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Messages - dave5

Videos and Screenshots / Re: Ultramega randomnesss
December 15, 2007, 03:25:22 PM
Wooo, I guess we really had nothing to do. Usually we all would be trying to shoot each other but no one was really on that late. Good job cree, I'll see if I can teach the other guy how to ride rainbows like in the end.
General Discussion / Re: Suggestions for Version 0.4
December 10, 2007, 12:17:31 AM
I'd rather wait for a really good version rather than a bunch of buggy releases, even if the hype is unbearable.
Not worth mentioning, it was a total wreck and [insert name] decided to wreck it by M60ing everyone. LoL.
Today, 12/7/07, at around 1900 Hours Eastern we had a huge party at UMS. I might be lying and some of you guys might complain, but I would say I remember Strider and I had some "idea." We would invite friends (mostly people we knew) to a Malibu party. That was it, just us 2 or 4 guys in the Malibu, nothing special, just a get together.

We screwed up.

It turns out the other players that were listening in on our "party." So instead, half the server, about 6-8 showed up at the Malibu for the party. We ended up having to hire swatt911 as security with his M60 just to make sure everything went well. It did, then Stylianou decided to mess around and M60 some the guys. "I'm the party pooper," he says. Well that costed him about 6 minutes of dodging retaliation M60 shots until he finally decided, "I'm a changed man."

Nothing much happened in the Malibu, we "bought" drinks and jubileu2 and I gave out !medicine. Finally I got bored and declared the cops came so I told everyone to /handsup. After that we all /aim at the door, in case the "cops" came in.

If you are used to the general fighting outside the hotel, it won't be much different, some guys including logiteck, forgot who and didn't take pics, came and war broke out between EVERYONE. Strider declared PIZZA PLACE and we all started over from there.

Didn't even last 5 minutes. The guys came again and more war broke out. Once More.

Strider called for a mall orgy so we all "raced" to mall and I "won."
We sold coffee, Lovefist T-Shirts, rode escalators, played tag for one minute, then the good part, we had a LMAOROFL chainsaw orgy. Imagine 6 dudes, trying to chainsaw each other like a bunch of idiots. Then I declared war and we all started shooting each other, til the newbs died and decided spawn was too far. Friggin Tommys.

Strider wanted to RPG a bank rob which didn't go so well. I ended up crashing in between so nothing else to add. We decided to drop soap and chainsaw fight in the Washington Police Station's showers. Unfortunately swatt911 went insane and started shooting EVERYONE. So the party went to a bomb drop afterwards, it was reduced to me, strider, Pluisje, and jubileu2 to keep it alive. I came up with a plan...

We would chainsaw fight again, but this time, in front of the hotel!! This was the end of the party. swatt911 was still war frenzy so we started to chainsaw him, all of us. Then we manhunted him and during that, we realized the fun was over.

Boohoo, good things always come to an end, but the good thing is that we had fun and we could look back on it.

I'd like to thank...
Strider2, for his cooperation through this entire event, and keeping his cool even though everyone kept shooting. "ZOMG"
Pluisje, he helped keep the party alive silently, during Malibu, but he helped ALOT during the chainsaw chase.
jubileu2, for giving all the medicine (trying to keep the party alive at the end)
Stylianou, for keeping his cool while everyone tried to kill him, and helping clean up the bad guys.
vice, I don't even know why, but I'm sure the party was 1 person funner with him
and jchu, funny guy lol

Files, about 5MB at

Note, no deleted scenes, so some useless pictures may lie around them.

Edit: It's in 7zip format for a reason, 7zip is free, so no "PLEASE REGISTER" crap, it also says it has good compression

Edit 2: Link is dead
Videos and Screenshots / Re: Enbed possible?
September 24, 2007, 10:19:02 PM
Thats not a bad idea, but I'm sure there might be some problems with dial up users.
That is not a bad idea.
Bad idea that is not.
Is it so hard to post the entire link though?
Videos and Screenshots / Re: Question
September 23, 2007, 03:54:27 PM
Ah, sorry, must of forgotten and was acting dumb.
Videos and Screenshots / Re: Question
September 23, 2007, 05:49:25 AM
I've seen the other side of the bush before, someone's server, everyone was sharing mods just because it read "stunt server", they all brought their mods with them to other DM servers, nothing's wrong with using cam hack to record stunters, it's everything else that gets me.
Videos and Screenshots / Re: Question
September 22, 2007, 01:22:36 PM

Yes I heard of Cam Hack before thanks, but look at this.

Quote from: dave5 on September 15, 2007, 04:26:47 PM
Why would someone even think of using Cam Hack on VC:MP. I'm think your look would be all messed up or something.
Support / Re: Crashes at loading, HELP!
September 21, 2007, 09:42:13 PM
Are you sure you bought a clean CD?
Videos and Screenshots / Re: Question
September 21, 2007, 09:41:38 PM
Hopefully yes.
UltraMegaServer / Re: New RPG Mode
September 18, 2007, 09:49:11 PM
That is most likely bugged money, so nothing is the matter.
General Discussion / Re: Trouble With VC:MP
September 18, 2007, 02:50:16 AM
Quote from: g@iatinho14 on August 25, 2007, 07:29:26 AM
Quote from: intaliano on August 18, 2007, 06:51:31 AM
I don't get it:

I would open up VC:MP v0.3x, Choose my name, and select a sever then click connect. Strangely VC opens up, not VC:MP... Am I doing something wrong or what?  ???
[/su :Db]

I don't get it.
General Discussion / Re: Suggestions for Version 0.4
September 17, 2007, 12:32:25 AM
Problem is TAB is the default action key, most people are too lazy to bother changing it.
Support / Re: Continueus Crash
September 15, 2007, 04:28:20 PM
Ohhh he means Player ID :0.

Sometimes people get it and when admins try a !goto 0 they goto themselves.
Videos and Screenshots / Re: Question
September 15, 2007, 04:26:47 PM
2) Do not post videos/screenshots that contain hacks/mods/cheats

I'm guessing if it didn't come with GTAVC when you bought it/downloaded it off a torrent, you can't use it.


1) Only post videos/screenshots of VC:MP - no other games or random videos

Why would someone even think of using Cam Hack on VC:MP. I'm think your look would be all messed up or something.