pressing the voice com key
Anyway, good luck developing my idea :P
mmmm Chat Size?
at those huge resolutions, the chat is pretty much small.
Nice haha 8) ........ ;)
About Voice Communication, there should be functions on server such as: Callback when player use this, Abilty to enable/disable, a.o.
* Passenger driveby with allmost everyone weapon and possible to aim like in missions Phnom Penh '86, Supply & Demmand. But would be pretty difficult to sync this.
* Much more animations, which is used in cutscenes too (if possible)
* Coronas and Markers(Checkpoints)
* Add more skins, such as all Tommy's clothes, French SWAT skin( Mall Shootout).
* Attach objects to player.
How about some reliable sync? (No offence to the developers)
The thing I hate the most in-game, is how when I shoot people, it inflicts no damage, yet they shoot, and somehow instantly get a headshot. It happens with every player I come into contact with. It's not even like I lag, I get 50 ~ 100 ping, and 20-40fps. I end up with like 10 kills and 50 deaths.
* Passenger driveby with allmost everyone weapon and possible to aim like in missions Phnom Penh '86, Supply & Demmand. But would be pretty difficult to sync this.
I don't think that passenger drive-by would be possible... Aiming in Phenom Penh etc. is called "turret mode", was already discussed on this forums. Yep, it's a little bit difficult to add this. But during turret mode you can use many weapons, like granades or molotov coctails, so you could use it as "passenger drive by".
* Much more animations, which is used in cutscenes too (if possible)
Would be fine, but there are still not all basics anims in VCMP...
* Coronas and Markers(Checkpoints)
Corona is that pink circle?
How about some reliable sync? (No offence to the developers)
A new RakNet should help :@. Wait for the next release.
My suggestion would be for example to textdrawn
Variable_Name I put vcmp
new Text:vcmp;
In the Callback OnPlayerConnect
In OnGameModeInit
vcmp = TextDrawCreate(Float:x, Float:y,"Text");
and the menus that came with gta vice city or in dialog :D :)
Function, which reads players FPS data, so server could kick players who have FPS lags.
Updated chat, similar like in SAMP.
Synced hydraulics for voodoo and abilty to add hydraulics to any car.
Function, which chages vehicle tyres (There is that, in missions where is "special vehicles" Like in guardian angels with voodoo and cuban hermes).
Fixed car surfing.
Better synced snipers (Sync now just sux. First shot with sniper don't do any damage!)
Function, which changes weapon range, not only damage.
Synced melee weapons (Bat, golf club a.o)
Synced tear gas.
Maybe function which changes weapon shooting speed.
Enable/disable headshots.
On old topic :
Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 120 days.
Unless you're sure you want to reply, please consider starting a new topic.
So...I opened another topic.
My Suggestions :
SetVehicleHealth 100+ (Ex.: 150,200)
SetPlayerHealth 100+ (Ex.: 150,200)
SetPlayerArmour 100+ (Ex.: 150,200)
All Text Style (Game Text)
Work Define Dimensions For Game Text
FULL AntiCheat
Callback request :)
OnPlayerShoot(playerid, targetid, oldammo, oldhp)
playerid-player who shoots
targetid-player who gets hit, is null if bullet missed
oldammo-The ammo in hand of player before he started shooting in automatic mode (like if player fires 5 bullets of M4, old ammo=5+newammo OR 1+newammo in case of shotguns/python)
oldhp-the HP of target before he got hit, null if the bullet missed.
The new ammo(*) and new HP can be determined by users themselves
Functions request :)
GetPlayerCurrentWeapon(playerid, &weaponid, &ammo)
GetPlayerWeapons(playerid, &weaponid_slot1, &slot1_ammo, &weaponid_slot2, &slot2ammo,....&weapon_slot7, &slot7ammo)
I hope these are possible
The ingame voice-feature?
Look a few pages back, there were many posts with that suggestion. I doubt this will be in VCMP ever.
