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i think i made the place script

Started by Sirricharic, August 14, 2007, 06:31:48 AM

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i made a place script (i think) i may work or not now u have to make the aliases ur self because im to lazy to figure out how i did it took me 5 hours to make this script and im not that good at VC MP so please dont make fun of me here it is oh and its based on jax and olis rpg script as u can see i just edited it i know there is alot missing so if you can find any errors please fix them and repost because i dont know what im doing im a noob at this

on *:SIGNAL:vcmp.command:{
  if ($2 == !point)
  if ($vcmp.cmdcheck(!goto,%id) == fail) !halt
  else vcmp.area2 $1 $round($calc($vcmp.area2($2,x) + 3),1) $round($calc($vcmp.area2($2,y) + 3),1) $round($calc($vcmp.area2($2,z) - 1),1)
  vcmp.say $1 $calc($count(%area,$chr(44)) /2) point/s set
  elseif ($2 == !save)
  !writeini -n "  $+ vcmp.properties2.ini" AREA $right(%a,-1) $4
  !writeini -n "  $+ vcmp.properties2.ini" price $4 100000
  !unset %area
  mta.say $1 Property saved as " $+ $4-" - Default-price: $chr(36) $+ 100000
else vcmp.say  No dummy its : !save <Property Name>


um.. this seems like an MTA Script. I dont know if it will work.
now, how does the script know who to give the property to? these no vcmp.name of any similiar

whats "!unset" ??


Quote from: matthiasvegh
whats "!unset" ??

It unsets the variable.

Sirrich it looks like u have tried to copy bits from another script,
try to understand what all the terms in the script mean as u have put a few unnecessary bits in there.

But what exactly are you trying to do? set your location to a variable? or write it to a ini? or what?