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Port Forwarding

Started by Lenin, June 13, 2007, 10:58:40 PM

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I am trying to forward VCMP ports so as to create a server. However, I cannot find which range of TCP/UPD ports VCMP operates off of.



Alright, you got the RCON Port and the Client Port. You might have one other port to worrry about too, the server list port or query port. Im not sure if vcmp has that, if anyone could back me up that would be great. But, you can find your RCON / Client Port in your config.ini. Just forward thoes, both UDP and TCP just to be safe, and you are on your way! :) I think portforward.com is a good site, never really checked it out though.



Tommis is right but you only need to forward your rcon port if you plan on loggin in remotely.



If You Are Having A Problem Viewing Your Own Server In The VCMP Server List A Good Thing To Do Is Port Forwarding!

I Had This Problem Today And Solved It By Going To In Internet Explorer Logging Into My Router And Forwarding VCMP Port And My Server Port 5192 :) Hope It Helps Make Sure To Try This If You Are Using A Router Also! :)


Quote from: wizzorpg on September 20, 2008, 01:01:14 AM
If You Are Having A Problem Viewing Your Own Server In The VCMP Server List A Good Thing To Do Is Port Forwarding!

I Had This Problem Today And Solved It By Going To In Internet Explorer Logging Into My Router And Forwarding VCMP Port And My Server Port 5192 :) Hope It Helps Make Sure To Try This If You Are Using A Router Also! :)

Yes you are very right. I did same..

Scripts: Fuel system in vehicles, Speedometer, Spawnback, Improved Copwork, Improved Jailing, Improved phone with sms, and many more. Coming soon..


I am alos having trouble with this. I put in the ports but it says it's out of the range ???


what you need to do is Turn DMZ on, and enable incoming ping in your page

and it works..

Scripts: Fuel system in vehicles, Speedometer, Spawnback, Improved Copwork, Improved Jailing, Improved phone with sms, and many more. Coming soon..


i have the same problem but solved half of it the only prob is
the port forward asks what is the private server IP mine is: this is the IP in my server (except it doesnt have :5192), and the kind of ports thing i picked both of udc and idk wats the other 1, and it asks for the ports this is where my prob is
i put my Client port(5192) and RCon port (5315) and it still doesnt work help me!!..


hey i tell u an EASY way! i saw in my Friends PC type then enter in admin that is admin and in password its password then go to WAN then click edit then click next then click BRIDGING then click next then save and then SAVE/REBOOT now! open control pannel then click addconnection then click SET UP MANNUAL then next then click using dialup password and usename then type USERNAME and PASSWORD that ISP has provided to u! if u dont know the pass and username then call ur ISP provider then tell them ur account number and they will give u pass and uservername then DONE ALL PORTS FORWARDED! fewww
Founder of [SAF]Clan


Quote from: gamyster on September 28, 2008, 05:09:51 PM
hey i tell u an EASY way! i saw in my Friends PC type then enter in admin that is admin and in password its password then go to WAN then click edit then click next then click BRIDGING then click next then save and then SAVE/REBOOT now! open control pannel then click addconnection then click SET UP MANNUAL then next then click using dialup password and usename then type USERNAME and PASSWORD that ISP has provided to u! if u dont know the pass and username then call ur ISP provider then tell them ur account number and they will give u pass and uservername then DONE ALL PORTS FORWARDED! fewww

dude.. admin admin username and pass is same for everyone or most of them.. and me too have same.. but procedures differ for other people..
or some people dont even have a page displayed at

Scripts: Fuel system in vehicles, Speedometer, Spawnback, Improved Copwork, Improved Jailing, Improved phone with sms, and many more. Coming soon..