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BASIC mIRC Tutorial

Started by matthiasvegh, July 26, 2007, 06:04:06 PM

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@ adtec.
Only if your using the current rcon.dll
if you use the other one (old) then it will work.


there are only 2 official dlls the 0.1 dll and the 0.3 dll the only dll that works with 0.3z is the 0.3 dll so the code must still be wrong unless this tutorial is for 0.1 and thats well kinda pointless :P.


Quote from: Watti on August 15, 2007, 04:50:41 AM
hehe... in the config, it has teamkill.. but as RPG.. and its not DM i turned off :P
thats the point isn't it?
That way cops can kill witch others.


Need help.
i like the system of gus of kill and earn cash how to add in falcom script?
bye sorry for my english


Yea... ive fixed the skins.. and im very sure how to get colours.. :)...

But the cars... Will the Server be unstable if i add 200 cars?


Quote from: Watti on August 16, 2007, 07:27:22 AM
Yea... ive fixed the skins.. and im very sure how to get colours.. :)...

But the cars... Will the Server be unstable if i add 200 cars?
Share the skin knowledge with us plz.  :-[

About the cars, why don't you try, just fill the parking lot with bikes and play a bit.



you mean, how to set skins for classes? well thats not mirc im afraid, thats config.ini
syntax is:
Class={class number} {skin number} {spawn point coord X} {spawn Y} Spawn Z} { Angle, 0 is north 180 is south 90 is east 270 is west, you get the point } {wep 1, 0-35 } {ammount of wep 1} {wep 2} {wep2 amo} {wep 3} {wep3 ammo}


Quote from: matthiasvegh on August 16, 2007, 04:49:05 PM

you mean, how to set skins for classes? well thats not mirc im afraid, thats config.ini
syntax is:
Class={class number} {skin number} {spawn point coord X} {spawn Y} Spawn Z} { Angle, 0 is north 180 is south 90 is east 270 is west, you get the point } {wep 1, 0-35 } {ammount of wep 1} {wep 2} {wep2 amo} {wep 3} {wep3 ammo}

you post alot, but you don't help shit.
Why don't you post how to don't make the selector bug or the team color numbers and shit?


if u look at the title, its mIRC tut. not vcmp server tut.
anyway, if i understand corectly, u mean a bug, that when u choose class, at times, the skin freezes to the same skin. well, thats using special skins with normal ones. i dont know where the line is precisely, but i think its somewhere round 120.

btw, i dont have any knowledge of setting classes color. i dont think it possible, but of course, it wasnt me who programmed it.


can i use pawno for make the vcmp gamemode???? i dont know how to use the Mirc thing and i cant learn right now (school)