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Help Japan!

Started by heekz.shadow, March 19, 2011, 07:48:47 AM

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Japan earthquake and tsunami: How to help

Japan was hit by one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded on March 11. The magnitude-9.0 quake spawned a deadly tsunami that slammed into the small island nation, leaving a huge swath of devastation in its wake. Thousands of people are dead and many more are still missing or injured; almost half a million people are homeless.
In addition, the country is facing a nuclear crisis that some experts warn may be much worse than the 1979 Three Mile Island disaster.
Japan has often donated when other countries have experienced disasters, such as when Hurricane Katrina impacted the United States. Below are organizations that are working on relief and recovery in the region.
AMERICAN RED CROSS: The American Red Cross is currently supporting and advising the Japanese Red Cross, which continues to assist the government in its response.  You can help people affected by disasters, like floods, fires, tornadoes and hurricanes, as well as countless other crises at home and around the world by making a donation to support American Red Cross Disaster Relief.
GLOBALGIVING: Established a fund to disburse donations to organizations providing relief and emergency services to victims of the earthquake and tsunami. We are working with International Medical Corps, Save the Children, and other organizations on the ground to provide support. Our partners on the ground are working hard to provide immediate relief.
SALVATION ARMY: The Salvation Army has been in Japan since 1895 and is currently providing emergency assistance to those in need.
AMERICARES: AmeriCares and its relief workers in Japan are working to deliver medicines and supplies to hospitals, shelters and health responders to treat and care for survivors.  The AmeriCares team began mobilizing within hours of the first reports of the dual disasters, dispatching an emergency response manager to Tokyo to direct the efforts of our relief workers in Sendai, the largest city closest to the impact zone. Our team is in direct contact with local officials, evacuation shelters and hospitals treating the injured in Miyagi, Fukushima and Iwate to determine health needs.
INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPS: A team of doctors flew to Sendai, where they will be delivering supplies, assessing needs, and identifying communities that have not yet been reached. We continue to coordinate with local health authorities and partners on critical gaps, providing technical expertise and assisting with logistics.
SHELTERBOX: ShelterBox responds instantly to natural and man-made disasters by delivering boxes of aid to those who are most in need. The box includes a tent for a family of 10, cooker, blankets, water purification, tool kit and other items survivors need to rebuild their lives in the days, weeks and months following a disaster.
How To Donate?
Donate for GlobalGiving = https://www.networkforgood.org/donation/MakeDonation.aspx?ORGID2=30-0108263&source=YAHOO&cmpgn=NEWS
Donate for American National RedCross = https://www.networkforgood.org/donation/MakeDonation.aspx?ORGID2=530196605&source=YAHOO&cmpgn=NEWS
Donate for Salvation Army National Corp. = https://www.networkforgood.org/donation/MakeDonation.aspx?ORGID2=222406433&source=YAHOO&cmpgn=NEWS
Donate for Save the children federation = https://www.networkforgood.org/donation/MakeDonation.aspx?ORGID2=060726487&source=YAHOO&cmpgn=NEWS
Donate for AmeriCares Foundation = https://www.networkforgood.org/donation/MakeDonation.aspx?ORGID2=061008595&source=YAHOO&cmpgn=NEWS
Donate for International Medical Corps = https://www.networkforgood.org/Donation/MakeDonation.aspx?ORGID2=953949646&source=YAHOO&cmpgn=NEWS
Donate for Shelterbox = https://www.networkforgood.org/Donation/MakeDonation.aspx?ORGID2=200471604&source=YAHOO&cmpgn=NEWS

For more information you can visit http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_newsroom/20110311/wl_yblog_newsroom/japan-earthquake-and-tsunami-how-to-help

Be a human! Help your brothers!

You can also visit this great site which tells you everything you need to know about Japan:

Thanks for reading.

Pro Scripter[/b][/i][/u]


Man today India might also get destroyed "tsunami warining in india"

:) ill ask my class mates to help japan if we live



Hope you will survive. I just donated 12 dolars to Japan.

