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Topics - Only a Dude

General Discussion / Happy Easter!
April 04, 2010, 12:16:04 PM

Happy Easter!!  :-* :-* :-*
mIRC/pawn Scripting / Setplayermoney error
March 15, 2010, 03:16:46 PM
anyone is going to show me how to define the setplayermoney?

error 017: undefined symbol "Setplayermoney"
General Discussion / VC-MP World Fighters Union
March 05, 2010, 08:02:23 PM
VC-MP World Fighters Union was created by me. It IS NOT a clan but is an union of clans.
All clans can join it.
I hope that everyone entering the VCWFU.

Website: http://onlyadude.tripod.com/ There was a mistake for the site name and I cannot change it now. damn. lol.
mIRC/pawn Scripting / Check Cmd
February 28, 2010, 04:56:40 PM
I've done this Check Cmd, it is right?

alias vcmp.checkhealth {
  if ($vcmp.health($1, $vcmp.getid($1, $4)) == 100) {
    vcmp.say $1 Status: Cheats Detected!
    vcmp.cheatsdetected $1 $4
  else vcmp.cheatsnotdetected
alias vcmp.checkarmour {
  if ($vcmp.armour($1, $vcmp.getid($1, $4)) == 100) {
    vcmp.say $1 Status: Cheats Detected!
    vcmp.cheatsdetected $1 $4
  else vcmp.cheatsnotdetected

alias vcmp.cheatsnotdetected {
  vcmp.setlocation $1 $vcmp.getid($1, $4) -871.455, -683.325, 10.250
  vcmp.say $1 No cheats found!
  vcmp.setcontrols $1 $4 1
alias vcmp.cheatsdetected {
  vcmp.setlocation $1 $vcmp.getid($1, $4) 391.282, -506.863, 8.415
  vcmp.say $1 Cheats Detected!
  vcmp.say $1 Waiting for admins.
on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.player.command:{
  if ($3 == check) {
    if (!$4) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Error - Correct Syntax: ! $+ $3 <id/nick>
    elseif (. isin $4) || (, isin $4) || vcmp.msg $1 $2 Error - No negative or decimal amounts
    elseif ($vcmp.name($1, $vcmp.id($4)) == $vcmp.name($1, $2)) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Error -  You cannot Check Yourself.
    elseif (%check == on) vcmp.msg $1 $2 Checking is already in progress, please try again later.
    else {
      var %check = on
      timer 1 3 vcmp.setlocation $1 $vcmp.getid($1, $4) -968.704, -1455.056, 44.168
      timer 1 3 vcmp.say $1 Checking $vcmp.name($1, $4) ...
      timer 1 3 vcmp.setcontrols $1 $4 0
      timer 1 5 vcmp.sethealth $1 $4 100
      timer 1 5 vcmp.setarmour $1 $4 100
      timer 1 6 vcmp.sethealth $1 $4 75
      timer 1 6 vcmp.setarmour $1 $4 75
      timer 1 7 vcmp.checkarmour $1 $4
      timer 1 7 vcmp.checkhealth $1 $4
Videos and Screenshots / Vice City Image
February 09, 2010, 05:35:18 PM

Edit: I removed the "LOL". It is funny now?  :-X
Script Showroom / FBS v0.2.5 (Force Beginner Scripts)
January 20, 2010, 08:44:21 PM
I maded this script for all the requests "I wanna a FBS Fixed"... etc.,
of the users, and it contains new commands from r2 and other
Thanks to Amenine, TriX and Skirmant for testing.

What's new

- set taxiboost, gamespeed, gravity, driveonwater, flyingcars.
- Last Man Standing
- /c saveloc and /c gotoloc
- /c goto
- heal system (you wait 5 secs anti-death-evade lol)
- Hunt Fixed
- Tempban fixed
- only 5 levels of admin
- added the command /c armourall
- some funny wep commands like !nuttertools, !thugstools !professionaltools lol

All the user commands

!deposit / !withdraw
!hunt / !hunted
!heal (Free!)
/c saveloc
/c gotoloc
/c goto
/c register
/c login
/c logout

----level 2
/c get
/c warn
/c unwarn
/c getc
/c gotoc
/c alias
/c sett
/c sw
/c ann
/c annall
/c getip

----level 3
/c kick
/c freeze
/c unfreeze
/c drown
/c jail
/c sethp
/c setarm
/c setwep
/c mute
/c unmute
/c car <id>
/c getall
/c healall
/c armourall

----level 4
/c ban
/c unbanip
/c unbannick
/c tempban
/c subban

----level 5
/c mkadmin
/c changename
/c cpass