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Notice from rulk to stunty

Started by Force, July 30, 2008, 01:25:57 PM

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Script stealers are stupid noobs who decide to take it upon themelves to take credit for the work done by those who actually scripted t, its not fair because its like a buisnes, if someone takes you business ideas u go bankrupt , script stealers generally take the work of others an then thereal scripter gets ignored, and its not fair, I know that everyone knows this but i just wanted to clarify it for the script stealers, i know what its like to write a 7,000 line script and have it stolen ( my skinM system got re-posted and some said they made it) skinM = a filterscript i made for samp))

Regards orph, lets hope this doesn't happen again

P.S as force already knew before all this happened, i was suspicious that rulk had said such a thing as we had not be able to gain contact with him


Quote from: Orpheus on July 31, 2008, 03:50:55 PM
Script stealers are stupid noobs who decide to take it upon themelves to take credit for the work done by those who actually scripted t, its not fair because its like a buisnes, if someone takes you business ideas u go bankrupt , script stealers generally take the work of others an then thereal scripter gets ignored, and its not fair, I know that everyone knows this but i just wanted to clarify it for the script stealers, i know what its like to write a 7,000 line script and have it stolen ( my skinM system got re-posted and some said they made it) skinM = a filterscript i made for samp))

Regards orph, lets hope this doesn't happen again

P.S as force already knew before all this happened, i was suspicious that rulk had said such a thing as we had not be able to gain contact with him

Shiii !! Please you are noob rulk is creator script all script  :P


Quote from: TanaX01 on July 31, 2008, 06:33:35 PM
Quote from: Orpheus on July 31, 2008, 03:50:55 PM
Script stealers are stupid noobs who decide to take it upon themelves to take credit for the work done by those who actually scripted t, its not fair because its like a buisnes, if someone takes you business ideas u go bankrupt , script stealers generally take the work of others an then thereal scripter gets ignored, and its not fair, I know that everyone knows this but i just wanted to clarify it for the script stealers, i know what its like to write a 7,000 line script and have it stolen ( my skinM system got re-posted and some said they made it) skinM = a filterscript i made for samp))

Regards orph, lets hope this doesn't happen again

P.S as force already knew before all this happened, i was suspicious that rulk had said such a thing as we had not be able to gain contact with him

Shiii !! Please you are noob rulk is creator script all script  :P

I said that in what you quoted..

I know you're not english so you probably misunderstood, i was refering to a similar experience with a script i wrote on a different forum , not this script :)

I know rulk made the scripts that stunty claimed to be his

Regards Orph