Happy Easter!!
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Show posts Menualias vcmp.checkhealth {
if ($vcmp.health($1, $vcmp.getid($1, $4)) == 100) {
vcmp.say $1 Status: Cheats Detected!
vcmp.cheatsdetected $1 $4
else vcmp.cheatsnotdetected
alias vcmp.checkarmour {
if ($vcmp.armour($1, $vcmp.getid($1, $4)) == 100) {
vcmp.say $1 Status: Cheats Detected!
vcmp.cheatsdetected $1 $4
else vcmp.cheatsnotdetected
alias vcmp.cheatsnotdetected {
vcmp.setlocation $1 $vcmp.getid($1, $4) -871.455, -683.325, 10.250
vcmp.say $1 No cheats found!
vcmp.setcontrols $1 $4 1
alias vcmp.cheatsdetected {
vcmp.setlocation $1 $vcmp.getid($1, $4) 391.282, -506.863, 8.415
vcmp.say $1 Cheats Detected!
vcmp.say $1 Waiting for admins.
on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.player.command:{
if ($3 == check) {
if (!$4) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Error - Correct Syntax: ! $+ $3 <id/nick>
elseif (. isin $4) || (, isin $4) || vcmp.msg $1 $2 Error - No negative or decimal amounts
elseif ($vcmp.name($1, $vcmp.id($4)) == $vcmp.name($1, $2)) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Error - You cannot Check Yourself.
elseif (%check == on) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Checking is already in progress, please try again later.
else {
var %check = on
timer 1 3 vcmp.setlocation $1 $vcmp.getid($1, $4) -968.704, -1455.056, 44.168
timer 1 3 vcmp.say $1 Checking $vcmp.name($1, $4) ...
timer 1 3 vcmp.setcontrols $1 $4 0
timer 1 5 vcmp.sethealth $1 $4 100
timer 1 5 vcmp.setarmour $1 $4 100
timer 1 6 vcmp.sethealth $1 $4 75
timer 1 6 vcmp.setarmour $1 $4 75
timer 1 7 vcmp.checkarmour $1 $4
timer 1 7 vcmp.checkhealth $1 $4