Pro Scripter[/b][/i][/u]


Japan was a country, where everything was simply "good". But now that tsunami shows, that it is just a "domino" country. You hit one thing, but cause many other things to fall v_v.

The day is now shorter (1 ms?) also ><. That just weird what happening with the world.


You are right NC.Something strange is happening..

I think some nasty things are going to come...

Pro Scripter[/b][/i][/u]


Poor Japan, i hope that the situation wont be worse.  :-\

Quote from: heekz.shadow on March 19, 2011, 11:40:45 AM
You are right NC.Something strange is happening..

I think some nasty things are going to come...
Naah they are only random events.


FUCK ! AMERICAN"S Earth quake Caused by Haarp
My Guru FORUM MUST VISITmegavcmp.freeforums.org



Warning : The Rains that comes these days are not good its made of acid or somthing not sure about it!!search for this in google it might help u out!
this Rain proplem is cazed by the japan tsunami and earthquake!!!
Maybe the world is ending one country by another is been destroyed . not destroyed but Warns
Lets all pray for japan and other countries  :( :(


Quote from: yazeen on March 19, 2011, 03:59:20 PM
Lets all pray for japan and other countries  :( :(

IMO that's why there are so many bad thing happening last time, more and more people don't longer believe in God ><.

Random events? Look what is happening in Libya now. For me it was a small country, where in fact was nothing going on, but now they have so powerful weapons and said, that if Europe attacks, Libya will attack Europe...


ur right!! Old books and bibles say it "those who dont belive in good Should not live in this earth" not sure but there is some Sentence like that ;)


It all started with help Haiti. I think VCMP will become a huge charity organization one day.

Quote from: heekz.shadow on March 19, 2011, 11:40:45 AM
You are right NC.Something strange is happening..

I think some nasty things are going to come...

Well things like these were happening to Earth for billions of years. You can read thousand year old records where Japanese archivists write down earthquakes that destroyed castles. There was even one archive where a meteor shower killed off 100s of village peasants.
We live on a huge pile of dirt, under all that dirt are huge tectonic plates that move few centimeters a year and have random shapes. An average plate weights a 1000 trillion tons. When they hit each other so much power is released that the dirt starts to vibrate which causes an earthquake. Fortunelty the huge ammounts of dirt absorb the energy. You should all be happy for living in a such a peaceful and awesome planet. If the dirt layer was 50% finer we would be feeling much more powerful vibrations :)

Quote from: BIG[H] on March 19, 2011, 01:59:50 PM
FUCK ! AMERICAN"S Earth quake Caused by Haarp

I don't want to insult you but you're acting like an idiot. "HAARP" is theoretical evil organization that controls, weather, minds with their evil satellites. They kinda remind me of the "Illuminati". Their is no way you can control a 1000 trillion ton rock that is thousands of kilometers deep in the ground with a tiny satellite. Open your eyes.

Quote from: yazeen on March 19, 2011, 03:59:20 PM
Lets all pray for japan and other countries  :( :(

Sending money is more officiant. But hey, prayer wont hurt anyone.. hopefully.
I know advance mIRC, average C++, basic Pawn & Squirrel, very basic Java Script.


I think its time to  restart server  i mean restart the world


Quote from: yazeen on March 19, 2011, 04:11:05 PM
ur right!! Old books and bibles say it "those who dont belive in good Should not live in this earth" not sure but there is some Sentence like that ;)

Must... Resist... Religious debate...
I know advance mIRC, average C++, basic Pawn & Squirrel, very basic Java Script.


lol i Made a tsunami server xD With 1 mission escape with just one script Addstaticvehicle and /c setwlevel


Quote from: yazeen on March 19, 2011, 04:25:29 PM
lol i Made a tsunami server xD With 1 mission escape with just one script Addstaticvehicle and /c setwlevel

Here's a tip. Turn water level to normal, set weather to 888, set time to midnight. That's a REAL tsunami. 
I know advance mIRC, average C++, basic Pawn & Squirrel, very basic Java Script.