/me hides
New Idea :
Spectate mod
Loading Objects like Pictures from outside can be done?
I know it's a silly one but it will be an awesome feature to have..
Disabling the FastSwitch completely after 1 year or even more with that shit, and make it like 0.3z R1 ( I mean just JumpSwitch ), mens that would be so f*cking great
Quote from: Aaron on April 10, 2011, 10:33:18 PM
Get FPS? Someone doesn't have 30 fps when playing VC, because his PC is crap? I doubt.
That's in fact not an arrow it's teh real
And I say no to ToggleTrails. Someone likes, some other don't.
I bet Aaron suggested "GetFPS" just to know exactly who uses third party programs to set his/her fps 40,50,60 etc ( or even more i dunno if that is possible) and with it getting an advantage over others, actually that is a very good suggestion.
why garage cant open ? in version 3 can we add garage in version 4 its pretty cool! ;D
Quote from: ManiAc on April 11, 2011, 09:54:33 PM
I bet Aaron suggested "GetFPS" just to know exactly who uses third party programs to set his/her fps 40,50,60 etc ( or even more i dunno if that is possible)
Only till 60.
/me knows his simply awesome
So what, a GetFPS put into a timer :D? VCMP should only protect the memory address that allows to change the FPS. No need to add it as a function imo.
plz make 2 shares for cars & props ;D
Quote from: shivambansal on April 12, 2011, 06:00:47 AM
plz make 2 shares for cars & props ;D
if you want that, just suggest the server owners to allow it ,_,
a system for adding modules. (example: sa-mp)
for irc, sql, etc...
mmm i think if they take all the bugs for pawn..plz
Quote from: PlayerX on April 13, 2011, 05:41:41 PM
a system for adding modules. (example: sa-mp)
for irc, sql, etc...
Agreed. That opens the possibility for so much more.
new idea :
cigarette in the mouth occur in normal game as it appears when you write code
There are hunderds of buggs found in VCMP i cant explain it all so ill conclude in 1 word
"Please Fix pawno buggs in next version"
Quote from: yazeen on April 22, 2011, 03:31:53 PM
There are hunderds of buggs found in VCMP i cant explain it all so ill conclude in 1 word
"Please Fix pawno buggs in next version"
Or scrap pawn, since its a shitty language anyways ;)
Squirrel FTW ;D
Quote from: thijn on April 22, 2011, 04:29:18 PM
Quote from: yazeen on April 22, 2011, 03:31:53 PM
There are hunderds of buggs found in VCMP i cant explain it all so ill conclude in 1 word
"Please Fix pawno buggs in next version"
Or scrap pawn, since its a shitty language anyways ;)
Squirrel FTW ;D
Strike somewhere in this forum said, they're gonna add a separate board for Squirrel and extend support for the language, so thats cool.
Quote from: Venkat on April 22, 2011, 04:47:06 PM
Strike somewhere in this forum said, they're gonna add a separate board for Squirrel and extend support for the language, so thats cool.
yea its pretty cool!
Quote from: sseebbyy on April 22, 2011, 02:11:59 PM
new idea :
cigarette in the mouth occur in normal game as it appears when you write code
From my experience, I can say this is impossible. The smoking appeared in VC only as a cheat and it works only for local player. That means, that only your game actor would smoke and no one other would see this.
Any new beta test video about object placing/adding/moving?
No latest vids atm
But why not be posting updates in the "Current Status of Version 0.4"
Max claimed that he will do this and no one should disturb him :).
ok ;D
well Thijn i need your Yahoo ID if you can PM me btw I need to Learn How to Use SQL
Quote from: StriKe on April 22, 2011, 08:08:59 PM
No latest vids atm
:O!!! those are objects COOL!! i will do my vcmp server like my vco server :D
Quote from: OutlawZ on April 22, 2011, 07:18:40 PM
Any new beta test video about object placing/adding/moving?
refer that post ;)